Python dari Dokumentasi

Membuat fungsi Python berdasarkan docstring-nya

Anda dapat membuat kueri model secara langsung dan menguji hasil yang ditampilkan saat menggunakan parameter value yang berbeda dengan Konsol Cloud, atau dengan memanggil Vertex AI API secara langsung.

Perintah Freeform

from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt

# A point has an x and a y coordinate
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
# A triangle is defined by three points
Triangle = namedtuple('Triangle', 'a b c')

def distance(p, q):
"""Returns the distance between the provided pair of points"""
return sqrt((p.x - q.x)**2 + (p.y - q.y)**2)

def perimeter(triangle):
"""Returns the perimeter of the provided triangle"""
return distance(triangle.a, triangle.b) + distance(triangle.b, triangle.c) + distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)

def area(triangle):
"""Returns the area of the provided triangle using Heron's formula"""

Tulis isi fungsi area, mengikuti docstring-nya.


from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt

# A point has an x and a y coordinate
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
# A triangle is defined by three points
Triangle = namedtuple('Triangle', 'a b c')

def distance(p, q):
"""Returns the distance between the provided pair of points"""
return sqrt((p.x - q.x)**2 + (p.y - q.y)**2)

def perimeter(triangle):
"""Returns the perimeter of the provided triangle"""
return distance(triangle.a, triangle.b) + distance(triangle.b, triangle.c) + distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)

def area(triangle):
"""Returns the area of the provided triangle using Heron's formula"""
s = perimeter(triangle) / 2
return sqrt(s * (s - distance(triangle.a, triangle.b)) * (s - distance(triangle.b, triangle.c)) * (s - distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)))
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