Connect to Cloud Build

This page details how to invoke builds automatically from Secure Source Manager using Cloud Build configuration files and a triggers YAML file in your Secure Source Manager repository.

Before you begin

  1. Create a Secure Source Manager instance.
  2. Create a Secure Source Manager repository.
  3. Configure a Cloud Build user-specified service account.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to connect a Secure Source Manager repository to Cloud Build, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles:

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

For information on granting Secure Source Manager roles, see Access control with IAM and Grant users instance access.

Required service account roles

To create builds and get build status from Cloud Build, grant the Secure Source Manager service agent ( the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles:

  • Cloud Build Editor role (roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor) on the project where you enabled Cloud Build.
  • Service Account User role (roles/iam.serviceAccountUser) on the Cloud Build service account, or the project that the Cloud Build service account was created with.
  • If the project where you enabled Cloud Build is different than the project where Secure Source Manager is enabled, grant the Service Usage Consumer role (roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer) on the Cloud Build project.
  • If the builds are running in worker pools, grant the Secure Source Manager service account the Cloud Build WorkerPool User role (roles/cloudbuild.workerPoolUser) on the Cloud Build project.

To let Cloud Build read from your Secure Source Manager repository, grant the Cloud Build service account the following IAM roles:

Depending on your use case, the Cloud Build service account might need additional IAM roles to execute builds, for example:

  • To store build logs in Cloud Logging, grant the Logs Writer role to the Cloud Build service account.
  • To access the secrets in Secret Manager, grant the Secret Manager Secret Accessor (roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor) role to the Cloud Build service account.

For information about how to grant IAM roles to a service agent, see Grant or revoke a single role.

For information about build logs, see Setting up build logs.

Create a build configuration file

A build configuration file defines the fields that are needed for Cloud Build to perform your build tasks. You can write the build configuration file using the YAML syntax.

You can create build configuration files in the branch or branches that you want to build from.

To create a build configuration file, do the following:

  1. In the Secure Source Manager web interface, select the repository you want to connect to Cloud Build.
  2. Select the branch you want to build from using Cloud Build.
  3. Create a build configuration file. For information about how to create build configuration files, follow the instructions in create a build configuration file.

  4. Commit your changes to the branch.

Create a triggers file

The triggers configuration file must be created in the default branch of your repository.

To create a triggers configuration file:

  1. In your local repository or the Secure Source Manager web interface, switch to the default branch.
  2. Create a file named .cloudbuild/triggers.yaml.
  3. Configure your trigger in the .cloudbuild/triggers.yaml file:

    - name: TRIGGER_NAME
      project: PROJECT_ID
      configFilePath: CLOUD_BUILD_CONFIG_PATH
      eventType: EVENT_TYPE
      ignoredGitRefs: IGNORED_GIT_REFS
      includedGitRefs: INCLUDED_GIT_REFS
      serviceAccount: SERVICE_ACCOUNT
      includedFiles: INCLUDED_FILES
      ignoredFiles: IGNORED_FILES
      disabled: DISABLED_BOOL

    Replace the following:

    • TRIGGER_NAME with a name for your trigger. Trigger names can only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes, and can't start or end with a dash. Trigger names must be less than 64 characters long.
    • PROJECT_ID with the Google Cloud project ID where you enabled Cloud Build. This field is optional. The default is the Secure Source Manager project.
    • CLOUD_BUILD_CONFIG_PATH with the path to the Cloud Build configuration file you want to use for this trigger. This field is optional. The default value is .cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml
    • EVENT_TYPE with the event type you want to trigger the build. Options are as follows:

      • push to trigger on push to the specified branch(es)
      • pull_request to trigger on a pull request to the specified branch(es)

      This field is optional. The default value is push.

    • INCLUDED_GIT_REFS with an optional RE2 regular expression format matching the Git references that you want to trigger a build. The default value is empty. An empty value indicates there are no restrictions.

    • IGNORED_GIT_REFS with an optional regular expression using the RE2 regular expression format matching the Git references that you don't want to trigger a build. The default value is empty. An empty value indicates there are no restrictions. The ignoredGitRefs field is checked before the includedGitRefs field. For more information on these fields, see Triggers file schema.

    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT with the Cloud Build service account to use for the build. As a best practice, configure a user-specified service account.

    • INCLUDED_FILES with an optional RE2 format regular expression matching files you want to trigger a build.

      If any of the changed files don't match the ignoredFiles filter field, and the changed files match the includedFiles filter field, a build is triggered. The default value is empty. An empty value indicates there are no restrictions.

    • IGNORED_FILES with an optional RE2 format regular expression matching files you don't want to trigger a build.

      If all changed files in a commit match this filter field, a build isn't triggered. The default value is empty. An empty value indicates there are no restrictions.

    • DISABLED_BOOL with true to disable the trigger, or false to enable the trigger. This field is optional. The default value is false.

    • VARIABLE_NAME with the name of a variable you want to introduce in your triggers file.

    • VARIABLE_VALUE with the value of the variable.

    • OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_NAME with the Secure Source Manager default substitution variable name. For information on the available default substitution variables, see the substitutions section of Triggers file schema.

    • OVERRIDE_VARIABLE_VALUE with the value you want to override the default value for the default substitution variable with.

  4. Commit the trigger configuration file to your default branch.

    After the triggers file is committed, Secure Source Manager triggers builds based on the configuration in your triggers file.

    Secure Source Manager reads the configuration files and associated commit SHA or Git ref of the following types of events:

    • For push events, Secure Source Manager will read the commit SHA or Git ref when the push completes.
    • For pull_request events, Secure Source Manager will read the commit SHA or Git ref when the pull request changes are pulled from.

View build status

When a build is triggered by a push or pull request event, the commit and build status is displayed in the Secure Source Manager web interface.

The possible values for build status are as follows:

  • successSUCCESS: the build was completed successfully.
  • warningWARNING: a problem occurred when trying to build.
  • failureFAILURE: the build failed during execution.

You can prevent commits with unsuccessful builds from merging into important branches if you configure a branch protection rule to require a successful status check from triggers configured in your triggers file. To learn more about branch protection, read the Branch protection overview.

To view the build status for a push event:

  1. In the Secure Source Manager web interface, navigate to your repository.

    If the most recent push event triggered a build, the status is displayed next to the commit SHA. To view details on that status, click the status.

  2. To view build status for previous commits, select Commits to view the commit history, and then click the status you want to view details for.

To view the build status for a pull request event:

  1. In the Secure Source Manager web interface, click Pull requests.
  2. Click the pull request you want to view.

    If builds were triggered by the pull request, you will see a section titled either All checks were successful, or Some checks reported warnings.


To find methods for diagnosing and resolving Cloud Build errors when connecting with Secure Source Manager, see Triggers file doesn't trigger build.

What's next