Using the API to manage Identity-Aware Proxy for Compute Engine apps

This page describes the Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) properties that are available for certain Compute Engine API requests. Use this document with Compute Engine API reference.

IAP properties

Compute Engine BackendServices resources use the iap properties below, which can be globally or regionally scoped. To learn how to set and get these properties, read the sections that follow.

Name Value Description
iap.enabled bool Specifies if IAP is enabled for this backend service.
  • The default value is false.
  • If iap.enabled is true, the oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties must be set.
  • If iap.enabled is false, the oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties aren't affected. You can temporarily disable IAP without unsetting those properties.
iap.oauth2ClientId string Specifies the client ID for use with OAuth 2.0.
(Requests only)
string Specifies the client secret for use with OAuth 2.0.
  • This value can't be read via the API. Instead, the oauth2ClientSecretSha256 field is returned.
(Responses only)
string In response bodies, the oauth2ClientSecret field is redacted. Instead, iap.oauth2ClientSecretSha256 supplies the SHA256 hash of the secret.

Setting IAP properties when creating a backend service

When you create a backend service, you can enable IAP and set the client ID and secret. Use a BackendService POST request:

HTTP request

Format your request path for either a global or regional scope.

Global scope
Regional scope

Path parameters

Name Value Description
project string Project ID for this request.
region string Name of the region scoping this request.
resourceId string Name of the BackendService where you're enabling IAP.

Request body

In the request body, supply a BackendServices resource with the relevant IAP properties:

Property name Value Description
Optional properties
iap.enabled bool Specifies if IAP is enabled for this backend service.
  • The default value is false.
  • If iap.enabled is true, the oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties must be set.
iap.oauth2ClientId string Specifies the client ID for use with OAuth 2.0.
iap.oauth2ClientSecret string Specifies the client secret for use with OAuth 2.0.


  "iap": [
      "enabled": true,
      "oauth2ClientId": string,
      "oauth2ClientSecret": string

The example above shows only the IAP properties. For additional properties including required properties, see the BackendServices resource documentation.


If successful, this method returns a BackendServices resource in the response body, including IAP properties.

If iap.enabled is true but the oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties aren't set, a BAD_REQUEST response is returned.

Learn about how to create a backend service using gcloud CLI backend-services create or the Compute Engine API BackendServices: insert method.

Setting IAP properties by updating a backend service

To enable or disable IAP for an existing backend service and set or replace the client ID and secret, update the backend service. Use a BackendService PATCH request:

HTTP request

Format your request path for either a global or regional scope.

Global scope
Regional scope

Path parameters

Name Value Description
backendService string Name of the BackendService to update. (Global scope)
project string Project ID for this request.
region string Name of the region scoping this request.
resourceId string Name of the BackendService to update. (Regional scope)

Request body

In the request body, supply the relevant portions of a BackendServices resource, according to the rules of patch semantics. Include the relevant IAP properties:

Property name Value Description
Optional properties
iap.enabled bool Specifies if IAP is enabled for this backend service.
  • The default value is false.
  • If iap.enabled is true, the oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties must be set.
iap.oauth2ClientId string Specifies the client ID for use with OAuth 2.0.
iap.oauth2ClientSecret string Specifies the client secret for use with OAuth 2.0.


  "backends": [
      "iap": [
          "enabled": true,
          "oauth2ClientId": string,
          "oauth2ClientSecret": string

The example above shows only the IAP properties. For additional properties including required properties, see the BackendServices resource documentation.


If successful, this method returns a BackendServices resource in the response body, including IAP properties.

If iap.enabled is true but you didn't set or supply new oauth2ClientId and oauth2ClientSecret properties, a BAD_REQUEST response is returned.

Learn about how to update a backend service using gcloud CLI backend-services edit or the Compute Engine API BackendServices: patch method.

Getting the IAP properties of a backend service

To see the current IAP status of an existing backend service, use a BackendService GET request:

HTTP request

Format your request path for either a global or regional scope.

Global scope
Regional scope

Path parameters

Name Value Description
backendService string Name of the BackendService to return. (Global scope)
project string Project ID for this request.
region string Name of the region scoping this request.
resourceId string Name of the BackendService to return. (Regional scope)

Request body

Don't supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a BackendServices resource in the response body that includes IAP properties.

Learn about how to get a backend service using gcloud CLI backend-services describe or the Compute Engine API BackendServices: get method.