New private cloud networking whitepaper for Google Cloud VMware Engine
Albert Colas Prunera
Networking Specialist, Google Cloud
Marcos Hernandez
Enterprise Infrastructure Customer Engineer, Google Cloud
At Google Cloud, we’re committed to helping you run your apps where you need them, with open, hybrid, and multi-cloud solutions. One way we do that is with Google Cloud VMware Engine, our managed VMware service. Among other benefits, VMware Engine is built on Google Cloud’s strong networking foundation: The service runs on top of a 100 Gbps, non-oversubscribed, fully redundant physical network, providing a 99.99% infrastructure availability SLA in a single site.
To help you understand networking in VMware Engine, we’ve written Private cloud networking for Google Cloud VMware Engine. In this whitepaper, you'll learn about the various connectivity options available in VMware Engine, with detailed explanations of traffic flows, optimization options and architectural design considerations.
Building on the Google Cloud VMware Engine networking fundamentals post, the whitepaper provides additional details on how VMware Engine private cloud networking works in Google Cloud Platform (GCP), in two main sections:
- Google Cloud VMware Engine networking basics - Use cases, onboarding requirements, high-level system components and key networking capabilities. It also covers networks and address ranges on the VMware Engine service and private access options for services, including both, private Google access and private service access.
- A deep dive into network traffic flows and interactions - Here, the white paper covers all the services available to users such as customer Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), access to on-prem locations, internet egress, public IP service for VMware Engine-hosted workloads, as well as the available Google managed services (Cloud SQL, Cloud Build, etc.), with emphasis on key design considerations for a successful VMware Engine deployment.

Google Cloud VMware Engine is a first-party offering in GCP, meaning Google is your primary and sole point of contact. Whether you're evaluating the service, or already have it in production, understanding how networking works will help ensure a successful deployment and help you deliver a better user experience.
Go ahead and download the whitepaper today. For additional information about VMware Engine, please visit the VMware Engine landing page, and explore our interactive tutorials. And be on the lookout for future articles, where we’ll discuss how VMware Engine integrates with core Google Cloud services such as Cloud DNS, Cloud Load Balancing and Bring-Your-Own-IP (BYOIP).