Create and run a job that uses GPUs

This document explains how to create and run a job that uses a graphics processing unit (GPU). To learn more about the features and restrictions for GPUs, see About GPUs in the Compute Engine documentation.

When you create a Batch job, you can optionally use GPUs to accelerate specific workloads. Common use cases for jobs that use GPUs include intensive data processing and artificial intelligence workloads (AI) such as machine learning (ML).

Before you begin

  1. If you haven't used Batch before, review Get started with Batch and enable Batch by completing the prerequisites for projects and users.
  2. To get the permissions that you need to create a job, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles:

    For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

    You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Create a job that uses GPUs

To create a job that uses GPUs, do the following:

  1. Plan the requirements for a job that uses GPUs.
  2. Create a job with the requirements and methods that you identified. For examples of how to create a job using the recommended methods, see Create an example job that uses GPUs in this document.

Plan the requirements for a job that uses GPUs

Before creating a job that uses GPUs, plan the job's requirements as explained in the following sections:

  1. Select the GPU machine type
  2. Install the GPU drivers
  3. Define compatible VM resources

Step 1: Select the GPU machine type

The available GPU machine types (the valid combinations of GPU type, number of GPUs, and machine type (vCPUs and memory)) and their use cases are listed on the GPU machine types page in the Compute Engine documentation.

The fields required for a job to specify a GPU machine type vary based on the categories in the following table:

GPU machine types and job requirements

GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs: VMs with a machine type from the accelerator-optimized machine family have a specific type and number of these GPUs automatically attached.

To use GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs, we recommend that you specify the machine type. Each accelerator-optimized machine type supports only a specific type and number of GPUs, so it's functionally equivalent whether you do or don't specify those values in addition to the accelerator-optimized machine type.

Specifically, Batch also supports specifying only the type and number of GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs, but the resulting vCPU and memory options are often very limited. As a result, we recommend that you verify that the available vCPU and memory options are compatible with the job's task requirements.

GPUs for N1 VMs: These GPUs require you to specify the type and amount to attach to each VM and must be attached to VMs with a machine type from the N1 machine series.

To use GPUs for N1 VMs, we recommend that you specify at least the type of GPUs and number of GPUs. Make sure that the combination of values matches one of the valid GPU options for the N1 machine types. The vCPU and memory options for N1 VMs that use any specific type and number GPUs is quite flexible, so, if preferred, you can let Batch select a machine type that meets the job's task requirements.

Step 2: Install the GPU drivers

To install the required GPU drivers, select one of the following methods:

Step 3: Define compatible VM resources

To learn about the requirements and options for defining the VM resources for a job, see Job resources.

In summary, you must do all of the following when defining the VM resources for a job that uses GPUs:

  • Make sure that the GPU machine type is available in the location of your job's VMs.

    To learn where GPU machine types are available, see GPU availability by regions and zones in the Compute Engine documentation.

  • If you specify the job's machine type, make sure that machine type has enough vCPUs and memory for the job's task requirements. Specifying the job's machine type is required when using GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs and optional when using GPUs for N1 VMs.

  • Make sure you define the VM resources for a job using a valid method:

    • Define VM resources directly by using the instances[].policy field (recommended if possible). This method is shown in the examples.
    • Define VM resources through a template by using the instances[].instanceTemplate field. This method is required to manually install GPU drivers through a custom image. For more information, see Define job resources using a VM instance template.

Create an example job that uses GPUs

The following sections explain how to create an example job for different GPU machine types. The example jobs all install GPU drivers automatically and directly define VM resources.

Use GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs

You can create a job that uses GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs using the gcloud CLI, Batch API, Java, or Python.


  1. Create a JSON file that installs GPU drivers, defines the machineType field with machine type from the accelerator-optimized machine family, and uses a location that has the specified type of GPUs.

    For example, to create a basic script job that uses GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs, create a JSON file with the following contents:

        "taskGroups": [
                "taskSpec": {
                    "runnables": [
                            "script": {
                                "text": "echo Hello world from task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}."
                "taskCount": 3,
                "parallelism": 1
        "allocationPolicy": {
            "instances": [
                    "installGpuDrivers": INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS,
                    "policy": {
                        "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
            "location": {
                "allowedLocations": [

    Replace the following:

    • INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS: When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location, and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default), you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.

    • MACHINE_TYPE: a machine type from the accelerator-optimized machine family.

    • ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: The allowedLocations[] field defines a region, and optionally one or more zones, where the VM instances for your job are allowed to run—for example, regions/us-central1, zones/us-central1-a allows the zone us-central1-a. Make sure that you specify locations that offer the GPU machine type that you want for this job. Otherwise, if you omit this field, make sure the job's location offers the GPU machine type.

  2. To create and run the job, use the gcloud batch jobs submit command:

    gcloud batch jobs submit JOB_NAME \
        --location LOCATION \

    Replace the following:

    • JOB_NAME: the name of the job.

    • LOCATION: the location of the job.

    • JSON_CONFIGURATION_FILE: the path for a JSON file with the job's configuration details.


Make a POST request to the jobs.create method that installs GPU drivers, defines the machineType field with machine type from the accelerator-optimized machine family, and uses a location that has the specified type of GPUs.

For example, to create a basic script job that uses GPUs for accelerator-optimized VMs, make the following request:


    "taskGroups": [
            "taskSpec": {
                "runnables": [
                        "script": {
                            "text": "echo Hello world from task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}."
            "taskCount": 3,
            "parallelism": 1
    "allocationPolicy": {
        "instances": [
                "installGpuDrivers": INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS,
                "policy": {
                    "machineType": "MACHINE_TYPE"
        "location": {
            "allowedLocations": [

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of your project.

  • LOCATION: the location of the job.

  • JOB_NAME: the name of the job.

  • INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS: When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location, and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default), you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.

  • MACHINE_TYPE: a machine type from the accelerator-optimized machine family.

  • ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: The allowedLocations[] field defines a region, and optionally one or more zones, where the VM instances for your job are allowed to run—for example, regions/us-central1, zones/us-central1-a allows the zone us-central1-a. Make sure that you specify locations that offer the GPU machine type that you want for this job. Otherwise, if you omit this field, make sure the job's location offers the GPU machine type.


import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class CreateGpuJob {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
    String projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    // Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
    // available for Batch are listed on:
    String region = "europe-central2";
    // The name of the job that will be created.
    // It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
    String jobName = "JOB_NAME";
    // Optional. When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type
    // that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location,
    // and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default),
    // you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.
    boolean installGpuDrivers = false;
    // Accelerator-optimized machine types are available to Batch jobs. See the list
    // of available types on:
    String machineType = "g2-standard-4";

    createGpuJob(projectId, region, jobName, installGpuDrivers, machineType);

  // Create a job that uses GPUs
  public static Job createGpuJob(String projectId, String region, String jobName,
                                  boolean installGpuDrivers, String machineType)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (BatchServiceClient batchServiceClient = BatchServiceClient.create()) {
      // Define what will be done as part of the job.
      Runnable runnable =
                          "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. "
                                  + "This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.")
                      // You can also run a script from a file. Just remember, that needs to be a
                      // script that's already on the VM that will be running the job.
                      // Using setText() and setPath() is mutually exclusive.
                      // .setPath("/tmp/")

      TaskSpec task = TaskSpec.newBuilder()
                  // Jobs can be divided into tasks. In this case, we have only one task.

      // Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
      // Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
      TaskGroup taskGroup = TaskGroup.newBuilder()

      // Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run.
      // Read more about machine types here:
      InstancePolicy instancePolicy =

      // Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
      AllocationPolicy allocationPolicy =

      Job job =
              .putLabels("env", "testing")
              .putLabels("type", "script")
              // We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option.

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              // The job's parent is the region in which the job will run.
              .setParent(String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectId, region))

      Job result =
              .get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

      System.out.printf("Successfully created the job: %s", result.getName());

      return result;


from import batch_v1

def create_gpu_job(project_id: str, region: str, job_name: str) -> batch_v1.Job:
    This method shows how to create a sample Batch Job that will run
    a simple command on Cloud Compute instances on GPU machines.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        region: name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
            available for Batch are listed on:
        job_name: the name of the job that will be created.
            It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.

        A job object representing the job created.
    client = batch_v1.BatchServiceClient()

    # Define what will be done as part of the job.
    task = batch_v1.TaskSpec()
    runnable = batch_v1.Runnable()
    runnable.script = batch_v1.Runnable.Script()
    runnable.script.text = "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks."
    # You can also run a script from a file. Just remember, that needs to be a script that's
    # already on the VM that will be running the job. Using runnable.script.text and runnable.script.path is mutually
    # exclusive.
    # runnable.script.path = '/tmp/'
    task.runnables = [runnable]

    # We can specify what resources are requested by each task.
    resources = batch_v1.ComputeResource()
    resources.cpu_milli = 2000  # in milliseconds per cpu-second. This means the task requires 2 whole CPUs.
    resources.memory_mib = 16  # in MiB
    task.compute_resource = resources

    task.max_retry_count = 2
    task.max_run_duration = "3600s"

    # Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
    # Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
    group = batch_v1.TaskGroup()
    group.task_count = 4
    group.task_spec = task

    # Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
    # In this case, we tell the system to use "g2-standard-4" machine type.
    # Read more about machine types here:
    policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy()
    policy.machine_type = "g2-standard-4"

    instances = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate()
    instances.policy = policy
    instances.install_gpu_drivers = True
    allocation_policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy()
    allocation_policy.instances = [instances]

    job = batch_v1.Job()
    job.task_groups = [group]
    job.allocation_policy = allocation_policy
    job.labels = {"env": "testing", "type": "container"}
    # We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option
    job.logs_policy = batch_v1.LogsPolicy()
    job.logs_policy.destination = batch_v1.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING

    create_request = batch_v1.CreateJobRequest()
    create_request.job = job
    create_request.job_id = job_name
    # The job's parent is the region in which the job will run
    create_request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}"

    return client.create_job(create_request)

Use GPUs for N1 VMs

You can create a job that uses GPUs for N1 VMs using the gcloud CLI, Batch API, Java, Node.js or Python.


  1. Create a JSON file that installs GPU drivers, defines the type and count subfields of the accelerators[] field, and uses a location that has the specified type of GPUs.

    For example, to create a basic script job that uses GPUs for N1 VMs and lets Batch select the exact N1 machine type, create a JSON file with the following contents:

        "taskGroups": [
                "taskSpec": {
                    "runnables": [
                            "script": {
                                "text": "echo Hello world from task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}."
                "taskCount": 3,
                "parallelism": 1
        "allocationPolicy": {
            "instances": [
                    "installGpuDrivers": INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS,
                    "policy": {
                        "accelerators": [
                                "type": "GPU_TYPE",
                                "count": GPU_COUNT
            "location": {
                "allowedLocations": [

    Replace the following:

    • INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS: When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location, and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default), you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.

    • GPU_TYPE: the GPU type. You can view a list of the available GPU types by using the gcloud compute accelerator-types list command. Only use this field for GPUs for N1 VMs.

    • GPU_COUNT: the number of GPUs of the specified type. For more information about the valid options, see the GPU machine types for the N1 machine series. Only use this field for GPUs for N1 VMs.

    • ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: The allowedLocations[] field defines a region, and optionally one or more zones, where the VM instances for your job are allowed to run—for example, regions/us-central1, zones/us-central1-a allows the zone us-central1-a. Make sure that you specify locations that offer the GPU machine type that you want for this job. Otherwise, if you omit this field, make sure the job's location offers the GPU machine type.

  2. To create and run the job, use the gcloud batch jobs submit command:

    gcloud batch jobs submit JOB_NAME \
        --location LOCATION \

    Replace the following:

    • JOB_NAME: the name of the job.

    • LOCATION: the location of the job.

    • JSON_CONFIGURATION_FILE: the path for a JSON file with the job's configuration details.


Make a POST request to the jobs.create method that installs GPU drivers, defines the type and count subfields of the accelerators[] field, and uses a location that has the specified type of GPUs.

For example, to create a basic script job that uses GPUs for N1 VMs and lets Batch select the exact N1 machine type, make the following request:


    "taskGroups": [
            "taskSpec": {
                "runnables": [
                        "script": {
                            "text": "echo Hello world from task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}."
            "taskCount": 3,
            "parallelism": 1
    "allocationPolicy": {
        "instances": [
                "installGpuDrivers": INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS,
                "policy": {
                    "accelerators": [
                            "type": "GPU_TYPE",
                            "count": GPU_COUNT
        "location": {
            "allowedLocations": [

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of your project.

  • LOCATION: the location of the job.

  • JOB_NAME: the name of the job.

  • INSTALL_GPU_DRIVERS: When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location, and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default), you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.

  • GPU_TYPE: the GPU type. You can view a list of the available GPU types by using the gcloud compute accelerator-types list command. Only use this field for GPUs for N1 VMs.

  • GPU_COUNT: the number of GPUs of the specified type. For more information about the valid options, see GPU machine types for N1 machine series. Only use this field for GPUs for N1 VMs.

  • ALLOWED_LOCATIONS: The allowedLocations[] field defines a region, and optionally one or more zones, where the VM instances for your job are allowed to run—for example, regions/us-central1, zones/us-central1-a allows the zone us-central1-a. Make sure that you specify locations that offer the GPU machine type that you want for this job. Otherwise, if you omit this field, make sure the job's location offers the GPU machine type.


import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class CreateGpuJobN1 {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    // Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
    String projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    // Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
    // available for Batch are listed on:
    String region = "europe-central2";
    // The name of the job that will be created.
    // It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
    String jobName = "JOB_NAME";
    // Optional. When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type
    // that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location,
    // and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default),
    // you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.
    boolean installGpuDrivers = false;
    // The GPU type. You can view a list of the available GPU types
    // by using the `gcloud compute accelerator-types list` command.
    String gpuType = "nvidia-tesla-t4";
    // The number of GPUs of the specified type.
    int gpuCount = 2;

    createGpuJob(projectId, region, jobName, installGpuDrivers, gpuType, gpuCount);

  // Create a job that uses GPUs
  public static Job createGpuJob(String projectId, String region, String jobName,
                                  boolean installGpuDrivers, String gpuType, int gpuCount)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (BatchServiceClient batchServiceClient = BatchServiceClient.create()) {
      // Define what will be done as part of the job.
      Runnable runnable =
                          "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. "
                                  + "This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks.")
                      // You can also run a script from a file. Just remember, that needs to be a
                      // script that's already on the VM that will be running the job.
                      // Using setText() and setPath() is mutually exclusive.
                      // .setPath("/tmp/")

      TaskSpec task = TaskSpec.newBuilder()
                  // Jobs can be divided into tasks. In this case, we have only one task.

      // Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
      // Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
      TaskGroup taskGroup = TaskGroup.newBuilder()

      // Accelerator describes Compute Engine accelerators to be attached to the VM.
      Accelerator accelerator = Accelerator.newBuilder()

      // Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
      AllocationPolicy allocationPolicy =

      Job job =
              .putLabels("env", "testing")
              .putLabels("type", "script")
              // We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option.

      CreateJobRequest createJobRequest =
              // The job's parent is the region in which the job will run.
              .setParent(String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectId, region))

      Job result =
              .get(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

      System.out.printf("Successfully created the job: %s", result.getName());

      return result;


To create a job with GPUs using Node.js, select one of the following options based on the machine type for your GPU model:

Create a job that uses GPUs with accelerator-optimized VMs

To use GPUs with accelerator-optimized VMs, just specify the machine type that you want for the job's VMs:

// Imports the Batch library
const batchLib = require('@google-cloud/batch');
const batch =;

// Instantiates a client
const batchClient = new batchLib.v1.BatchServiceClient();

 * TODO(developer): Update these variables before running the sample.
// Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
const projectId = await batchClient.getProjectId();
// Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
// available for Batch are listed on:
const region = 'europe-central2';
// The name of the job that will be created.
// It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
const jobName = 'batch-gpu-job';
// The GPU type. You can view a list of the available GPU types
// by using the `gcloud compute accelerator-types list` command.
const gpuType = 'nvidia-l4';
// The number of GPUs of the specified type.
const gpuCount = 1;
// Optional. When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type
// that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location,
// and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default),
// you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.
const installGpuDrivers = false;
// Accelerator-optimized machine types are available to Batch jobs. See the list
// of available types on:
const machineType = 'g2-standard-4';

// Define what will be done as part of the job.
const runnable = new batch.Runnable({
  script: new batch.Runnable.Script({
    commands: ['-c', 'echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}.'],

const task = new batch.TaskSpec({
  runnables: [runnable],
  maxRetryCount: 2,
  maxRunDuration: {seconds: 3600},

// Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
const group = new batch.TaskGroup({
  taskCount: 3,
  taskSpec: task,

// Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
// In this case, we tell the system to use "g2-standard-4" machine type.
// Read more about machine types here:
const instancePolicy = new batch.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy({
  // Accelerator describes Compute Engine accelerators to be attached to the VM
  accelerators: [
    new batch.AllocationPolicy.Accelerator({
      type: gpuType,
      count: gpuCount,

const allocationPolicy = new batch.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate({
  instances: [{installGpuDrivers, policy: instancePolicy}],

const job = new batch.Job({
  name: jobName,
  taskGroups: [group],
  labels: {env: 'testing', type: 'script'},
  // We use Cloud Logging as it's an option available out of the box
  logsPolicy: new batch.LogsPolicy({
    destination: batch.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING,
// The job's parent is the project and region in which the job will run
const parent = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${region}`;

async function callCreateBatchGPUJob() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    jobId: jobName,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await batchClient.createJob(request);

await callCreateBatchGPUJob();

Create a job that uses GPUs with N1 VMs

To use GPUs with N1 VMs, you need to specify the number and type of GPUs that you want for each of the job's VMs:

// Imports the Batch library
const batchLib = require('@google-cloud/batch');
const batch =;

// Instantiates a client
const batchClient = new batchLib.v1.BatchServiceClient();

 * TODO(developer): Update these variables before running the sample.
// Project ID or project number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
const projectId = await batchClient.getProjectId();
// Name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
// available for Batch are listed on:
const region = 'europe-central2';
// The name of the job that will be created.
// It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.
const jobName = 'batch-gpu-job-n1';
// The GPU type. You can view a list of the available GPU types
// by using the `gcloud compute accelerator-types list` command.
const gpuType = 'nvidia-tesla-t4';
// The number of GPUs of the specified type.
const gpuCount = 1;
// Optional. When set to true, Batch fetches the drivers required for the GPU type
// that you specify in the policy field from a third-party location,
// and Batch installs them on your behalf. If you set this field to false (default),
// you need to install GPU drivers manually to use any GPUs for this job.
const installGpuDrivers = false;
// Accelerator-optimized machine types are available to Batch jobs. See the list
// of available types on:
const machineType = 'n1-standard-16';

// Define what will be done as part of the job.
const runnable = new batch.Runnable({
  script: new batch.Runnable.Script({
    commands: ['-c', 'echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}.'],

const task = new batch.TaskSpec({
  runnables: [runnable],
  maxRetryCount: 2,
  maxRunDuration: {seconds: 3600},

// Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
const group = new batch.TaskGroup({
  taskCount: 3,
  taskSpec: task,

// Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
// In this case, we tell the system to use "g2-standard-4" machine type.
// Read more about machine types here:
const instancePolicy = new batch.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy({
  // Accelerator describes Compute Engine accelerators to be attached to the VM
  accelerators: [
    new batch.AllocationPolicy.Accelerator({
      type: gpuType,
      count: gpuCount,

const allocationPolicy = new batch.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate({
  instances: [{installGpuDrivers, policy: instancePolicy}],

const job = new batch.Job({
  name: jobName,
  taskGroups: [group],
  labels: {env: 'testing', type: 'script'},
  // We use Cloud Logging as it's an option available out of the box
  logsPolicy: new batch.LogsPolicy({
    destination: batch.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING,
// The job's parent is the project and region in which the job will run
const parent = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${region}`;

async function callCreateBatchGPUJobN1() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    jobId: jobName,

  // Run request
  const [response] = await batchClient.createJob(request);

await callCreateBatchGPUJobN1();


from import batch_v1

def create_gpu_job(
    project_id: str, region: str, zone: str, job_name: str
) -> batch_v1.Job:
    This method shows how to create a sample Batch Job that will run
    a simple command on Cloud Compute instances on GPU machines.

        project_id: project ID or project number of the Cloud project you want to use.
        region: name of the region you want to use to run the job. Regions that are
            available for Batch are listed on:
        zone: name of the zone you want to use to run the job. Important in regard to GPUs availability.
            GPUs availability can be found here:
        job_name: the name of the job that will be created.
            It needs to be unique for each project and region pair.

        A job object representing the job created.
    client = batch_v1.BatchServiceClient()

    # Define what will be done as part of the job.
    task = batch_v1.TaskSpec()
    runnable = batch_v1.Runnable()
    runnable.script = batch_v1.Runnable.Script()
    runnable.script.text = "echo Hello world! This is task ${BATCH_TASK_INDEX}. This job has a total of ${BATCH_TASK_COUNT} tasks."
    # You can also run a script from a file. Just remember, that needs to be a script that's
    # already on the VM that will be running the job. Using runnable.script.text and runnable.script.path is mutually
    # exclusive.
    # runnable.script.path = '/tmp/'
    task.runnables = [runnable]

    # We can specify what resources are requested by each task.
    resources = batch_v1.ComputeResource()
    resources.cpu_milli = 2000  # in milliseconds per cpu-second. This means the task requires 2 whole CPUs.
    resources.memory_mib = 16  # in MiB
    task.compute_resource = resources

    task.max_retry_count = 2
    task.max_run_duration = "3600s"

    # Tasks are grouped inside a job using TaskGroups.
    # Currently, it's possible to have only one task group.
    group = batch_v1.TaskGroup()
    group.task_count = 4
    group.task_spec = task

    # Policies are used to define on what kind of virtual machines the tasks will run on.
    # Read more about machine types here:
    policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicy()
    policy.machine_type = "n1-standard-16"

    accelerator = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.Accelerator()
    # Note: not every accelerator is compatible with instance type
    # Read more here:
    accelerator.type_ = "nvidia-tesla-t4"
    accelerator.count = 1

    policy.accelerators = [accelerator]
    instances = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.InstancePolicyOrTemplate()
    instances.policy = policy
    instances.install_gpu_drivers = True
    allocation_policy = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy()
    allocation_policy.instances = [instances]

    location = batch_v1.AllocationPolicy.LocationPolicy()
    location.allowed_locations = ["zones/us-central1-b"]
    allocation_policy.location = location

    job = batch_v1.Job()
    job.task_groups = [group]
    job.allocation_policy = allocation_policy
    job.labels = {"env": "testing", "type": "container"}
    # We use Cloud Logging as it's an out of the box available option
    job.logs_policy = batch_v1.LogsPolicy()
    job.logs_policy.destination = batch_v1.LogsPolicy.Destination.CLOUD_LOGGING

    create_request = batch_v1.CreateJobRequest()
    create_request.job = job
    create_request.job_id = job_name
    # The job's parent is the region in which the job will run
    create_request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}"

    return client.create_job(create_request)

What's next