This tutorial shows you how to de-identify data while querying tables from BigQuery using remote functions and Sensitive Data Protection. This approach is useful for sanitizing real-time query results to minimize access to data that is not needed for analysis.
This tutorial demonstrates encryption and decryption of data in transit. For information about using Sensitive Data Protection to encrypt data at rest, see De-identification of sensitive data in storage.
This tutorial is intended for audiences whose responsibilities include data security, data processing, or data analytics. This guide assumes that you're familiar with data processing and data privacy; you don't need to be an expert. This guide also assumes you can run basic Cloud Shell and SQL scripts.
This tutorial uses SQL-based functions, BigQuery, remote functions, Cloud Run, and Sensitive Data Protection.
De-identification techniques, like encryption, obfuscate raw sensitive identifiers in your data. These techniques let you preserve the utility of your data for joining or analytics, while reducing the risk of handling the data.
Enterprises might have policies or regulatory requirements to store only de-identified data in their cloud data warehouse. Additionally, they might need to efficiently re-identify the de-identified data for report generation.
To minimize the risk of handling large volumes of sensitive data, you can use an automated data transformation pipeline to create de-identified datasets. You can use this tutorial to replace that pipeline with a SQL query for only re-identification or both de-identification and re-identification. This tutorial helps you perform both de-identification and re-identification using a central service hosted on Cloud Run. You can use this central service across the entire organization without the need to set up or maintain a Dataflow cluster.
Sensitive Data Protection can classify datasets by inspecting the data for sensitive information. Sensitive Data Protection has more than 200 built-in classifiers, called infoTypes. Using the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API to de-identify data requires data pipelines and applications. This tutorial aims to help your data analysts, engineers, or scientists achieve the same outcome through SQL functions.
At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to write a query similar to the following; the sensitive data will be de-identified and re-identified in the query result.
fns.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column) AS dlp_encrypted,
fns.dlp_freetext_decrypt(fns.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column)) AS dlp_decrypted
'My name is John Doe. My email is']) AS pii_column
The output is similar to the following:
Row | pii_column |
dlp_encrypted |
dlp_decrypted |
1 |
My name is John Doe. My email is |
My name is John Doe. My email is
BQ_TRF_EMAIL(40):AQy6lGvwKR+AiiRqJpEr+nBzZUzOcjXkXamUugU= |
My name is John Doe. My email is |
The following diagram shows how this tutorial uses BigQuery as the data warehouse, Sensitive Data Protection to de-identify and re-identify data, and Cloud Run to host the remote functions.
- Deploy a Cloud Run service that provides de-identification functionality from Sensitive Data Protection.
- Create BigQuery remote functions that use Sensitive Data Protection de-identification templates.
- Verify data encryption in BigQuery by using a SQL query.
In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:
To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage,
use the pricing calculator.
When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.
Before you begin
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Create or select a Google Cloud project.
Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create
with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating. -
Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project
with your Google Cloud project name.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Artifact Registry, BigQuery, BigQuery Connection API, Cloud Build, Cloud Data Loss Prevention API, Cloud Key Management Service, Cloud Run, Container Registry, Identity and Access Management, Resource Manager, Secret Manager, and Service Usage APIs:
gcloud services enable
Prepare the environment
In Cloud Shell, clone the source repository:
git clone
Go to the directory for this tutorial:
cd bigquery-dlp-remote-function/
Deploy the resources by using a script
If you want to use the deployment script without making customizations, follow these steps. If you want to customize the deployment, skip this section and see Deploy a customized solution manually instead.
Set the values for the PROJECT_ID and REGION fields:
# Project ID of the Google Cloud project PROJECT_ID="
PROJECT_ID " # Google Cloud region to use for deployment of resources # Refer to REGION="REGION "Replace the following:
- PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project for this tutorial.
- REGION: the region where
you want to store and process the data—for example,
. Provide a region, not a zone.
Optional: If you have an inspection template that you want to use, set the DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE field to the full resource name of that inspection template. The inspection template must be in the same region that you set in the REGION field.
Make sure that the inspection template includes all the infoTypes used in the de-identification template.
If you skip this step, Sensitive Data Protection inspects the data with a system-default set of infoType detectors.
DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE "Replace DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE with the full resource name of your inspection template—for example,
.Authenticate using Application Default Credentials:
gcloud auth application-default login && \ gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project "${PROJECT_ID}"
Initialize and run the Terraform script to create all resources:
terraform init && \ terraform apply \ -var "project_id=${PROJECT_ID}" \ -var "region=${REGION}" \ -var "dlp_inspect_template_full_path=${DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE}"
The system displays all actions that Terraform will perform. Review the actions. To continue, enter
.Verify that data can be encrypted and decrypted.
Deploy a customized solution manually
If you want to customize the deployment, follow these steps. If you want to use the provided deployment script without customizations or manual steps, see Deploy the resources by using a script instead.
Set the environment variables
In Cloud Shell, set the following environment variables:
Replace the following:
- PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project for this tutorial.
- REGION: the region where
you want to store and process the data—for example,
. Provide a region, not a zone. - CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME: a name for the new Cloud Run service. Enter up to 15 characters.
- ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME: a name for the new Artifact Registry for storing container images.
Create a service account for the Cloud Run service
Create a service account:
RUNNER_SA_NAME="${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}-runner" RUNNER_SA_EMAIL="${RUNNER_SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}" gcloud iam service-accounts create "${RUNNER_SA_NAME}" \ --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \ --description "Runner for BigQuery remote function execution" \ --display-name "${RUNNER_SA_NAME}"
Grant the required roles for Sensitive Data Protection.
Grant the DLP Reader role:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \ --member="serviceAccount:${RUNNER_SA_EMAIL}" \ --role='roles/dlp.reader'
Grant the DLP User role:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "${PROJECT_ID}" \ --member="serviceAccount:${RUNNER_SA_EMAIL}" \ --role='roles/dlp.user'
Deploy the Cloud Run service
To deploy the application, follow these steps:
Optional: You can change the default values by changing the environment variables or updating the
file.Create an Artifact Registry repository to store the function's container image:
gcloud artifacts repositories create "${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME}" \ --repository-format=docker \ --location="${REGION}" \ --description="Container images repository for BigQuery Functions" \ --project="${PROJECT_ID}"
Compile the application and deploy it on Cloud Run by using Cloud Build:
gcloud builds submit \ --project ${PROJECT_ID} \ --substitutions=_CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME="${REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME}/${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}:latest" \ --machine-type=e2-highcpu-8 && \ gcloud beta run deploy ${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME} \ --image="${REGION}${PROJECT_ID}/${ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME}/${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}:latest" \ --execution-environment=gen2 \ --platform=managed \ --region="${REGION}" \ --service-account="${RUNNER_SA_EMAIL}" \ --cpu=4 \ --memory=8Gi \ --no-allow-unauthenticated \ --project ${PROJECT_ID} \ --update-env-vars=PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID}
The end of the output is similar to the following:
ID: 403a276e-b0c6-41f3-aaed-f0ec9f9cedba CREATE_TIME: 2023-02-04T01:52:15+00:00 DURATION: 1M59S SOURCE: gs://
PROJECT_ID _cloudbuild/source/1675475534.124241-9c43787f64e04cfd9e4a1979d3324fe0.tgz IMAGES: /CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME (+1 more) STATUS: SUCCESS Deploying container to Cloud Run service [CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME ] in project [PROJECT_ID ] region [REGION ] OK Deploying new service... Done. OK Creating Revision... Revision deployment finished. Checking container heal th. OK Routing traffic... Done. Service [CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME ] revision [CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME -00001-tat] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic. Service URL: https://CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME the Cloud Run URL and save it to your environment variables:
RUN_URL="$(gcloud run services describe ${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME} --region \ ${REGION} --project ${PROJECT_ID} --format="get(status.address.url)")"
Create a Sensitive Data Protection de-identification template
Sensitive Data Protection de-identification templates help you save your de-identification settings so that you can reuse them on multiple operations and data sources.
This step uses the sample_dlp_deid_config.json
file, which contains an example
de-identification template.
In Cloud Shell, create the template:
-H "Authorization: Bearer `gcloud auth print-access-token`" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Goog-User-Project: ${PROJECT_ID}" \
--data-binary "@sample_dlp_deid_config.json" \
DEID_TEMPLATE_NAME="$(echo ${DEID_TEMPLATE} | jq -r '.name')"
Google recommends that you use a wrapped key when performing Sensitive Data Protection encryption on actual sensitive workloads. For demonstration purposes, this tutorial uses an unwrapped key. For more information about how to create a wrapped key and use it in de-identification and re-identification requests, see De-identify and re-identify sensitive data.
Create the BigQuery connection to Cloud Run
In Cloud Shell, create a BigQuery connection to access Cloud Run:
bq mk --connection \ --display_name='External transform function connection' \ --connection_type=CLOUD_RESOURCE \ --project_id="${PROJECT_ID}" \ --location="${REGION}" \ ext-${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}
Find and set the BigQuery service account used for the connection:
CONNECTION_SA="$(bq --project_id ${PROJECT_ID} --format json show \ --connection ${PROJECT_ID}.${REGION}.ext-${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME} \ | jq -r '.cloudResource.serviceAccountId')"
Grant the Cloud Run Invoker role to the service account:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \ --member="serviceAccount:${CONNECTION_SA}" \ --role='roles/run.invoker'
Create the BigQuery dataset for remote functions
Define the BigQuery dataset for the remote functions:
Create the dataset if it doesn't already exist:
bq mk --dataset \ --project_id ${PROJECT_ID} \ --location ${REGION} \ ${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}
Create the Sensitive Data Protection remote functions
Optional: If you have an inspection template that you want to use, set the DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE variable to the full resource name of that inspection template. The inspection template must be in the same region that you set in the REGION environment variable.
Make sure that the inspection template includes all the infoTypes used in the de-identification template.
If you skip this step, Sensitive Data Protection inspects the data with a system-default set of infoType detectors.
DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE "Replace DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE with the full resource name of your inspection template—for example,
.Create the Sensitive Data Protection de-identification function:
bq query --project_id ${PROJECT_ID} \ --use_legacy_sql=false \ "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}.dlp_freetext_encrypt(v STRING) RETURNS STRING REMOTE WITH CONNECTION \`${PROJECT_ID}.${REGION}.ext-${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}\` OPTIONS (endpoint = '${RUN_URL}', user_defined_context = [('mode', 'deidentify'),('algo','dlp'),('dlp-deid-template','${DEID_TEMPLATE_NAME}'),('dlp-inspect-template', '${DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE}')]);"
Create the Sensitive Data Protection re-identification function:
bq query --project_id ${PROJECT_ID} \ --use_legacy_sql=false \ "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}.dlp_freetext_decrypt(v STRING) RETURNS STRING REMOTE WITH CONNECTION \`${PROJECT_ID}.${REGION}.ext-${CLOUD_RUN_SERVICE_NAME}\` OPTIONS (endpoint = '${RUN_URL}', user_defined_context = [('mode', 'reidentify'),('algo','dlp'),('dlp-deid-template','${DEID_TEMPLATE_NAME}'),('dlp-inspect-template', '${DLP_INSPECT_TEMPLATE}')]);"
Verify de-identification and re-identification
To verify whether the solution de-identifies and re-identifies data, do the following:
In the Google Cloud console, go to BigQuery.
BigQuery opens in your most recently accessed project.
To open a query editor, click
Compose a new query.Enter the following query:
SELECT pii_column, fns.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column) AS dlp_encrypted, fns.dlp_freetext_decrypt(fns.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column)) AS dlp_decrypted FROM UNNEST( [ 'My name is John Doe. My email is', 'Some non PII data', '650-253-0000', 'some script with simple number 1234']) AS pii_column
Click Run.
Set the environment variable for the dataset:
Run the query:
bq query --project_id ${PROJECT_ID} \ --use_legacy_sql=false \ " SELECT pii_column, ${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column) AS dlp_encrypted, ${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}.dlp_freetext_decrypt(${BQ_FUNCTION_DATASET}.dlp_freetext_encrypt(pii_column)) AS dlp_decrypted FROM UNNEST( [ 'My name is John Doe. My email is', 'Some non PII data', '650-253-0000', 'some script with simple number 1234']) AS pii_column"
The output is similar to the following:
Row | pii_column |
dlp_encrypted |
dlp_decrypted |
1 |
My name is John Doe. My email is |
My name is John Doe. My email is
BQ_TRF_EMAIL(40):AQy6lGvwKR+AiiRqJpEr+nBzZUzOcjXkXamUugU= |
My name is John Doe. My email is |
2 |
Some non PII data |
Some non PII data |
Some non PII data |
3 |
650-253-0000 |
BQ_TRF_PH(40):AeKpGU5KBXaTyecCun7dv1hHht5w5Q2PTpvkRC4= |
650-253-0000 |
4 |
some script with simple number 1234 |
some script with simple number 1234 |
some script with simple number 1234 |
When adapting this tutorial to your needs, consider the following:
- The de-identification and re-identification is processed through a Cloud Run service. Provision the Cloud Run CPU and memory according to your compute requirements. For details, see the CPU limits and memory limits for Cloud Run.
- When using Sensitive Data Protection, consider the usage limits and recommendations for controlling costs.
To help control costs and your total Sensitive Data Protection quota consumption, limit the items that you pass through the Sensitive Data Protection remote function to 10,000 or less. The solution can automatically batch the requests to gracefully handle the following Sensitive Data Protection request limits:
- Maximum number of table values: 50,000
- Default request size limit: 0.5 MB
The final and filtered results of the query should be passed to the Sensitive Data Protection function instead of the source.
For this solution, each value in the
column is an item—for example,My name is John Doe. My email is
is one item.Ensure that your BigQuery dataset, Cloud Run service, and Sensitive Data Protection templates are in the same cloud region.
Clean up
To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.
Delete a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects deletePROJECT_ID
What's next
- Learn more about BigQuery remote functions.
- Learn how to de-identify sensitive data.
- Work through an example that demonstrates how to create a wrapped key, tokenize content, and re-identify tokenized content.
- Learn how to handle de-identification and re-identification of PII in large-scale datasets using Sensitive Data Protection.
- Learn more about Cloud KMS.