
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Files API.

.. deprecated:: 1.8.1
   Use Google Cloud Storage Client library instead.

Google Storage specific Files API calls."""

from __future__ import with_statement

__all__ = ['create']

import os
import re
from urllib import urlencode
from xml.dom import minidom

from google.appengine.api import app_identity
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
from google.appengine.api.files import file as files
from google.appengine.api.files import file_service_pb

_MIME_TYPE_PARAMETER = 'content_type'
_CONTENT_ENCODING_PARAMETER = 'content_encoding'
_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_PARAMETER = 'content_disposition'
_CACHE_CONTROL_PARAMETER = 'cache_control'
_USER_METADATA_PREFIX = 'x-goog-meta-'

_GS_BUCKETPATH_REGEX = re.compile(r'/gs/[a-z0-9\.\-_]{3,}$')
_GS_FILEPATH_REGEX = re.compile(r'/gs/[a-z0-9\.\-_]{3,}')

def parseGlob(filename):
  """Parse a Gs filename or a filename pattern. Handle escape of '*' and '/'.

    filename: a filename or filename pattern.
      filename must be a valid gs filepath in the format of
      '/gs/bucket/filename'. filename pattern has format '/gs/bucket/prefix*'.
      filename pattern represents filenames with the given prefix in the bucket.
      Please escape '*' and '\' with '\' if your filename contains them. We
      recommend using Python raw string to simplify escape expressions.

    A (string, string) tuple if filename is a pattern. The first string is
    the bucket name, second is the prefix or '' if prefix doesn't exist.
    Properly escaped filename if filename is not a pattern.

      '/gs/bucket1/file1' => '/gs/bucket1/file1'
      '/gs/bucket2/*' => ('gs/bucket2', '') all files under bucket2
      '/gs/bucket3/p*' => ('gs/bucket2', 'p') files under bucket3 with
          a prefix 'p' in its name
      r'/gs/bucket/file\*' => '/gs/bucket/file*'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\\*' => ('/gs/bucket', r'file\') all files under bucket
          with prefix r'file\'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\\\*' => '/gs/bucket/file\*'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\**' => ('/gs/bucket', 'file*') all files under bucket
          with prefix 'file*'

    google.appengine.api.files.InvalidFileNameError if filename is illegal.
  if not filename:
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError('filename is None.')
  if not isinstance(filename, basestring):
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError('filename %s should be of type string' %
  match = _GS_FILEPATH_REGEX.match(filename)
  if not match:
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
        'filename %s should start with/gs/bucketname', filename)

  bucketname =
  rest = filename[len(bucketname):]

  if not rest or (len(rest) == 1 and rest[0] == '/'):

    return bucketname, ''

  if not rest.startswith('/'):
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
        'Expect / to separate bucketname and filename in %s' % filename)

  i = 1

  prefix = False

  processed = ''
  while i < len(rest):
    char = rest[i]
    if char == '\\':
      if i + 1 == len(rest):

        processed += char

        processed += rest[i + 1]
        i += 1
    elif char == '*':

      if i + 1 != len(rest):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError('* as a wildcard is not the last.')
      prefix = True
      processed += char
    i += 1

  if prefix:
    return bucketname, processed
    return bucketname + '/' + processed

def listdir(path, kwargs=None):
  """Return a sorted list of filenames (matching a pattern) in the given path.

  Sorting (decrease by string) is done automatically by Google Cloud Storage.

    path: a Google Cloud Storage path of "/gs/bucketname" form.
    kwargs: other keyword arguments to be relayed to Google Cloud Storage.
      This can be used to select certain files with names matching a pattern.

      Supported keywords:
      marker: a string after which (exclusive) to start listing.
      max_keys: the maximum number of filenames to return.
      prefix: limits the returned filenames to those with this prefix. no regex.

      See Google Cloud Storage documentation for more details and examples.

    a sorted list containing filenames (matching a pattern) from
    the given path. The last filename can be used as a marker for another
    request for more files.
  if not path:
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Empty path')
  elif not isinstance(path, basestring):
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Expected string for path %s' % path)
  elif not _GS_BUCKETPATH_REGEX.match(path):
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
        'Google storage path must have the form /gs/bucketname')

  if kwargs and kwargs.has_key('max_keys'):
    kwargs['max-keys'] = kwargs['max_keys']

  if ('SERVER_SOFTWARE' not in os.environ or
    return _listdir_local(path, kwargs)

  bucketname = path[len(_GS_PREFIX):]

  request_headers = {
      'Authorization': 'OAuth %s' % app_identity.get_access_token(
      'x-goog-api-version': _GS_RESTFUL_API_VERSION

  url = 'https://%s/%s' % (_GS_RESTFUL_URL, bucketname)

  if kwargs:
    url += '/?' + urlencode(kwargs)

  response = urlfetch.fetch(url=url,

  if response.status_code == 404:
    raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Bucket %s does not exist.' % bucketname)
  elif response.status_code == 401:
    raise files.PermissionDeniedError('Permission denied to read bucket %s.' %

  dom = minidom.parseString(response.content)

  def __textValue(node):
    return node.firstChild.nodeValue

  error = dom.getElementsByTagName('Error')
  if len(error) == 1:
    details = error[0].getElementsByTagName('Details')
    if len(details) == 1:
      raise files.InvalidParameterError(__textValue(details[0]))
      code = __textValue(error[0].getElementsByTagName('Code')[0])
      msg = __textValue(error[0].getElementsByTagName('Message')[0])
      raise files.InvalidParameterError('%s: %s' % (code, msg))

  return ['/'.join([path, __textValue(key)]) for key in

def _listdir_local(path, kwargs):
  """Dev app server version of listdir.

  See listdir for doc.
  request = file_service_pb.ListDirRequest()
  response = file_service_pb.ListDirResponse()

  if kwargs and kwargs.has_key('marker'):
  if kwargs and kwargs.has_key('max-keys'):
  if kwargs and kwargs.has_key('prefix'):
  files._make_call('ListDir', request, response)
  return response.filenames_list()

[docs]def create(filename, mime_type='application/octet-stream', acl=None, cache_control=None, content_encoding=None, content_disposition=None, user_metadata=None): """Create a writable googlestore file. Args: filename: Google Storage object name (/gs/bucket/object) mime_type: Blob content MIME type as string. acl: Canned acl to apply to the object as per: If not specified (or set to None), default object acl is used. cache_control: Cache control header to set when serving through Google storage. If not specified, default of 3600 seconds is used. content_encoding: If object is compressed, specify the compression method here to set the header correctly when served through Google Storage. content_disposition: Header to use when serving through Google Storage. user_metadata: Dictionary specifying key value pairs to apply to the object. Each key is prefixed with x-goog-meta- when served through Google Storage. Returns: A writable file name for a Google Storage file. This file can be opened for write by File API open function. To read the file call file::open with the plain Google Storage filename (/gs/bucket/object). """ if not filename: raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Empty filename') elif not isinstance(filename, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for filename', filename) elif not filename.startswith(_GS_PREFIX) or filename == _GS_PREFIX: raise files.InvalidArgumentError( 'Google storage files must be of the form /gs/bucket/object', filename) elif not mime_type: raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Empty mime_type') elif not isinstance(mime_type, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for mime_type', mime_type) params = {_MIME_TYPE_PARAMETER: mime_type} if acl: if not isinstance(acl, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for acl', acl) params[_CANNED_ACL_PARAMETER] = acl if content_encoding: if not isinstance(content_encoding, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for content_encoding') else: params[_CONTENT_ENCODING_PARAMETER] = content_encoding if content_disposition: if not isinstance(content_disposition, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError( 'Expected string for content_disposition') else: params[_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_PARAMETER] = content_disposition if cache_control: if not isinstance(cache_control, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for cache_control') else: params[_CACHE_CONTROL_PARAMETER] = cache_control if user_metadata: if not isinstance(user_metadata, dict): raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected dict for user_metadata') for key, value in user_metadata.items(): if not isinstance(key, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError( 'Expected string for key in user_metadata') if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise files.InvalidArgumentError( 'Expected string for value in user_metadata for key: ', key) params[_USER_METADATA_PREFIX + key] = value return files._create(_GS_FILESYSTEM, filename=filename, params=params)
def default_bucket_name(): """Obtain the default Google Storage bucket name for this application. Returns: A string that is the name of the default bucket. """ return files._default_gs_bucket_name()