Troubleshoot issues creating a user cluster in the Google Cloud console

This page shows you how to investigate issues creating an Google Distributed Cloud user cluster in the Google Cloud console.

The admin cluster isn't displayed on the Cluster basics drop-down list

The admin cluster must be registered to a fleet before you can create user clusters in the Google Cloud console. If you don't see the admin cluster on the drop-down list on the Cluster basics section in the Google Cloud console, the admin cluster either wasn't registered, or it was registered using the gcloud container hub memberships register command.

Check the registration status:

  • In the Google Cloud console, go to the Anthos > Clusters page, and select the same Google Cloud project in which you attempted to create the user cluster.

    Go to the GKE Enterprise clusters page

    • If the admin cluster isn't displayed on the list, see Register an admin cluster.

    • If the admin cluster is displayed on the list, this indicates that the cluster was registered using the gcloud container hub memberships register command. This gcloud command doesn't properly register admin clusters.

To fix the registration issue:

  1. On your admin workstation, get the membership name:

    kubectl describe membership membership \
  2. Unregister the admin cluster. In the following command, replace:

    • MEMBERSHIP_NAME with the membership name from the previous command.
    • FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID with the ID of your fleet host project. This is the project that you selected when you attempted to create the user cluster in the Google Cloud console.
    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the path to the kubeconfig file for you admin cluster.
    • ADMIN_CLUSTER_CONTEXT with the admin cluster's context as it appears in the kubeconfig file. You can get this value from the command line by running kubectl config current-context.
    gcloud container fleet memberships unregister MEMBERSHIP_NAME \
      --project=FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID \
      --kubeconfig=ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
  3. Follow the steps in Register an admin cluster to re-register the cluster.

Cluster creation errors

This section describes some errors that happen during cluster creation in the Google Cloud console.

Resource already exist error

User cluster creation fails with an error message similar to the following:

Resource 'projects/1234567890/locations/europe-west1/vmwareClusters/user-cluster1'
already exists
Request ID: 129290123128705826

This error message indicates that the cluster name is already in use.

One solution to fix the issue:

  1. Delete the cluster.

  2. Create the cluster again with a another name that doesn't conflict with an existing cluster.

Anti-affinity groups error

User cluster creation fails with an error message similar to the following:

- Validation Category: VCenter
    - [FATAL] Hosts for AntiAffinityGroups: Anti-affinity groups enabled with
    available vsphere host number 1 less than 3, please add more vsphere hosts
    or disable anti-affinity groups.

The VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) anti-affinity rules require at least 3 physical hosts in your vSphere environment. To fix the issue, disable Anti-affinity groups in the Features section on the Cluster details page for your cluster, as follows:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the GKE Enterprise clusters page.

    Go to the GKE Enterprise clusters page

  2. Select the Google Cloud project that the user cluster is in.

  3. In the cluster list, click the name of the cluster, and then click View details in the Details panel.

  4. In the Features section, click Edit.

  5. Clear Enable Anti-affinity groups, and click Done.

  6. The Google Cloud console displays Cluster status: changes in progress. Click Show Details to view the Resource status condition and Status messages.

Conflicting IP addresses error

User cluster creation fails with an error message similar to the following:

- Validation Category: Network Configuration
- [FAILURE] CIDR, VIP and static IP (availability and overlapping): user: user
  cluster control plane VIP "" overlaps with
  example-cluster1/control plane VIP ""

Currently, you can't edit fields such as the Control plane VIP and the Ingress VIP in the Load balancer section of the Cluster details page in the Google Cloud console. To fix conflicting IP addresses:

  1. Delete the cluster.

  2. Create the cluster again with IP addresses that doesn't conflict with an existing cluster.

Cluster deletion fails to remove cluster from the Cloud console

After deleting a user cluster, it is still displayed in the Google Cloud console. This can happen when the user cluster has lost connectivity to its admin cluster. To fix this issue, follow the steps in Remove Anthos On-Prem API resources.

Remove Anthos On-Prem API resources

The Google Cloud console uses the Anthos On-Prem API to manage user cluster lifecycle. You can also configure user clusters to be managed by the Anthos On-Prem API. The Anthos On-Prem API resources aren't deleted in the following cases:

  • gkectl was used to delete a node pool for a user cluster that is managed by the Anthos On-Prem API.

  • The admin cluster for a user cluster created in the Cloud console is deleted.

When the Anthos On-Prem API resources aren't deleted, the user cluster is still displayed in the Google Cloud console in an unhealthy state. Do the following steps to remove the leftover resources.

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    export REGION=REGION

    Replace the following:

    • FLEET_HOST_PROJECT_ID: the project ID that the user cluster was created in, which is also the fleet host project.

    • REGION: the cluster's region. The region is displayed in the console in the cluster's Details panel in the Location field.

    • USER_CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the cluster.

  2. If the user cluster's node pool was deleted, then the cluster is still registered with a fleet. Delete the fleet membership of the user cluster by running the following command:

    gcloud container fleet memberships delete USER_CLUSTER_NAME

    If the admin cluster was deleted, then the cluster is still registered with a fleet. Delete the fleet membership of the admin cluster by running the following command:

    gcloud container fleet memberships delete ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME

    See the gcloud command reference for details.

  3. Delete the Anthos On-Prem API metadata:

    curl -X DELETE "${PROJECT_ID}/locations/${REGION}/vmwareClusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}:unenroll?force=true&allow_missing=true" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-GFE-SSL: yes" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"