Use the nomos command-line tool

The nomos command-line tool is an optional tool for Config Sync that you can use to get the status of Config Sync and the sync status of your source of truth. The nomos tool provides you with the following commands:

Command Usage
nomos status Check Config Sync status
nomos vet Check for errors in the source of truth
nomos hydrate View all configs in the source of truth
nomos bugreport Create a bug report
nomos migrate Migrate from ConfigManagement object to RootSync
nomos init Initialize a hierarchical source of truth


Before you can use the nomos tool to interact with a cluster, Config Sync must already be installed on the target cluster. You must also install and configure the kubectl command-line tool. If you're interacting with Google Kubernetes Engine clusters, ensure that you also install the gke-gcloud-auth-plugin.

The nomos tool supports previewing and validating Kustomize configurations and Helm charts. Before you can use this feature, install Kustomize and Helm in your local workstation. If your source of truth only contains fully rendered configurations, Kustomize and Helm are optional.

Install the nomos tool

The nomos tool is a binary compiled from Go code and you can install it locally, for example, on a workstation or laptop.

The nomos tool is not included when you install Config Sync. You can install the nomos tool by installing the Google Cloud CLI. If you use Cloud Shell, the Google Cloud CLI comes pre-installed.

If you do not have the Google Cloud CLI, we recommend that you use gcloud components install nomos to install the nomos tool. Installing the nomos tool with the Google Cloud CLI lets you use gcloud components update to update the nomos tool to the latest version.

For information on alternate ways to install the nomos tool, see Downloads.

Basic usage

For basic command syntax, use the --help argument:

nomos --help

The nomos tool reads from the local clone of your source of truth. Use the --path flag to specify the location of the top level of the source of truth. By default, --path is set to ., or the current directory. For example:

nomos --path=PATH_TO_SOURCE vet

Check Config Sync status

You can monitor the status of Config Sync on all enrolled clusters by using the nomos status command. For each cluster, nomos status reports the hash of the commit that was last applied to the cluster and any errors that occurred while trying to apply any recent changes.

You can also use nomos status to check if the resources managed by Config Sync are ready. nomos status reports the status for each individual resource in the STATUS column of the Managed resources section of the output.

The following example shows you some of the different conditions that the nomos status command might report:

nomos status

Example output:

  SYNCED   f52a11e4
  Managed resources:
   NAMESPACE   NAME                                                                   STATUS
               namespace/hello                                                        Current

  PENDING  9edf8444

  ERROR    f52a11e4
  Error:   KNV1021: No CustomResourceDefinition is defined for the resource in the cluster.


  SYNCED   f52a11e4
  Managed resources:
   NAMESPACE   NAME                                                                   STATUS
                namespace/gamestore                                                   Current
                namespace/monitoring                                                  Current
   gamestore                                  Current
   gamestore                 Current
   gamestore        Current
   monitoring   deployment.apps/prometheus-operator                                   Current
   monitoring                                  Current
   monitoring   service/prometheus-acm                                                Current
   monitoring   service/prometheus-operator                                           Current
   monitoring   serviceaccount/prometheus-acm                                         Current
   monitoring   serviceaccount/prometheus-operator                                    Current
   monitoring                      Current
  SYNCED     34d1a8c8
  Managed resources:
   NAMESPACE   NAME                                 STATUS
   gamestore   configmap/store-inventory            Current
   gamestore   Current

In this output:

  • MANAGED_CLUSTER_1 has synced the most recent change to the source of truth and all managed resources have a status of Current. A status of Current means that the state of the resource matches the state that you want.
  • MANAGED_CLUSTER_2 is still syncing.
  • MANAGED_CLUSTER_3 has an error that has prevented the change from being applied. In this example, MANAGED_CLUSTER_3 has error KNV1021 since it's missing a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) that the other clusters have installed.
  • MANAGED_CLUSTER_4 does not have Config Sync installed.
  • MANAGED_CLUSTER_5 is syncing from two Git repositories. The <root> source of truth belongs to the cluster admin and the bookstore source of truth might belong to an application development team.

Managed resource statuses

The status of your managed resources can be one of the following values:

  • InProgress: The actual state of the resource has not yet reached the state that you specified in the resource manifest. This status means that the resource reconciliation is not complete yet. Newly created resources usually start with this status, although some resources like ConfigMaps are Current immediately.

  • Failed: The process of reconciling the actual state with the state that you want has encountered an error or it has made insufficient progress.

  • Current: The actual state of the resource matches the state that you want. The reconciliation process is considered complete until there are changes to either the wanted or the actual state.

  • Terminating: The resource is in the process of being deleted.

  • NotFound: The resource does not exist in the cluster.

  • Unknown: Config Sync is unable to determine the status of the resource.

To turn off showing the resource level status, add --resources=false to the nomos status command.

About last synced commit

The nomos status command displays the most recent commit hash that was applied to the cluster in its output under status.sync.commit. To obtain this value, query the RootSync or RepoSync object and look at the status.sync field.

For example, to query a RootSync object, run the following command:

kubectl get -n config-management-system root-sync -o yaml

Example output:

kind: RootSync
    commit: f1739af550912034139aca51e382dc50c4036ae0
    lastUpdate: "2021-04-20T00:25:01Z"

To query a RepoSync object, run the following command:

kubectl get -n NAMESPACE repo-sync -o yaml

Replace NAMESPACE with the namespace that you created your namespace source of truth in.

Example output:

kind: RepoSync
    commit: ed95b50dd918cf65d8908f7561cb8d8d1f179c2f
    lastUpdate: "2021-04-20T00:25:20Z"

This commit represents the most recent commit against the cluster. However, not every resource in the cluster is affected by each commit; to see the most recent commit for a specific resource, query the specific resource and look at For example:

kubectl get clusterroles CLUSTER_ROLE_NAME -o yaml

Replace CLUSTER_ROLE_NAME with the name of the cluster role you want to query.

kind: ClusterRole
  annotations: ed95b50dd918cf65d8908f7561cb8d8d1f179c2f

nomos status flags

To customize the nomos status command, add the following flags:

Flag Description
--contexts Accepts a comma-separated list of contexts to use in multi-cluster commands. Defaults to all contexts. Use "" for no contexts.
-h or --help Help for the nomos status command.
--namespace Accepts a string. Use the namespace flag to limit the command to a specific namespace source of truth. Leave unset to get all sources. This flag is only available if you enabled syncing from more than one source of truth.
--poll Use the poll flag to run nomos status continuously and have it reprint the status table at a regular interval. For example 3s. Leave this flag unset to run nomos status once
--resources Accepts true or false. If true, nomos status shows the resource level status for your root or namespace source of truth when syncing from more than one source of truth. The default value is true.
--timeout Timeout for connecting to each cluster. The default value is 3s.
--name Accepts a string. Use this flag to filter Root and Repo Sync with the provided name. This flag can be used alongside the namespace flag.

Required permissions

If you are a project owner, you have the cluster-admin RBAC role and you can use the nomos status command for any clusters in your project without adding any further permissions. If you don't have the cluster-admin role, you can use nomos status by creating the following ClusterRole:

  1. Create a file named nomos-status-reader.yaml and copy the following ClusterRole into it. The rules that you need differ depending on whether you are using RootSync and RepoSync objects.

    Using RootSync and RepoSync objects

    # nomos-status-reader.yaml
    kind: ClusterRole
      name: nomos-status-reader
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["reposyncs", "rootsyncs"]
      verbs: ["get"]
    - nonResourceURLs: ["/"]
      verbs: ["get"]

    Not using RootSync and RepoSync objects

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: nomos-status-reader
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["configmanagements", "repos"]
      verbs: ["get", "list"]
    - nonResourceURLs: ["/"]
      verbs: ["get"]
  2. Apply the nomos-status-reader.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f nomos-status-reader.yaml

Check for errors in the source of truth

Before you commit a config to the source of truth, use the nomos vet command to check the syntax and validity of the configs in your source of truth:

nomos vet

If syntax errors are found, the nomos vet command exits with a non-zero status and logs error messages to STDERR.

nomos vet flags

To customize the nomos vet command, add the following flags:

Flag Description
--clusters Accepts a comma-separated list of cluster names to use in multi-cluster commands. Defaults to all clusters. Use "" for no clusters.
-h or --help Help for the nomos vet command.
--namespace Accepts a string. If set, validates the source of truth as a namespace source of truth with the provided name. Automatically sets --source-format=unstructured.
--no-api-server-check Accepts a Boolean. If true, disables talking to the API server for discovery. For more information on this flag, see the Server-side validation section.
--path Accepts a string. The path to the root directory of your Config Sync source of truth. The default is "."
--source-format Accepts hierarchy or unstructured. If hierarchy or unset, validates the source of truth as a hierarchical source of truth. If unstructured, validates the source of truth as an unstructured source of truth. This flag is required if you are using an unstructured source of truth.
--keep-output Accepts a Boolean. If true, the rendered output is saved to the location that you can specify with the --output flag.
--output Accepts a string. The path to the rendered output. Defaults to the compiled directory. If --keep-output is set to false, this flag is ignored.
--format Accepts yaml or json. The format of the output. The default value is yaml.

Server-side validation

If the nomos vet command is unable to determine if the type is namespaced, the nomos tool connects to the API Server. Because the nomos tool by default understands core Kubernetes types and Config Sync CRDs, it only tries to connect to the API Server if there are CRs which have no corresponding declared CRD. In this case, if the API Server does not have the CRD applied, the nomos vet command returns error KNV1021. To disable this check and suppress errors from missing CRDs, pass the --no-api-server-check flag.

Caching API server metadata

Instead of suppressing API server checks, you can cache the data on the API server for the nomos vet command. To cache your api-resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Connect to a cluster which has all CRDs that you need for your source of truth. The cluster does not need to have Config Sync enabled.
  2. Go to the policyDir of your source of truth. This is the same directory specified in your ConfigManagement or RootSync resource.
  3. Run the following command: kubectl api-resources > api-resources.txt This command creates a file called api-resources.txt that contains the exact output of kubectl api-resources.

From now on, runs of nomos vet within the source of truth are aware of those type definitions. If the api-resources.txt file is removed or renamed, nomos vet cannot find the file. nomos vet will still attempt to connect to the cluster if it finds manifests for types not declared in api-resources.txt (unless --no-api-server-check is passed).

The api-resources.txt file only affects how the nomos tool works. It does not modify the behavior of Config Sync in any way.

It's okay to have extra entries in the api-resources.txt file which are for types that are not in the source of truth being validated. nomos vet imports the definitions, but does nothing with them.

Update api-resources.txt

After ensuring all the CRDs that you want are on the cluster, run the following command:

kubectl api-resources > api-resources.txt

Automatically check for syntax errors when committing

If you commit a file with JSON or YAML errors, Config Sync does not apply the change. However, you can prevent these types of errors from ever getting into the source of truth by using client-side or server-side hooks.

Use nomos vet in a pre-commit hook

You can configure a pre-commit hook that runs the nomos vet command to check for syntax errors when you commit a change to the local Git clone of your repo. If a pre-commit hook exits with a non-zero status, the git commit operation fails.

To run the nomos vet command as a pre-commit hook, edit the .git/hooks/pre-commit file in your source of truth (notice that .git starts with a . character). You may need to create the file manually. Add the nomos vet command to a new line in the script. The --path argument is optional.

nomos vet --path=/path/to/repo

Ensure that the pre-commit file is executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Now, when you run a git commit command in the clone of your source of truth, nomos vet runs automatically.

The contents of the .git/ directory are not tracked by the source of truth itself, and cannot be committed to the source of truth in the same location. You can create a directory in the source of truth for Git hooks, and people who use the source of truth can copy the hooks into the appropriate place in their local clone.

Use nomos vet in a server-side hook

Git provides a mechanism for running checks at the server, rather than the client, during a git push operation. If the check fails, the git push also fails. These server-side hooks cannot be bypassed by the client. The method for configuring server-side hooks depends on how your Git server is hosted. See one of the following links for more information, or check the documentation for your Git hosting service.

View all configs in the source of truth

You can use the nomos hydrate command to view the combined contents of your source of truth on each enrolled cluster.

If you run nomos hydrate with no options, it creates a compiled/ directory in the current working directory. Within that directory, a subdirectory is created for each enrolled cluster, with the fully resolved configs the Operator would apply to the cluster.

This command can also convert a hierarchical source of truth to one or more unstructured sources of truth, using the content in the compiled/ directory.

nomos hydrate flags

To customize the nomos hydrate command, add the following flags:

Flag Description
--clusters Accepts a comma-separated list of cluster names. Use this flag to limit the output to a single cluster or a list of clusters. Defaults to all clusters. Use "" for no clusters.
--flat If enabled, print all output to a single file. Use this flag if you want to emulate the behavior of nomos view.
-h or --help Help for the nomos hydrate command.
--format Accepts a yaml or json. The format of the output. The default value is yaml.
--no-api-server-check Accepts a Boolean. If true, disables talking to the API server for discovery. For more information on this flag, see the Server-side validation section.
--output Accepts a string. The location to write hydrated configuration to. The default is the compiled directory. If --flat is not enabled, writes each resource manifest as a separate file. If --flat is enabled, writes to the, writes a single file holding all resource manifests.
--path Accepts a string. The path to the root directory of your Config Sync source of truth. The default is "."
--source-format Accepts hierarchy or unstructured. If hierarchy or unset, validates the source of truth as a hierarchical source of truth. If unstructured, validates the source of truth as an unstructured source of truth. This flag is required if you are using an unstructured source of truth.

Create a bug report

If you have a problem with Config Sync that requires help from Google Cloud support, you can provide them with valuable debugging information by using the nomos bugreport command. You can use this command for a single source of truth and multiple repositories.

nomos bugreport

This command generates a timestamped zip file with information on the Kubernetes cluster set in your kubectl context. The file also contains logs from Config Sync Pods. It does not contain information from the resources synced with Config Sync. For more information about the contents of the zip file, see nomos bugreport reference.


The nomos bugreport command fails and produces an incomplete zip file if any individual file exceeds 1GiB. This often occurs due to large log files.

The following table includes the most common causes of large log files and how you can resolve them:

Cause Recommended action
Increased log verbosity Reduce log verbosity with log level overrides
Very large objects Unmanage the large object or reduce their size
Many objects Split your repository into multiple repositories
Controller fights Resolve the fighting

Migrate from a ConfigManagement object to a RootSync object

You can run the nomos migrate command to migrate from your ConfigManagement object to a RootSync object to enable the RootSync and RepoSync APIs.

If you used spec.enableLegacyFields to bootstrap a RootSync, follow the guide to turn off legacy fields instead of using nomos migrate. Legacy fields are not supported starting in version 1.19.0.

nomos migrate supports dry-run for previewing the migration process.

nomos migrate modifies your ConfigManagement object on the cluster directly. To avoid changes made through nomos migrate being reverted, ensure the ConfigManagement object isn't checked into your source of truth.

nomos migrate --contexts=KUBECONFIG_CONTEXTS --dry-run

If the dry-run result looks good, you can migrate your ConfigManagement object by using nomos migrate:

nomos migrate --contexts=KUBECONFIG_CONTEXTS

The output is similar to the following:

Enabling the multi-repo mode on cluster "my_managed_cluster-1" ...
- A RootSync object is generated and saved in "/tmp/nomos-migrate/my_managed_cluster-1/root-sync.yaml".
- The original ConfigManagement object is saved in "/tmp/nomos-migrate/my_managed_cluster-1/cm-original.yaml".
- The ConfigManagement object is updated and saved in "/tmp/nomos-migrate/my_managed_cluster-1/cm-multi.yaml".
- Resources for the multi-repo mode have been saved in a temp folder. If the migration process is terminated, it can be recovered manually by running the following commands:
  kubectl apply -f /tmp/nomos-migrate/my_managed_cluster-1/cm-multi.yaml && \
  kubectl wait --for condition=established crd && \
  kubectl apply -f /tmp/nomos-migrate/my_managed_cluster-1/root-sync.yaml.
- Updating the ConfigManagement object ....
- Waiting for the RootSync CRD to be established ....
- The RootSync CRD has been established.
- Creating the RootSync object ....
- Waiting for the reconciler-manager Pod to be ready ....
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "app=reconciler-manager".
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "app=reconciler-manager".
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "app=reconciler-manager".
- The reconciler-manager Pod is running.
- Waiting for the root-reconciler Pod to be ready ....
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "".
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "".
-   Haven't detected running Pods with the label selector "".
- The root-reconciler Pod is running.
- The migration process is done. Please check the sync status with `nomos status`.

Finished migration on all the contexts. Please check the sync status with `nomos status`.

Roll back to the previous configuration

If you need to roll back after performing the migration with nomos migrate, apply the original ConfigManagement object. nomos migrate saves the original ConfigManagement object to a file and prints the name to the terminal. The name of the file is of the form /tmp/nomos-migrate/CURRENT_CONTEXT/cm-original.yaml.

To roll back to the previous configuration, copy the file path for cm-original.yaml and apply the file to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f CM_ORIGINAL_PATH

nomos migrate flags

To customize the nomos migrate command, add the following flags:

Flag Description
--connect-timeout Accepts a duration. Timeout duration for connecting to each cluster. Default to 3s.
--contexts Accepts a comma-separated list of contexts to use in multi-cluster environments. Defaults to the current context. Use "all" for all contexts.
--dry-run Accepts a boolean. If true, only prints the migration output.
-h or --help Help for the nomos migrate command.
--wait-timeout Accepts a duration. Timeout duration for waiting for Kubernetes resources' conditions to be true. Defaults to 10m.

Initialize a hierarchical source of truth

You can organize your source of truth arbitrarily if you are using an unstructured source of truth. If you are using a hierarchical source of truth, you need to run the nomos init command to initialize a hierarchical directory:

nomos init

This creates the basic directory structure of a hierarchical source of truth, including the system/, cluster/, and namespaces/ directories.

nomos init flags

To customize nomos init, add the following flags:

Flag Description
--force Write to directory even if nonempty, overwriting conflicting files
-h or --help Help for the nomos init command.
--path Accepts a string. The root directory to use for your source of truth. The default value is "."


On Linux, you might see the following error when executing a nomos command:

failed to create client configs: while getting config path: failed to get current user: user: Current not implemented on linux/amd64

To fix this problem, create a USER environment variable:

export USER=$(whoami)

What's next