Exemplo em YAML para um nível de acesso

O exemplo a seguir inclui todos os atributos que podem ser especificados ao criar um arquivo .yaml para um nível de acesso. Um arquivo .yaml é necessário apenas se você estiver criando ou modificando um nível de acesso usando a ferramenta de linha de comando gcloud.

Embora você possa incluir identidades no atributo members, o Google não recomenda fazer isso. Veja identities em Entrada e saída regras sobre como permitir a comunicação entre eles.

# Attributes can be included in any order in the condition
- devicePolicy:
  # Must include at least one of the following:
    # Must include at least one of the following:
    # Must include at least one of the following:
      - osType: DESKTOP_CHROME_OS
        minimumVersion: 11316.165.0
        # minimumVersion must be formatted as x.x.x
        requireVerifiedChromeOs: true
      - osType: DESKTOP_MAC
      - osType: DESKTOP_WINDOWS
        # minimumVersion is not required
    requireScreenlock: true
    # requireScreenlock defaults to false if not included
    requireAdminApproval: true
    # requireAdminApproval defaults to false if not included
    requireCorpOwned: true
    # requireCorpOwned defaults to false if not included
  # Must include one or more IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs
    - 2001:db8::/32
  # Must include one or more regions as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes
    - US
    - CH
    - SG
  # Must include one or more existing access levels
  # Must be formatted as accessPolicies/policy-name/accessLevels/level-name
    - accessPolicies/247332951433/accessLevels/Device_Trust
  # Must include one or more valid IAM users or service accounts
    - user:exampleuser@example.com
    - serviceAccount:exampleaccount@example.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  negate: true
  # negate is not required and can only be included with other attributes
  # If negate is included, none of the attributes included in the condition
  # can be true for the condition to be met.

# You can include more than one condition in the .yaml file
- ipSubnetworks: