API proxy deployments fail with no active runtime pods warning

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Deployments of API proxies fail with No active runtime pods warning in the Apigee hybrid UI.

Error messages

The No active runtime pods warning is displayed in the Details dialog next to the error message Deployment issues on ENVIRONMENT: REVISION_NUMBER on the API proxy page:

This issue can manifest as different errors in other resource pages of the UI. Here are some example error messages:

Hybrid UI error message #1: Datastore Error

You may observe the Datastore Error on the API Products and Apps pages of the hybrid UI as shown below:

Hybrid UI error message #2: Internal Server Error

You may observe Internal Server Error on the Developers page of the UI as shown below:

Kubectl command output

You may observe apiege-mart, apigee-runtime and apigee- synchronizer pod statuses being changed to CrashLoopBackOff in the kubectl get pods command output:

Component log error messages

You will observe the following liveness probe failure errors in the apigee-runtime pod logs in Apigee hybrid releases >= 1.4.0:

obes/live"},"logger":"REST","message":"Error occurred : probe failed Probe cps-datastore-
connectivity-liveliness-probe failed due to com.apigee.probe.model.ProbeFailedException{ code =
cps.common.datastoreConnectionNotHealthy, message = Datastore connection not healthy, associated
contexts =

obes/live"},"logger":"REST","message":"Returning error response : ErrorResponse{errorCode =
probe.ProbeRunError, errorMessage = probe failed Probe cps-datastore-connectivity-liveliness-probe
failed due to com.apigee.probe.model.ProbeFailedException{ code =
cps.common.datastoreConnectionNotHealthy, message = Datastore connection not healthy, associated
contexts = []}}","context":"apigee-service-

You will observe the following Cannot build a cluster without contact points error in apigee-synchronizer pod logs in Apigee hybrid releases >= 1.4.0:

"ServiceDeployer.deploy() : Got a life cycle exception while starting service [SyncService, Cannot
build a cluster without contact points] : {}","context":"apigee-service-
logs","exception":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot build a cluster without contact
points\n\tat com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.checkNotEmpty(Cluster.java:134)\n\tat

You will observe the following liveness probe failure errors in the apigee-mart pod logs in Apigee hybrid releases >= 1.4.0:

obes/live"},"logger":"REST","message":"Error occurred : probe failed Probe cps-datastore-
connectivity-liveliness-probe failed due to com.apigee.probe.model.ProbeFailedException{ code =
cps.common.datastoreConnectionNotHealthy, message = Datastore connection not healthy, associated
contexts =

obes/live"},"logger":"REST","message":"Returning error response : ErrorResponse{errorCode =
probe.ProbeRunError, errorMessage = probe failed Probe cps-datastore-connectivity-liveliness-probe
failed due to com.apigee.probe.model.ProbeFailedException{ code =
cps.common.datastoreConnectionNotHealthy, message = Datastore connection not healthy, associated
contexts = []}}","context":"apigee-service-

Information about No active runtime pods error

In the Apigee hybrid 1.4.0 release, the liveness probe feature was added to the apigee-runtime and apigee-mart pods to check the status of the Cassandra pods. If all Cassandra pods become unavailable, then the liveness probes of the apigee-runtime and apigee-mart pods will fail. Thus, the apigee-runtime and apigee-mart pods will go into the CrashLoopBackOff state causing deployments of API proxies to fail with the warning No active runtime pods. The apigee-synchronizer pod will also go to the CrashLoopBackOff state because of Cassandra pods being unavailable.

Possible causes

Here are a few possible causes for this error:

Cause Description
Cassandra pods are down Cassandra pods are down; therefore, apigee-runtime pods will not be able to communicate with the Cassandra database.
Cassandra replica configured with only one pod Having only one Cassandra pod could become a single point of failure.

Cause: Cassandra pods are down

During the API proxy deployment process, the apigee-runtime pods connect to the Cassandra database to fetch resources, such as Key Value Maps (KVMs) and caches, defined in the API proxy. If there are no Cassandra pods running, then apigee-runtime pods will not be able to connect to the Cassandra database. This leads to the API Proxy deployment failure.


  1. List Cassandra pods:
    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-cassandra

    Sample output 1:

    NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-cassandra-default-0   0/1     Pending   0          9m23s

    Sample output 2:

    NAME                 READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-cassandra-0   0/1     CrashLoopBackoff  0          10m
  2. Verify the status of each Cassandra pod. The status of all Cassandra pods should be in the Running state. If any of the Cassandra pods are in a different state, that could be the reason for this issue. Perform the following steps to resolve the issue:


  1. If any of the Cassandra pods are in the Pending state, refer to Cassandra pods are stuck in the Pending state to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
  2. If any of the Cassandra pods are in CrashLoopBackoff state, refer to Cassandra pods are stuck in the CrashLoopBackoff state to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

    Sample output:

    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-runtime
    NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-2gnch   1/1     Running   13         43m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-42jdv   1/1     Running   13         45m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-l7wq7   1/1     Running   13         43m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-q2thb   1/1     Running   8          38m
    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-mart
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-mart-apigee-hybrid-s-2664b3e-143-u0a5c-rtg69   2/2     Running   8          28m
    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-synchronizer
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zp269nb   2/2     Running   10         29m
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zp2w2jp   2/2     Running   0          4m40s
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zpkfkvq   2/2     Running   0          4m40s
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zpxmzhn   2/2     Running   0          4m40s

Cause: Cassandra replica configured with only one pod

If Cassandra replica count is configured to one, there will only be one Cassandra pod available in the runtime. As a result, apigee-runtime pods may encounter connectivity issues if that Cassandra pod becomes unavailable for a certain time period.


  1. Get the Cassandra stateful set and check the current replica count:
    kubectl -n apigee get statefulsets -l app=apigee-cassandra

    Sample output:

    NAME                               READY           AGE
    apigee-cassandra-default           1/1             21m
  2. If the replica count is configured to 1, then perform the following steps to increase it to a higher number.


Apigee hybrid non-production deployments may have Cassandra replica count set to 1. If high availability of Cassandra is important in non- production deployments, increase the replica count to 3 to resolve this problem.

Perform the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Update the overrides.yaml file and set Cassandra replica count to 3:
      replicaCount: 3

    For Cassandra configuration information, see Configuration property reference.

  2. Apply the above configuration using Helm:

    Dry run:

      helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --atomic \

    Install the Helm chart

      helm upgrade datastore apigee-datastore/ \
      --install \
      --namespace APIGEE_NAMESPACE \
      --atomic \
  3. Get the Cassandra stateful set and check the current replica count:
    kubectl -n get statefulsets -l app=apigee-cassandra

    Sample output:

    NAME                              READY         AGE
    apigee-cassandra-default          3/3           27m
  4. Get the Cassandra pods and check the current instance count. If all pods are not ready and in the Running state wait for the new Cassandra pods to be created and activated:
    kubectl -n get pods -l app=apigee-cassandra

    Sample output:

    NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-cassandra-default-0   1/1     Running   0          29m
    apigee-cassandra-default-1   1/1     Running   0          21m
    apigee-cassandra-default-2   1/1     Running   0          19m

    Sample output:

    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-runtime
    NAME                                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-2gnch   1/1     Running   13         43m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-42jdv   1/1     Running   13         45m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-l7wq7   1/1     Running   13         43m
    apigee-runtime-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-501i7-q2thb   1/1     Running   8          38m
    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-mart
    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-mart-apigee-hybrid-s-2664b3e-143-u0a5c-rtg69   2/2     Running   8          28m
    kubectl -n apigee get pods -l app=apigee-synchronizer
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zp269nb   2/2     Running   10         29m
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zp2w2jp   2/2     Running   0          4m40s
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zpkfkvq   2/2     Running   0          4m40s
    apigee-synchronizer-apigee-hybrid-s-test1-8b64f12-143-96zpxmzhn   2/2     Running   0          4m40s

Must gather diagnostic information

If the problem persists even after following the above instructions, gather the following diagnostic information, and then contact Google Cloud Customer Care.

  1. Google Cloud Project ID
  2. Apigee hybrid/Apigee organization
  3. For Apigee hybrid: the overrides.yaml, masking any sensitive information
  4. Kubernetes pod status in all namespaces:
    kubectl get pods -A > kubectl-pod-status`date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S`.txt
  5. Kubernetes cluster-info dump:
    # generate kubernetes cluster-info dump
    kubectl cluster-info dump -A --output-directory=/tmp/kubectl-cluster-info-dump
    # zip kubernetes cluster-info dump
    zip -r kubectl-cluster-info-dump`date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S`.zip /tmp/kubectl-cluster-info-dump/*
