Use cases
Offer efficient routes
Quickly and efficiently route people or goods from A to B.
Real-Time Traffic
Route optimization planning
Eco-friendlier routing
Dispatch Route Optimization
Helpful features
Products built for optimized route planning
Dynamic Maps
Customize and style interactive maps using Cloud-based maps styling for real time updates across all devices and platforms.
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Dynamic Street View
Embed real-world imagery with 360° panoramas.
Static Street View
Embed a static (non-interactive) Street View panorama or thumbnail into your web page, without the use of JavaScript.
Compute Routes
Provide directions with real-time traffic for transit, biking, driving, 2-wheel motorized vehicles, or walking between multiple locations.
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Compute Routes Matrix
Calculate travel times and distances for multiple destinations for up to 625 route elements.
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Provide directions for transit, biking, driving, or walking between multiple locations.
Distance Matrix
Calculate travel times and distances for multiple destinations.
Determine the route a vehicle travels.
Route Optimization
Optimize multi-stop routes for one or more vehicles flexibly and intelligently.
Address Validation
Validate an address and its components, standardize the address for mailing, and determine the best known geocode for it.
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Help users quickly find the exact place they’re looking for by automatically suggesting businesses and points of interest as they type.
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We needed the best mapping partner for our global expansion, and that meant Google Maps Platform. There's simply no better choice. We needed easy integration of quality maps, accurate route calculation, journey time estimates, assistance with addresses, everything. Nothing compares to Google Maps Platform.
Egor Fedorov
COO, inDriver
*Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost. Essentials Map Tiles APIs provide up to 100,000 calls at no cost per SKU per month.