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Run an Elixir Phoenix app on Compute Engine
Learn how to deploy a Phoenix app to Compute Engine.
Compute Engine, Elixir, Phoenix

Daniel Azuma | Developer Programs Engineer | Google

Contributed by Google employees.

This tutorial helps you get started deploying your Elixir app using the Phoenix Framework to Compute Engine, taking advantage of Google's deep expertise with scalable infrastructure.

In this tutorial, you do the following:

  • Create a new Phoenix application
  • Connect your app to a database running in Cloud SQL
  • Create an OTP release for your app using Distillery
  • Deploy your app to Compute Engine instances
  • Set up load balancing and autoscaling for your app

This tutorial requires Elixir 1.5 and Phoenix 1.4 or later. It assumes you are already familiar with basic Phoenix web development. It also requires the PostgreSQL database to be installed on your local development workstation.

This tutorial was updated in January 2019 to cover Phoenix 1.4, Distillery 2.0, and connecting Ecto to a Cloud SQL database. It was updated in July 2019 to improve the build procedure and cover changes in Distillery 2.1.

Before you begin

Before running this tutorial, you must set up a Google Cloud project. You also need to have Docker, PostgreSQL, and the Cloud SDK installed on your workstation.

Create a Google Cloud project

Create a project to host your Phoenix application. You can also reuse an existing project.

To create a new project:

  1. Use the Cloud Console to create a new Google Cloud project. Remember the project ID; you will need it later. Commands in this tutorial use ${PROJECT_ID} as a substitution, so you consider setting the PROJECT_ID environment variable in your shell.

  2. Enable billing for your project.

  3. In the Cloud Console, enable the following APIs:

Install required applications and services

After you have set up a Google Cloud project, perform the following tasks on your workstation:

  1. Install Docker if you do not already have it. Find instructions on the Docker website.

  2. Install the Cloud SDK if you do not already have it. Make sure that you initialize the SDK and set the default project to the new project that you created.

    Version 227.0.0 or later of the SDK is required. If you have an earlier version installed, upgrade it:

    gcloud components update
  3. Install Elixir 1.8 or later if you do not already have it.

    If you are on macOS and have Homebrew, you can run the following command to install Elixir:

    brew install elixir

    Otherwise, consult the Elixir installation guide for your operating system.

  4. Install the hex, rebar, and phx_new archives:

    mix local.hex
    mix local.rebar
    mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.4.9
  5. Install Node.js if you do not already have it.

    If you are on macOS and have Homebrew, you can run the following command to install Node.js:

    brew install node

    Otherwise, consult the Node.js download guide for your operating system.

  6. Install PostgreSQL if you do not already have it.

    Consult the PostgreSQL downloads page for information on downloading and installing PostgreSQL for your operating system.

Creating a new app and running it locally

In this section, you create a new Phoenix app with a database and make sure that it runs locally in development. If you already have an app to deploy, you can use it instead.

Create a new Phoenix app

  1. Run the task to create a new Phoenix project called hello:

    mix hello

    Answer Y when the tool asks you if you want to fetch and install dependencies.

  2. Go into the directory with the new application:

    cd hello
  3. Update the development database settings in config/dev.exs to specify a valid database user and credentials. You may also update the database name. The resulting configuration may look something like this:

    # Configure your database
    config :hello, Hello.Repo,
        username: "my_name",
        password: "XXXXXXXX",
        database: "hello_dev",
        hostname: "localhost",
        pool_size: 10
  4. Create the development database with the following command:

    mix ecto.create
  5. Run the app with the following command:

    mix phx.server

    This compiles your server and runs it on port 4000.

  6. Visit http://localhost:4000 to see the Phoenix welcome screen running locally on your workstation.

Create and test a development database

Next you will populate a simple development database and verify that your Phoenix app can access it.

  1. Create a simple schema:

    mix phx.gen.schema User users name:string email:string
  2. Migrate your development database:

    mix ecto.migrate
  3. Add some very simple code to show that the application can access the database, by querying for the number of user records. Open lib/hello_web/controllers/page_controller.ex and rewrite the index function as follows:

    def index(conn, _params) do
        count = Hello.Repo.aggregate(Hello.User, :count, :id)
        |> assign(:count, count)
        |> render("index.html")

    You can also display the value of @count by adding it to the template lib/hello_web/templates/page/index.html.eex.

  4. Recompile and run the app:

    mix phx.server
  5. Visit http://localhost:4000 to verify that your new code is running. You can log into your database and add new rows, and reload the page to verify that the count has changed.

For more information on using Ecto to access a SQL database, see the Phoenix Ecto guide.

Create a production database in Cloud SQL

In this section, you will create your "production" database using Cloud SQL, a fully-managed database service providing PostgreSQL and MySQL in the cloud. If you already have a database hosted elsewhere, you may skip this section, but you may need to ensure your production configuration is set up to connect to your database.

Before you begin this section, make sure you have enabled billing and the needed APIs in your cloud project. You should also set the default project for your gcloud SDK if you have not already done so:

gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}

Create a Cloud SQL instance

First you will create a new database in the cloud.

  1. Create a Cloud SQL instance named hellodb with a PostgreSQL database:

    gcloud sql instances create hellodb --region=us-central1 \
        --database-version=POSTGRES_9_6 --tier=db-g1-small

    You may choose a region other than us-central1 if there is one closer to your location.

  2. Get the connection name for your Cloud SQL instance:

    gcloud sql instances describe hellodb

    In the output, look for the connection name in the connectionName field. The connection name has this format: [PROJECT-ID]:[COMPUTE-ZONE]:hellodb This tutorial refers to the connection name as [CONNECTION-NAME].

  3. Secure your new database instance by setting a password on the default postgres user:

    gcloud sql users set-password postgres \
        --instance=hellodb --prompt-for-password

    When prompted, enter a password for the database.

Connect to your Cloud SQL instance

In this section you learn how to connect to your Cloud SQL instance from your local workstation. Generally, you will not need to do this often, but it is useful for the initial creation and migration of your database, as well as for creating ad hoc database connections for maintenance.

By default, Cloud SQL instances are secured: to connect using the standard psql tool, you must whitelist your IP address. This security measure can make it challenging to establish ad hoc database connections. So, Cloud SQL provides a command line tool called the Cloud SQL Proxy. This tool communicates with your database instance over a secure API, using your Cloud SDK credentials, and opens a local endpoint (such as a Unix socket) that psql can connect to.

To set up Cloud SQL Proxy, perform the following steps:

  1. Install Cloud SQL Proxy. Make sure that cloud_sql_proxy is executable and is available in your environment's PATH.

  2. Create a directory /tmp/cloudsql. This is where the Cloud SQL Proxy will create database connection sockets. You may put this in a different location, but if you do, you will need to update some of the commands below accordingly.

    mkdir -p /tmp/cloudsql
  3. Start the proxy, telling it to open sockets in the directory you created:

    cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/tmp/cloudsql

    This runs the proxy in the foreground, so subsequent commands need to be run in a separate shell. If you prefer, feel free to background the process instead.

  4. The proxy will open a socket in the directory /tmp/cloudsql/[CONNECTION-NAME]/. You can point psql to that socket to connect to the database instance. Test this now:

    psql -h /tmp/cloudsql/[CONNECTION-NAME] -U postgres

You can learn more about using the Cloud SQL Proxy to connect to your instance from the documentation.

Create and migrate the production database

Next you will configure your Phoenix app to point to your production database instance, and tell Ecto to create and migrate the database.

  1. Start the Cloud SQL Proxy, if it is not already running from the previous section. Remember that this runs in the foreground by default.

    cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/tmp/cloudsql
  2. Configure your production database configuration to communicate with the sockets opened by the running Cloud SQL Proxy. Edit the config/prod.secret.exs file to include something like this:

    # Configure your database
    config :hello, Hello.Repo,
        username: "postgres",
        password: "XXXXXXXX",
        database: "hello_prod",
        socket_dir: "/tmp/cloudsql/[CONNECTION-NAME]",
        pool_size: 15

    Remember to replace [CONNECTION-NAME] with your database's connection name, and include the password you set for the "postgres" user.

  3. Hard-code secret_key_base in config/prod.secret.exs. (If you're doing a real application, you might want to create a different mechanism to inject the database password and the secret key base into this file, but this tutorial keeps things simple.)

  4. Now you can use Phoenix to create and migrate your production database:

    MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.create
    MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate
  5. Stop the Cloud SQL Proxy when you are finished.

Enabling releases with Distillery

Releases are the preferred way to package Elixir (and Erlang) applications for deployment. You will configure the Distillery tool to create releases for your app.

Elixir 1.9 or later can build basic releases by itself, but this tutorial requires additional capabilities provided by Distillery, specifically the ability to create a self-extracting executable.

If you already have Distillery set up for your application, you can skip this section. But make sure include_erts: true is set in your :prod release configuration. This tutorial assumes ERTS is included in releases.

Set up Distillery

  1. Add distillery to your application's dependencies. In the mix.exs file, add {:distillery, "~> 2.1"} to the deps. Then install it:

    mix deps.get
  2. Create a default release configuration:

    mix distillery.init

    This will create a file rel/config.exs. You can examine and edit it if you wish, but the defaults should be sufficient for this tutorial.

  3. Prepare the Phoenix configuration for deployment by editing the prod config file config/prod.exs. In particular, set server: true to ensure the web server starts when the supervision tree is initialized, and set the port to honor the PORT environment variable. We recommend the following settings to start off:

    config :hello, HelloWeb.Endpoint,
        load_from_system_env: true,
        http: [port: {:system, "PORT"}],
        check_origin: false,
        server: true,
        root: ".",
        cache_static_manifest: "priv/static/cache_manifest.json"

    Some versions of phoenix override the http key when creating a new config/prod.secret.exs file. Delete that line if it is present, so that it does not interfere with your config.

Test a release

Now you can create a release to test out your configuration.

  1. Make sure assets have been built for production:

    pushd assets
    npm install
    ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production
    mix phx.digest

    Remember that if your app is an umbrella app, the assets directory might be located in one of the apps subdirectories.

  2. Build the release:

    MIX_ENV=prod mix distillery.release --env=prod --executable
  3. Start the Cloud SQL Proxy so that Phoenix can connect to your database. Remember that this runs in the foreground by default.

    cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/tmp/cloudsql
  4. Run the application from the release with:

    PORT=8080 _build/prod/rel/hello/bin/ foreground

    If your application is named something other than hello, the release executable might be in a different path.

  5. Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the Phoenix welcome screen running locally from your release.

  6. After you stop the application, delete the tmp directory (which is where extracts to). Otherwise, if you make changes and try running again, may use the existing extraction rather than the new code. Additionally, make sure you stop cloud_sql_proxy when you are done testing.

Building a release for deployment

Building a release for deploying to the cloud is a bit more complicated because your build needs to take place in the same operating system and architecture as your deployment environment. In this section, you will use Docker to cross-compile a release. (However, your app will eventually run directly on a Compute Engine VM, not in a Docker container.) Then, you will upload your release to a Cloud Storage bucket.

Prepare a Cloud Storage bucket

Created a Cloud Storage bucket for your releases:

  1. Choose a bucket name. A good name might be related to your project ID, e.g.

    export BUCKET_NAME="${PROJECT_ID}-releases"
  2. Create the bucket:

    gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET_NAME}

Prepare a build script

In this section, you create a Dockerfile script to build your app.

This is not an image that can be deployed or run directly. This tutorial simply uses Docker to cross-compile your application for Debian. If you are interested in building a Docker image that can be deployed to a container-based environment such as Kubernetes, see the companion tutorial on deploying Phoenix to Kubernetes Engine.

  1. Create a file called Dockerfile in your hello directory, and copy the following content into it:

    FROM elixir:latest
    ARG app_name=hello
    ARG phoenix_subdir=.
    ARG build_env=prod
    ENV MIX_ENV=${build_env} TERM=xterm
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN apt-get update -y \
        && curl -sL | bash - \
        && apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends nodejs \
        && mix local.rebar --force \
        && mix local.hex --force
    COPY . .
    RUN mix do deps.get, compile
    RUN cd ${phoenix_subdir}/assets \
        && npm install \
        && ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production \
        && cd .. \
        && mix phx.digest
    RUN mix distillery.release --env=${build_env} --executable --verbose \
        && mv _build/${build_env}/rel/${app_name}/bin/${app_name}.run start_release
  2. Create a file called .dockerignore in your hello directory, and copy the following content into it:


    If your app is an umbrella app, you might need to adjust the paths to include the build, deps, and node_modules directories of the constituent apps. In general, you want Docker to ignore artifacts that come from your development environment, so it can perform clean builds.

Build and upload to Cloud Storage

In this section, you build the application image, extract the executable release file, and upload it to Cloud Storage.

  1. Build the application image.

    docker build -t hello-image .

    This tutorial assumes you have named your image hello-image, though you can give it a different name.

  2. Copy the executable out of the image. Docker doesn't provide a command to do this directly, so you create a temporary container from the image and copy the executable from there.

    container_id=$(docker create hello-image)
    docker cp ${container_id}:/app/start_release start_release
    docker rm ${container_id}

    The executable release is now available in your current directory as start_release. (Note that you might not be able to run this executable release directly from your workstation, because it has been cross-compiled for Debian.)

  3. Push the release to Cloud Storage:

    gsutil cp start_release gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/hello-release

Whenever you want to do a new build, you only need to repeat the steps to perform a production build as described in this subsection. You do not need to modify the Dockerfile.

Deploying your application to a single instance

You can now deploy your application to Compute Engine.

Compute Engine instances may provide a startup script that is executed whenever the instance is started or restarted. You will use this to install and start your app.

Create a startup script

Create a file called in your application's root directory. Copy the following content into it:

set -ex
export HOME=/app
mkdir -p ${HOME}
cd ${HOME}
RELEASE_URL=$(curl \
    -s "" \
    -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
gsutil cp ${RELEASE_URL} hello-release
chmod 755 hello-release
wget \
    -O cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
mkdir /tmp/cloudsql
PROJECT_ID=$(curl \
    -s "" \
    -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
./cloud_sql_proxy -projects=${PROJECT_ID} -dir=/tmp/cloudsql &
PORT=8080 ./hello-release start

The startup script downloads the Cloud SQL Proxy from Google Cloud, and the release you built from Cloud Storage, and executes both. It reads the Cloud Storage URL from an instance attribute, which is key-value metadata that can be associated with a Compute Engine instance. You will set that attribute when you actually create the instance. It also obtains the project ID from a project attribute that is set automatically by Compute Engine.

Create and configure a Compute Engine instance

Now you will start a Compute Engine instance.

  1. Create an instance:

    gcloud compute instances create hello-instance \
        --image-family debian-9 \
        --image-project debian-cloud \
        --machine-type g1-small \
        --scopes "userinfo-email,cloud-platform" \
        --metadata-from-file \
        --metadata release-url=gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/hello-release \
        --zone us-central1-f \
        --tags http-server

    This command creates a new instance named hello-instance, grants it access to Google Cloud services, and provides your startup script. It also sets an instance attribute with the Cloud Storage URL of your release.

  2. Check the progress of instance creation:

    gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output hello-instance \
        --zone us-central1-f

    This will include the output of the script. You can continue when you see Cloud SQL Proxy report that it is receiving database connections from your app.

  3. Create a firewall rule to allow traffic to your instance:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http-8080 \
        --allow tcp:8080 \
        --source-ranges \
        --target-tags http-server \
        --description "Allow port 8080 access to http-server"
  4. Get the external IP address of your instance:

    gcloud compute instances list
  5. To see your application running, go to http://${IP_ADDRESS}:8080 where ${IP_ADDRESS} is the external address you obtained above.

Horizontal scaling with multiple instances

Compute Engine can easily scale horizontally. By using a managed instance group and the Compute Engine Autoscaler, Compute Engine can automatically create new instances of your application when needed, and shut down instances when demand is low. You can set up an HTTP load balancer to distribute traffic to the instances in a managed instance group.

Create a managed instance group

A managed instance group is a group of homogeneous instances based on an instance template. Here you will create a group of instances running your Phoenix app.

  1. Create an instance template:

    gcloud compute instance-templates create hello-template \
        --image-family debian-9 \
        --image-project debian-cloud \
        --machine-type g1-small \
        --scopes "userinfo-email,cloud-platform" \
        --metadata-from-file \
        --metadata release-url=gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/hello-release \
        --tags http-server

    Notice that the template provides most of the information needed to create instances.

  2. Now create an instance group using that template:

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed create hello-group \
        --base-instance-name hello-group \
        --size 2 \
        --template hello-template \
        --zone us-central1-f

    The size parameter specifies the number of instances in the group. You can set it to a different value as needed.

  3. If you did not create the firewall rule while configuring a single instance above, do so now:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http-8080 \
        --allow tcp:8080 \
        --source-ranges \
        --target-tags http-server \
        --description "Allow port 8080 access to http-server"
  4. Get the names and external IP addresses of the instances that were created:

    gcloud compute instances list

    The managed instances in the group have names that start with the base-instance-name, i.e. hello-group. You can use the names to check the progress of instance creation as you did above with a single instance, and then you can use the IP addresses to see your application running on port 8080 of each instance.

Create a load balancer

You will now create a load balancer to direct traffic automatically to available instances in the group. Follow these steps.

  1. Create a health check. The load balancer uses a health check to determine which instances are capable of serving traffic. The health check simply ensures that the root URL returns a page, such as the Phoenix default page. If you are using a different application, you can specify a different request path.

    gcloud compute http-health-checks create hello-health-check \
        --request-path / \
        --port 8080
  2. Create a named port. The HTTP load balancer directs traffic to a port named http, so we map that name to port 8080 to indicate that the instances listen on that port.

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-named-ports hello-group \
        --named-ports http:8080 \
        --zone us-central1-f
  3. Create a backend service. The backend service is the "target" for load-balanced traffic. It defines which instance group the traffic should be directed to and which health check to use.

    gcloud compute backend-services create hello-service \
        --http-health-checks hello-health-check \
  4. Add your instance group to the backend service:

    gcloud compute backend-services add-backend hello-service \
        --instance-group hello-group \
        --global \
        --instance-group-zone us-central1-f
  5. Create a URL map. This defines which URLs should be directed to which backend services. In this sample, all traffic is served by one backend service. If you want to load balance requests between multiple regions or groups, you can create multiple backend services.

    gcloud compute url-maps create hello-service-map \
        --default-service hello-service
  6. Create a proxy that receives traffic and forwards it to backend services using the URL map:

    gcloud compute target-http-proxies create hello-service-proxy \
        --url-map hello-service-map
  7. Create a global forwarding rule. This ties a public IP address and port to a proxy.

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create hello-http-rule \
        --target-http-proxy hello-service-proxy \
        --ports 80 \
  8. You are now done configuring the load balancer. It will take a few minutes for it to initialize and get ready to receive traffic. You can check on its progress:

    gcloud compute backend-services get-health hello-service \

    Continue checking until it lists at least one instance in state HEALTHY.

  9. Get the forwarding IP address for the load balancer:

    gcloud compute forwarding-rules list --global

    Your forwarding-rules IP address is in the IP_ADDRESS column.

    You can now enter the IP address into your browser and view your load-balanced app running on port 80!

Configure an autoscaler

As traffic to your site changes, you can adjust the instance group size manually, or you can configure an autoscaler to adjust the size automatically in response to traffic demands.

Create an autoscaler to monitor utilization and automatically create and delete instances up to a maximum of 10:

gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling hello-group \
    --max-num-replicas 10 \
    --target-load-balancing-utilization 0.6 \
    --zone us-central1-f

After a few minutes, if you send traffic to the load balancer, you might see that additional instances have been added to the instance group.

A wide variety of autoscaling policies are available to maintain target CPU utilization and request-per-second rates across your instance groups. For more information, see the documentation.

Manage and monitor your deployment

You can use the Cloud Console to monitor load balancing, autoscaling, and your managed instance group.

In the Compute > Compute Engine section, you can view individual running instances and connect using SSH. You can manage your instance group and autoscaling configuration using the Compute > Compute Engine > Instance groups section. You can manage load balancing configuration, including URL maps and backend services, using the Compute > Compute Engine > HTTP load balancing section.

Cleaning up

After you've finished this tutorial, you can clean up the resources you created on Google Cloud so you won't be billed for them in the future. You can delete the resources individually, or delete the entire project.

Delete individual resources

Delete the load balancer on the Cloud Console network services page. Also delete the related resources when it asks.

Delete the compute engine instance group on the Cloud Console instance groups page.

Delete the remaining single instance on the Cloud Console instances page.

Delete the Cloud Storage bucket hosting your OTP release from the Cloud Storage browser.

Delete the Cloud SQL instance, which will delete all the databases it hosts, by running:

gcloud sql instances delete hellodb

Delete the project

Alternatively, you can delete the entire project:

gcloud projects delete ${PROJECT_ID}

Next steps

The Elixir Samples repository contains a growing set of sample Elixir applications ready to deploy to Google Cloud and examples of communicating with Google APIs from Elixir.

See the Compute Engine documentation for more information on managing Compute Engine deployments.