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10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
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Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
Discover the APIs and SDKs available to create the best maps for your business.
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
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Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
Discover the APIs and SDKs available to create the best maps for your business.
Product category pricing to meet your needs
10K free* calls per SKU per month
Integrate the best of Google Maps into your applications.
5K free* calls per SKU per month
Build more dynamic and differentiated experiences.
1K free* calls per SKU per month
Transform your business with maximum flexibility and control.
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Now you can style commercial corridors with cloud-based maps styling

Thames Sookpranee
Software Engineer
Aug 6, 2020
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Whether you’re helping your users shop for a home or plan a staycation, chances are one of the things they’re most interested in is understanding proximity to shopping and restaurants. Many cities have specific areas or districts where these types of businesses are concentrated, which often makes them the most vibrant and popular places. We identify these commercial corridors with an algorithm that finds the areas with the highest concentration of restaurants, bars and shops and visually differentiates them. Now you can style them on the map using our recently announced cloud-based maps styling feature.

Commercial corridors currently appear on Google Maps, but in the Maps API services they have not been a distinct feature, so any changes to the landscape color ended up erasing them. Many of our customers make changes to the color of the landscape to better fit their brand or experience. For example, if you pick up our “night mode” style, you lose commercial corridors.

Night mode map

Night mode map in which commercial corridors is lost

We’ve also heard from customers who simply want to make commercial corridors more prominent for their users. To enable you to continue customizing your maps without losing this valuable context, we’ve added a new commercial corridor feature type that can be customized using cloud-based map styling in the Google Cloud console. This allows you to incorporate commercial corridor styling into your maps on the web, Android, and iOS.

Night mode map with styled commercial corridors

Night mode map of Seattle with custom-styled commercial corridors

To try it out, create a new Map Style or edit an existing Map Style, and edit ‘Landscape’ > ‘Commercial Corridors’.

Commercial Corridor feature in Cloud Console

Commercial Corridors feature type in the Style Editor

Haven’t tried out cloud-based maps styling and our other Maps customization features yet? Check out the documentation for the Maps JavaScript API, Maps SDK for Android, and Maps SDK for iOS to learn more.

For more information on Google Maps Platform, visit our website.

Clay cityscape
Clay cityscape
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  • *Free usage refers to monthly calls available at no cost. Essentials Map Tiles APIs provide up to 100,000 calls at no cost per SKU per month.