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Containers & Kubernetes

Kubernetes Podcast rewind: What you missed

August 14, 2018
Craig Box

Cloud Native Advocacy Lead, Google Cloud

Many of the recent announcements at Google Cloud Next ‘18 last month were related to the Kubernetes ecosystem, including Anthos, Istio, and Knative. We're excited to see what you build on these platforms!

At the Kubernetes Podcast, we bring you a weekly round-up of the news, accompanied by an in-depth interview with a community member. Since Next, we've had some great conversations on the podcast with Google Cloud leaders on their Kubernetes-related projects to help you get a behind-the-scenes look at how these projects came about, and what problems they really solve. We've also been talking to Google Cloud customers who have shared their insights about powering their businesses with Kubernetes, Istio and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Over the past month we have had some great interviews:

Today's episode is a customer story with Tim Kelton from Descartes Labs. Tim and his team were early adopters of both Kubernetes and Istio, and will help you understand the benefits of each, as well as explaining how satellite images of Earth can influence geopolitics and move markets.

These shows are made to be heard, so please subscribe and listen. We want the show to be as accessible as possible, so if you don't have a commute, a dog to walk, or otherwise prefer text over audio, we now provide a transcript of each episode on its page at kubernetespodcast.com, added a couple of days after each podcast is posted.  


Happy listening!

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