Function: map.delete

Takes a map, creates a copy of the map, and removes the item for the specified key.

If the key doesn't exist in the map, the function returns a copy of the original map.

For example, if you have map1 = {key1: value1, key2: value2} and key = key3, map.delete(map, key) returns {key1: value1, key2: value2}.


map The map to delete from.
key A string that represents the specified key to remove from the map.


A copy of the map with the item specified by the key removed.

Raised exceptions

TypeError If map is not a map (dictionary) or the key is not a string.


# Remove item for specified key from copy of map
# Returns `{"key1": "hello"}`
- init:
      - my_map: {"key1": "hello", "key2": "world"}
- returnStep:
    return: ${map.delete(my_map, "key2")}