View the hub route table and routes

This page describes how to use hub route tables and routes.

List hub route tables

To get a list of hub route tables, follow these steps.


Run the gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables list command.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables list \

Replace HUB_NAMEwith the name of the hub in your project that you want to list the route table for.


Use the networkconnectivity.hubs.routeTables.list method with an empty request body.


Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the project that contains the hub
  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub for which you want to list the hub route table

View hub route tables

To view details, such as name and description of a Network Connectivity Center route table, follow these steps.


Run the gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables describe command.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables describe NAME \

Replace the following:

  • NAME: the name of the hub route table
  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub for which you want to view the hub route table


Use the networkconnectivity.hubs.routeTables.get method with an empty request body.


Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the project that contains the new hub
  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub for which you want to view the hub route table
  • NAME: the name of the hub route table resource

Manage hub routes

A route resource nested under the hub route table corresponds to a subnet in a VPC spoke that has been exported from the VPC network to the hub. Only VPC spokes have routes.

List hub routes

To see a list of hub routes, follow these steps.


Run the gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list command.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list \
    --hub=HUB_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub, such as my-hub
  • NAME: the name of the hub route table, such as my-route-table


Use the networkconnectivity.hubs.routeTables.routes.list method with an empty request body.


Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the project that contains the hub
  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub
  • NAME: the name of the hub route table resource

View hub route details

To view the details of a specific hub route, follow these steps.


Run the gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes describe command.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes describe \
    --hub=HUB_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub, such as my-hub
  • NAME: the name of the hub route table, such as my-route-table


Use the networkconnectivity.hubs.routeTables.routes.get method.


Replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the project that contains the new hub
  • HUB_NAME: the name of the hub for which you want to view the hub route table
  • NAME: the name of the hub route table resource
  • ROUTE_NAME: the name of the route

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