Supported Ruby versions

The Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby are compatible with all actively supported Ruby releases, plus the most recently end-of-life release for 12 months after the end-of-life date.

Ruby releases a new major or minor version every 12 months near the end of December, and each version is supported for about 3 years and 3 months. For example, in October, 2022, the supported releases of Ruby were 2.7, 3.0, and 3.1, and those releases were supported by the Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby. Additionally, Ruby 2.6 reached end-of-life in April, 2022, and that release was also supported by the Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby because it had been end-of-life for less than 12 months. However, Ruby 2.5 reached end-of-life in April, 2021, and was thus not supported by the Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby.

The Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby are compatible with at least one GA runtime for App Engine and Cloud Functions.

For new development

When starting a new project for new development, we recommend that you use the current release of Ruby. This ensures that your runtime uses a supported Ruby release and receives critical security patches.

Keeping production systems current

Keeping your production systems on supported Ruby versions is the best way to ensure that you receive critical security and bug fixes. When the Cloud Client Libraries for Ruby increment a minor version, they may drop compatibility with a previous Ruby version. When a new version of a library becomes available that drops support for a Ruby version, consider upgrading your runtime to the latest version of Ruby. For more information about the use of major and minor versions, see Semantic Versioning.

Where to find version information

To find out what Ruby versions are currently supported, see the Google Cloud Client Library for Ruby page. For additional information about Client Libraries, see Client libraries explained.