A Cloud developer advocate’s top infrastructure sessions at Next OnAir
Brian Dorsey
Developer Advocate
It's week 3 of Google Cloud Next ’20: OnAir, and this week is all about infrastructure and operations. This is an exciting space where we have both mature services and rapid improvements. We have a bunch of great talks this week and I hope you will enjoy them and learn a lot!
After checking out the talks below, if you have questions, I’ll be hosting a developer and operator focused recap and Q&A session as part of our weekly Talks by DevRel series this Friday at 9 AM PST. Our APAC team will also host a recap Friday at 11 AM SGT. Hope to see you then!
Here are a few talks that I think are particularly useful:
Google Compute Engine: Portfolio Overview and What's New—GCE Senior PMs Aaron Blasius and Director Krish Sivakumar give you a rundown of announcements and updates with virtual machines and Compute Engine.
Where to Store Your Stuff: A Storage Overview—Director of Product Management Dave Nettleton describes each of the main storage options, why you would choose one over the other, and talks about what's new and what's coming.
Achieving Resiliency on Google Cloud—Ben Treynor Sloss, the founder of Google Site Reliability Engineering team, talks both about Google's approach to building and running reliable services and strategies for you to build and evolve applications without compromising on reliability.
Additionally, this week’s Cloud Study Jam gives you the change to get hands-on cloud experience through our workshops on infrastructure. Google Cloud experts will guide you through labs on cloud monitoring, orchestrating in the cloud with Kubernetes, and more. Be sure to take a look at the whole session catalog for this week—these sessions go deep in a wide variety of areas including: specific workloads you might have, optimization, logging and monitoring, multi-cloud/hybrid and hopefully anything else you're thinking about.