Google Data Center 360° Tour
Greg Wilson
Director, Developer Advocacy
We’re excited to share the Google Data Center 360° Tour — a YouTube 360° video that gives you an unprecedented and immersive look inside one of our data centers.

There are several ways to view this video:
- On desktop using Google Chrome — use your mouse or trackpad to change your view while the video plays
- YouTube app on mobile — move your device around to look at all angles while the video plays
- And the most immersive way to view — using Google Cardboard (currently supported by the Android YouTube app only, iOS support is coming soon!) Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the Cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in Cardboard and look around.
A little background . . .
Several months ago, those of us on the Google Cloud Developer Advocacy Team had a rare opportunity to tour the Google data center in The Dalles, Oregon. Many of us had seen other non-Google data centers in our careers, but this experience was beyond anything we ever imagined. We were blown away by the scale, the incredible attention to security and privacy, and the amazing efforts to make the data center extremely efficient and green. Additionally, we were proud to meet some of the brilliant people that design, build and maintain these data centers.
If you are a Google Cloud Platform customer, then this is your data center as much as it is our data center, so we want you to experience what we experienced.
We hope you enjoy it!