Distributed Cloud Edge Network API

Network management API for Distributed Cloud Edge.

Service: edgenetwork.googleapis.com

The Service name edgenetwork.googleapis.com is needed to create RPC client stubs.


CreateInterconnectAttachment Creates a new InterconnectAttachment in a given project and location.
CreateNetwork Creates a new Network in a given project and location.
CreateRouter Creates a new Router in a given project and location.
CreateSubnet Creates a new Subnet in a given project and location.
DeleteInterconnectAttachment Deletes a single InterconnectAttachment.
DeleteNetwork Deletes a single Network.
DeleteRouter Deletes a single Router.
DeleteSubnet Deletes a single Subnet.
DiagnoseInterconnect Get the diagnostics of a single interconnect resource.
DiagnoseNetwork Get the diagnostics of a single network resource.
DiagnoseRouter Get the diagnostics of a single router resource.
GetInterconnect Gets details of a single Interconnect.
GetInterconnectAttachment Gets details of a single InterconnectAttachment.
GetNetwork Gets details of a single Network.
GetRouter Gets details of a single Router.
GetSubnet Gets details of a single Subnet.
Deprecated: not implemented.
InitializeZone InitializeZone will initialize resources for a zone in a project.
ListInterconnectAttachments Lists InterconnectAttachments in a given project and location.
ListInterconnects Lists Interconnects in a given project and location.
ListNetworks Lists Networks in a given project and location.
ListRouters Lists Routers in a given project and location.
ListSubnets Lists Subnets in a given project and location.
Deprecated: not implemented.
UpdateRouter Updates the parameters of a single Router.
UpdateSubnet Updates the parameters of a single Subnet.


CreateInterconnectAttachment Creates a new InterconnectAttachment in a given project and location.
CreateNetwork Creates a new Network in a given project and location.
CreateRoute Creates a new Route, in a given project and location.
CreateRouter Creates a new Router in a given project and location.
CreateSubnet Creates a new Subnet in a given project and location.
DeleteInterconnectAttachment Deletes a single InterconnectAttachment.
DeleteNetwork Deletes a single Network.
DeleteRoute Deletes a single Route.
DeleteRouter Deletes a single Router.
DeleteSubnet Deletes a single Subnet.
DiagnoseInterconnect Get the diagnostics of a single interconnect resource.
DiagnoseNetwork Get the diagnostics of a single network resource.
DiagnoseRouter Get the diagnostics of a single router resource.
GetInterconnect Gets details of a single Interconnect.
GetInterconnectAttachment Gets details of a single InterconnectAttachment.
GetNetwork Gets details of a single Network.
GetRoute Gets details of a single Route.
GetRouter Gets details of a single Router.
GetSubnet Gets details of a single Subnet.
Deprecated: not implemented.
InitializeZone InitializeZone will initialize resources for a zone in a project.
ListInterconnectAttachments Lists InterconnectAttachments in a given project and location.
ListInterconnects Lists Interconnects in a given project and location.
ListNetworks Lists Networks in a given project and location.
ListRouters Lists Routers in a given project and location.
ListRoutes Lists Routes in a given project and location.
ListSubnets Lists Subnets in a given project and location.
Deprecated: not implemented.
UpdateRouter Updates the parameters of a single Router.
UpdateSubnet Updates the parameters of a single Subnet.


GetLocation Gets information about a location.
ListLocations Lists information about the supported locations for this service.


CancelOperation Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
DeleteOperation Deletes a long-running operation.
GetOperation Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
ListOperations Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
WaitOperation Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.