Avalanche example queries

This page provides Blockchain Analytics query examples for Avalanche.

See the BigQuery documentation for instructions on using BigQuery.

View the first and last block indexed

This query tells you how fresh the data is.

In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

Go to BigQuery

The following query is loaded into the Editor field:

  MIN(block_number) AS `First block`,
  MAX(block_number) AS `Newest block`,
  COUNT(1) AS `Total number of blocks`

The following shows an example result:

Example result
First block Newest block Total number of blocks
0 35145353 35144883

View the blocks with largest AVAX value transfer

This query shows you which blocks had the largest total value of AVAX transferred between accounts. It only counts successful transactions.

In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

Go to BigQuery

The following query is loaded into the Editor field:

SELECT block_hash, SUM(value.bignumeric_value / 1000000000000000000) value_total
FROM `bigquery-public-data.goog_blockchain_avalanche_contract_chain_us.transactions`
  JOIN `bigquery-public-data.goog_blockchain_avalanche_contract_chain_us.receipts` USING (block_hash, transaction_hash)
WHERE status = 1
GROUP BY block_hash
ORDER BY value_total DESC

The following shows an example result:

Example result
block_hash value_total
0xb7fd57885ff93e1bfdb1976a09a8a24a6dd51720ede2a89ec7d4730753a6dd7b 3000000.436603689536241393
0x1c5cc5e1a5eb9d154e3f2e034d7eab21255ea0025a36c8efaac2c3c8ccd0825f 2918908.4828071
0xf39246ef10fa86e30c9e31b7213384548bed7709bd3648d419bae9368d35cd43 2858755.74711697255864143
0xd840777af617fd998dfb576bd334eb19f4d5f93a7e470e65fb064fa5ed047565 2463896.227593705442089976
0x5e5fd196b53b5aa9f027bb5bb2804d6940892a5b09017a779c06542f17a38475 2213537.345616222964672662