Class IndexConfig (0.2.0)

IndexConfig(name: str, field_name: str, type: str)

Base configuration class for all types of indexes.



IndexConfig(name: str, field_name: str, type: str)

Initializes the IndexConfig object.

name str

A unique identifier for the index. This name is used to distinguish the index within the storage system, enabling targeted operations such as updates, queries, and deletions.

field_name str

Specifies the name of the field within the data that will be indexed. This field name directs the indexing process to the relevant part of the data structure.

type str

Indicates the type of index to be created, which determines the underlying algorithm or structure used for indexing and search operations. Examples include "HNSW" for hierarchical navigable small world indexes and "FLAT" for brute-force search indexes.

data_type str, optional

Defines the data type of the elements within the vector being indexed, such as "FLOAT32" for 32-bit floating-point numbers. This parameter is crucial for ensuring that the index accommodates the vector data appropriately.