Class Scheduling (0.5.0)

Scheduling(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Sets the scheduling options for an Instance. NextID: 20 .. attribute:: automatic_restart

Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.

:type: bool


location_hint str
An opaque location hint used to place the instance close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.
min_node_cpus int
The minimum number of virtual CPUs this instance will consume when running on a sole- tenant node.
node_affinities Sequence[]
A set of node affinity and anti-affinity configurations. Refer to Configuring node affinity for more information. Overrides reservationAffinity.
Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Setting Instance Scheduling Options.
preemptible bool
Defines whether the instance is preemptible. This can only be set during instance creation or while the instance is stopped and therefore, in a TERMINATED state. See Instance Life Cycle for more information on the possible instance states.




Defines the maintenance behavior for this instance. For standard instances, the default behavior is MIGRATE. For preemptible instances, the default and only possible behavior is TERMINATE. For more information, see Setting Instance Scheduling Options.