Class AppendRowsRequest (2.11.0)

AppendRowsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request message for AppendRows.

Due to the nature of AppendRows being a bidirectional streaming RPC, certain parts of the AppendRowsRequest need only be specified for the first request sent each time the gRPC network connection is opened/reopened.

.. _oneof:


write_stream str
Required. The write_stream identifies the target of the append operation, and only needs to be specified as part of the first request on the gRPC connection. If provided for subsequent requests, it must match the value of the first request. For explicitly created write streams, the format is: projects/{project}/datasets/{dataset}/tables/{table}/streams/{id} For the special default stream, the format is: projects/{project}/datasets/{dataset}/tables/{table}/_default.
offset google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.Int64Value
If present, the write is only performed if the next append offset is same as the provided value. If not present, the write is performed at the current end of stream. Specifying a value for this field is not allowed when calling AppendRows for the '_default' stream.
Rows in proto format. This field is a member of oneof_ rows.
trace_id str
Id set by client to annotate its identity. Only initial request setting is respected.



ProtoData(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

ProtoData contains the data rows and schema when constructing append requests.