Cloud AutoML V1beta1 Client - Class PredictRequest (1.6.5)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud AutoML V1beta1 Client class PredictRequest.

Request message for PredictionService.Predict.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ AutoMl \ V1beta1




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ name string

Required. Name of the model requested to serve the prediction.

↳ payload Google\Cloud\AutoMl\V1beta1\ExamplePayload

Required. Payload to perform a prediction on. The payload must match the problem type that the model was trained to solve.

↳ params array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField

Additional domain-specific parameters, any string must be up to 25000 characters long. * For Image Classification: score_threshold - (float) A value from 0.0 to 1.0. When the model makes predictions for an image, it will only produce results that have at least this confidence score. The default is 0.5. * For Image Object Detection: score_threshold - (float) When Model detects objects on the image, it will only produce bounding boxes which have at least this confidence score. Value in 0 to 1 range, default is 0.5. max_bounding_box_count - (int64) No more than this number of bounding boxes will be returned in the response. Default is 100, the requested value may be limited by server. * For Tables: feature_importance - (boolean) Whether feature importance should be populated in the returned TablesAnnotation. The default is false.


Required. Name of the model requested to serve the prediction.

Type Description


Required. Name of the model requested to serve the prediction.

Name Description
var string
Type Description


Required. Payload to perform a prediction on. The payload must match the problem type that the model was trained to solve.

Type Description




Required. Payload to perform a prediction on. The payload must match the problem type that the model was trained to solve.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\AutoMl\V1beta1\ExamplePayload
Type Description


Additional domain-specific parameters, any string must be up to 25000 characters long.

  • For Image Classification: score_threshold - (float) A value from 0.0 to 1.0. When the model makes predictions for an image, it will only produce results that have at least this confidence score. The default is 0.5.
    • For Image Object Detection: score_threshold - (float) When Model detects objects on the image, it will only produce bounding boxes which have at least this confidence score. Value in 0 to 1 range, default is 0.5. max_bounding_box_count - (int64) No more than this number of bounding boxes will be returned in the response. Default is 100, the requested value may be limited by server.
  • For Tables: feature_importance - (boolean) Whether feature importance should be populated in the returned TablesAnnotation. The default is false.
Type Description


Additional domain-specific parameters, any string must be up to 25000 characters long.

  • For Image Classification: score_threshold - (float) A value from 0.0 to 1.0. When the model makes predictions for an image, it will only produce results that have at least this confidence score. The default is 0.5.
    • For Image Object Detection: score_threshold - (float) When Model detects objects on the image, it will only produce bounding boxes which have at least this confidence score. Value in 0 to 1 range, default is 0.5. max_bounding_box_count - (int64) No more than this number of bounding boxes will be returned in the response. Default is 100, the requested value may be limited by server.
  • For Tables: feature_importance - (boolean) Whether feature importance should be populated in the returned TablesAnnotation. The default is false.
Name Description
var array|Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField
Type Description