Detect suboptimal configurations

There are suboptimal configurations that are valid and allowed, but are not cost-effective and do not follow best practices.

Some common examples of suboptimal configurations are as follows:

  • Single-zone deployments
  • Single VPN tunnel without redundancy
  • Single third-party VM as routing or NAT endpoint in the path
  • Load balancer with a single backend
  • External IP address is reserved but not allocated to a resource
  • IP address utilization of a subnet is high (this can prevent automatically creating VMs or upgrading GKE clusters)

Scenario: High IP address utilization of a subnet

In this example, an insight from the IP utilization insights category of high IP address utilization of a subnet type is generated.

The insight details page shows that the primary range of the subnet has an IP allocation value of 100%, which is higher than the threshold value of 75%. This page also provides a list of resources that are allocated IP addresses from this subnet. For example:

  • 1 forwarding rule
  • 2 reserved static internal IP addresses
  • 1 instance