Organization Policy v2 API - Class OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient (2.6.0)

public class OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient : ClientBase<OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient>

Reference documentation and code samples for the Organization Policy v2 API class OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient.

Client for OrgPolicy


object > ClientBase > ClientBaseOrgPolicyOrgPolicyClient > OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient







protected OrgPolicyClient()

Protected parameterless constructor to allow creation of test doubles.


public OrgPolicyClient(CallInvoker callInvoker)

Creates a new client for OrgPolicy that uses a custom CallInvoker.

Name Description
callInvoker CallInvoker

The callInvoker to use to make remote calls.


public OrgPolicyClient(ChannelBase channel)

Creates a new client for OrgPolicy

Name Description
channel ChannelBase

The channel to use to make remote calls.


protected OrgPolicyClient(ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration configuration)

Protected constructor to allow creation of configured clients.

Name Description
configuration ClientBaseClientBaseConfiguration

The client configuration.


CreateCustomConstraint(CreateCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual CustomConstraint CreateCustomConstraint(CreateCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the organization does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the constraint already exists on the given organization.

Name Description
request CreateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreateCustomConstraint(CreateCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual CustomConstraint CreateCustomConstraint(CreateCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the organization does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the constraint already exists on the given organization.

Name Description
request CreateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreateCustomConstraintAsync(CreateCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> CreateCustomConstraintAsync(CreateCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the organization does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the constraint already exists on the given organization.

Name Description
request CreateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

CreateCustomConstraintAsync(CreateCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> CreateCustomConstraintAsync(CreateCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the organization does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the constraint already exists on the given organization.

Name Description
request CreateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

CreatePolicy(CreatePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Policy CreatePolicy(CreatePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the policy already exists on the given Google Cloud resource.

Name Description
request CreatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreatePolicy(CreatePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Policy CreatePolicy(CreatePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the policy already exists on the given Google Cloud resource.

Name Description
request CreatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

CreatePolicyAsync(CreatePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> CreatePolicyAsync(CreatePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Creates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the policy already exists on the given Google Cloud resource.

Name Description
request CreatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

CreatePolicyAsync(CreatePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> CreatePolicyAsync(CreatePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Creates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS if the policy already exists on the given Google Cloud resource.

Name Description
request CreatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeleteCustomConstraint(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Empty DeleteCustomConstraint(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request DeleteCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeleteCustomConstraint(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Empty DeleteCustomConstraint(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request DeleteCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeleteCustomConstraintAsync(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeleteCustomConstraintAsync(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request DeleteCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeleteCustomConstraintAsync(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeleteCustomConstraintAsync(DeleteCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request DeleteCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeletePolicy(DeletePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Empty DeletePolicy(DeletePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or organization policy does not exist.

Name Description
request DeletePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeletePolicy(DeletePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Empty DeletePolicy(DeletePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or organization policy does not exist.

Name Description
request DeletePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

DeletePolicyAsync(DeletePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeletePolicyAsync(DeletePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Deletes a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or organization policy does not exist.

Name Description
request DeletePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

DeletePolicyAsync(DeletePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Empty> DeletePolicyAsync(DeletePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Deletes a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or organization policy does not exist.

Name Description
request DeletePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetCustomConstraint(GetCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual CustomConstraint GetCustomConstraint(GetCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the custom constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request GetCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetCustomConstraint(GetCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual CustomConstraint GetCustomConstraint(GetCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the custom constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request GetCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetCustomConstraintAsync(GetCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> GetCustomConstraintAsync(GetCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the custom constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request GetCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetCustomConstraintAsync(GetCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> GetCustomConstraintAsync(GetCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the custom constraint does not exist.

Name Description
request GetCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetEffectivePolicy(GetEffectivePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Policy GetEffectivePolicy(GetEffectivePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets the effective policy on a resource. This is the result of merging policies in the resource hierarchy and evaluating conditions. The returned policy will not have an etag or condition set because it is an evaluated policy across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with 'under:' prefix will not be expanded.

Name Description
request GetEffectivePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetEffectivePolicy(GetEffectivePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Policy GetEffectivePolicy(GetEffectivePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the effective policy on a resource. This is the result of merging policies in the resource hierarchy and evaluating conditions. The returned policy will not have an etag or condition set because it is an evaluated policy across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with 'under:' prefix will not be expanded.

Name Description
request GetEffectivePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetEffectivePolicyAsync(GetEffectivePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> GetEffectivePolicyAsync(GetEffectivePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets the effective policy on a resource. This is the result of merging policies in the resource hierarchy and evaluating conditions. The returned policy will not have an etag or condition set because it is an evaluated policy across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with 'under:' prefix will not be expanded.

Name Description
request GetEffectivePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetEffectivePolicyAsync(GetEffectivePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> GetEffectivePolicyAsync(GetEffectivePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets the effective policy on a resource. This is the result of merging policies in the resource hierarchy and evaluating conditions. The returned policy will not have an etag or condition set because it is an evaluated policy across multiple resources. Subtrees of Resource Manager resource hierarchy with 'under:' prefix will not be expanded.

Name Description
request GetEffectivePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetPolicy(GetPolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Policy GetPolicy(GetPolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets a policy on a resource.

If no policy is set on the resource, NOT_FOUND is returned. The etag value can be used with UpdatePolicy() to update a policy during read-modify-write.

Name Description
request GetPolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetPolicy(GetPolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Policy GetPolicy(GetPolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets a policy on a resource.

If no policy is set on the resource, NOT_FOUND is returned. The etag value can be used with UpdatePolicy() to update a policy during read-modify-write.

Name Description
request GetPolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

GetPolicyAsync(GetPolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> GetPolicyAsync(GetPolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Gets a policy on a resource.

If no policy is set on the resource, NOT_FOUND is returned. The etag value can be used with UpdatePolicy() to update a policy during read-modify-write.

Name Description
request GetPolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

GetPolicyAsync(GetPolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> GetPolicyAsync(GetPolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Gets a policy on a resource.

If no policy is set on the resource, NOT_FOUND is returned. The etag value can be used with UpdatePolicy() to update a policy during read-modify-write.

Name Description
request GetPolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListConstraints(ListConstraintsRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual ListConstraintsResponse ListConstraints(ListConstraintsRequest request, CallOptions options)

Lists constraints that could be applied on the specified resource.

Name Description
request ListConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListConstraints(ListConstraintsRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual ListConstraintsResponse ListConstraints(ListConstraintsRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Lists constraints that could be applied on the specified resource.

Name Description
request ListConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListConstraintsAsync(ListConstraintsRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListConstraintsResponse> ListConstraintsAsync(ListConstraintsRequest request, CallOptions options)

Lists constraints that could be applied on the specified resource.

Name Description
request ListConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListConstraintsAsync(ListConstraintsRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListConstraintsResponse> ListConstraintsAsync(ListConstraintsRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Lists constraints that could be applied on the specified resource.

Name Description
request ListConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListCustomConstraints(ListCustomConstraintsRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual ListCustomConstraintsResponse ListCustomConstraints(ListCustomConstraintsRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves all of the custom constraints that exist on a particular organization resource.

Name Description
request ListCustomConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListCustomConstraints(ListCustomConstraintsRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual ListCustomConstraintsResponse ListCustomConstraints(ListCustomConstraintsRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves all of the custom constraints that exist on a particular organization resource.

Name Description
request ListCustomConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListCustomConstraintsAsync(ListCustomConstraintsRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListCustomConstraintsResponse> ListCustomConstraintsAsync(ListCustomConstraintsRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves all of the custom constraints that exist on a particular organization resource.

Name Description
request ListCustomConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListCustomConstraintsAsync(ListCustomConstraintsRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListCustomConstraintsResponse> ListCustomConstraintsAsync(ListCustomConstraintsRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves all of the custom constraints that exist on a particular organization resource.

Name Description
request ListCustomConstraintsRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListPolicies(ListPoliciesRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual ListPoliciesResponse ListPolicies(ListPoliciesRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves all of the policies that exist on a particular resource.

Name Description
request ListPoliciesRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListPolicies(ListPoliciesRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual ListPoliciesResponse ListPolicies(ListPoliciesRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves all of the policies that exist on a particular resource.

Name Description
request ListPoliciesRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

ListPoliciesAsync(ListPoliciesRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListPoliciesResponse> ListPoliciesAsync(ListPoliciesRequest request, CallOptions options)

Retrieves all of the policies that exist on a particular resource.

Name Description
request ListPoliciesRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

ListPoliciesAsync(ListPoliciesRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<ListPoliciesResponse> ListPoliciesAsync(ListPoliciesRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Retrieves all of the policies that exist on a particular resource.

Name Description
request ListPoliciesRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.


protected override OrgPolicy.OrgPolicyClient NewInstance(ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration configuration)

Creates a new instance of client from given ClientBaseConfiguration.

Name Description
configuration ClientBaseClientBaseConfiguration
Type Description

UpdateCustomConstraint(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual CustomConstraint UpdateCustomConstraint(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdateCustomConstraint(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual CustomConstraint UpdateCustomConstraint(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdateCustomConstraintAsync(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> UpdateCustomConstraintAsync(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

UpdateCustomConstraintAsync(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<CustomConstraint> UpdateCustomConstraintAsync(UpdateCustomConstraintRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates a custom constraint.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint does not exist.

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdateCustomConstraintRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.

UpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual Policy UpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or the policy do not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ABORTED if the etag supplied in the request does not match the persisted etag of the policy

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual Policy UpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or the policy do not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ABORTED if the etag supplied in the request does not match the persisted etag of the policy

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The response received from the server.

UpdatePolicyAsync(UpdatePolicyRequest, CallOptions)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> UpdatePolicyAsync(UpdatePolicyRequest request, CallOptions options)

Updates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or the policy do not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ABORTED if the etag supplied in the request does not match the persisted etag of the policy

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

options CallOptions

The options for the call.

Type Description

The call object.

UpdatePolicyAsync(UpdatePolicyRequest, Metadata, DateTime?, CancellationToken)

public virtual AsyncUnaryCall<Policy> UpdatePolicyAsync(UpdatePolicyRequest request, Metadata headers = null, DateTime? deadline = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Updates a policy.

Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.NOT_FOUND if the constraint or the policy do not exist. Returns a google.rpc.Status with google.rpc.Code.ABORTED if the etag supplied in the request does not match the persisted etag of the policy

Note: the supplied policy will perform a full overwrite of all fields.

Name Description
request UpdatePolicyRequest

The request to send to the server.

headers Metadata

The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.

deadline DateTime

An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.

cancellationToken CancellationToken

An optional token for canceling the call.

Type Description

The call object.