Cloud Channel v1 API - Class CloudChannelReportsService.CloudChannelReportsServiceBase (2.12.0)

[BindServiceMethod(typeof(CloudChannelReportsService), "BindService")]
public abstract class CloudChannelReportsService.CloudChannelReportsServiceBase

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Channel v1 API class CloudChannelReportsService.CloudChannelReportsServiceBase.

Base class for server-side implementations of CloudChannelReportsService


object > CloudChannelReportsService.CloudChannelReportsServiceBase






FetchReportResults(FetchReportResultsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<FetchReportResultsResponse> FetchReportResults(FetchReportResultsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Retrieves data generated by [CloudChannelReportsService.RunReportJob][].

Deprecated: Please use Export Channel Services data to BigQuery instead.

Name Description
request FetchReportResultsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

ListReports(ListReportsRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<ListReportsResponse> ListReports(ListReportsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Lists the reports that RunReportJob can run. These reports include an ID, a description, and the list of columns that will be in the result.

Deprecated: Please use Export Channel Services data to BigQuery instead.

Name Description
request ListReportsRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).

RunReportJob(RunReportJobRequest, ServerCallContext)

public virtual Task<Operation> RunReportJob(RunReportJobRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

Begins generation of data for a given report. The report identifier is a UID (for example, 613bf59q).

Possible error codes:

  • PERMISSION_DENIED: The user doesn't have access to this report.
  • INVALID_ARGUMENT: Required request parameters are missing or invalid.
  • NOT_FOUND: The report identifier was not found.
  • INTERNAL: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.
  • UNKNOWN: Any non-user error related to a technical issue in the backend. Contact Cloud Channel support.

Return value: The ID of a long-running operation.

To get the results of the operation, call the GetOperation method of CloudChannelOperationsService. The Operation metadata contains an instance of [OperationMetadata][].

To get the results of report generation, call [CloudChannelReportsService.FetchReportResults][] with the [RunReportJobResponse.report_job][].

Deprecated: Please use Export Channel Services data to BigQuery instead.

Name Description
request RunReportJobRequest

The request received from the client.

context ServerCallContext

The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.

Type Description

The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).