Troubleshooting reservation monitoring

This document explains how to resolve issues with monitoring the consumption of reservations of Compute Engine zonal resources by using Cloud Monitoring.

Fail to access Cloud Monitoring

Issue: This error occurs when you can't access Monitoring.

Resolution: Make sure that you grant access to Cloud Monitoring to the current project, or the organization where the current project is located grants access to it.

Fail to view the time series of a reservation

Issue: This error occurs when you can't access and view the time series of a reservation.

Resolution: After creating a reservation, its time series becomes available within 30 minutes. If you can't access and view the time series of a reservation after this timeframe, try one of the following:

  • To make sure that a reservation exists, view the details of the reservation.

  • If you can't view the details of a reservation:

    • Make sure that you're in the same project where the reservation was created. You can only access and view the time series of a reservation created in the current project.

    • Deleting a reservation also deletes its time series. The time series can't be recovered.

MQL query misses an operation

Issue: This error occurs when you attempt to run a MQL query without specifying a | condition or | absent_for operation.

Resolution: When creating an MQL-based alert condition, make sure to specify one of the following operations at the end of your query:

For more information, see Alerting policies with MQL.