Deploy your applications to aarch64, AMD64, or mixed-architecture GKE clusters

By default, Skaffold automatically detects your target cluster's architecture and builds an image that matches your workstation's architecture, even if your target cluster's architecture is mixed (both x86 and Arm).

You also have the option to add a parameter in your skaffold.yaml file that specifies what platform to build for, which overrides Skaffold's automatic detection.

Specify the platform to build images for

If you want to override Skaffold's automatic detection when building your image, you can specify the platform that you want to build images for in your skaffold.yaml file.

The following list shows the possible values for the --platform flag in your CLI, or the platforms parameter in your skaffold.yaml file:

x86 Arm
amd64 aarch64
linux/amd64 linux/aarch64

Add the platforms parameter to your skaffold.yaml file

To specify the platform you want to build your image for, add the platforms parameter to your skaffold.yaml file:

  platforms: ["linux/aarch64"]
    - image: example

To learn more about Cloud Code's support for Arm and mixed-architecture GKE clusters, see Arm support.