View a list of backups

This page describes how to view a list of AlloyDB backups.

Before you begin

  • The Google Cloud project you are using must have been enabled to access AlloyDB.
  • You must have one of these IAM roles in the Google Cloud project you are using:
    • roles/alloydb.admin (the AlloyDB Admin predefined IAM role)
    • roles/owner (the Owner basic IAM role)
    • roles/editor (the Editor basic IAM role)

    If you don't have any of these roles, contact your Organization Administrator to request access.



In the Google Cloud console, go to the Backups page.

Go to Backups

This displays a list of all AlloyDB backups within your project.


To use the gcloud CLI, you can install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI, or you can use Cloud Shell.

To view a list of backups, use the gcloud alloydb backups list command.

gcloud alloydb backups list \
--region=REGION_ID \

Replace the following:

  • REGION_ID: The region whose backups you want listed. For example, us-central1.

    To list backups in all regions, omit this argument.

  • CLUSTER_ID: The ID of the cluster whose backups you want listed.

    To list backups in all your clusters within the specified regions, omit this argument.

  • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the project whose backups you want listed.

Note that the NAME column in the output table displays the full name of each backup, which includes its project ID and location. The backup's ID is the substring following /backups/ in its name.

For example, if a backup has a name of /projects/myproject/locations/us-central1/backups/bkp-1, the backup's ID is bkp-1.