Response errors

The following is a table of common Filestore-related error codes and messages and their corresponding troubleshooting pages.

Error code, message, or unanswered command Troubleshoot page
df and du
(Inconsistent responses when used together)
Troubleshoot capacity issues
error code 13 Troubleshoot instance creation
Error: Output: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting x.x.x.x:/file-share-name Troubleshoot file share access from GKE clusters
FAILED_PRECONDITION Operations concurrency
Failed to create subnetwork. Couldn't find free blocks in allocated IP ranges. Troubleshoot Filestore API response errors
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting ... Mount issues
mount.nfs: Connection timed out Known issues
No space left on device Known issues
Troubleshoot capacity issues
PERMISSION DENIED Troubleshoot instance creation
(No response)
Troubleshoot Filestore instance response errors
REPAIRING Troubleshoot Filestore instance response errors
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Operations concurrency
System limit for internal resources has been reached Troubleshoot instance creation
(No response)
Troubleshoot Filestore instance response errors
UNAVAILABLE Troubleshoot Filestore instance response errors

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