Why IT leaders choose Google Cloud certification for their teams
Magda Jary
Head of Google Cloud Certification & Credentials
As organizations worldwide move to the cloud, it’s become increasingly crucial to provide teams with confidence and the right skills to get the most out of cloud technology. With demand for cloud expertise exceeding the supply of talent, many businesses are looking for new, cost-effective ways to keep up.
When ongoing skills gaps stifle productivity, it can cost you money. In Global Knowledge’s 2021 report, 42% of IT decision-makers reported having “difficulty meeting quality objectives” as a result of skills gaps, and, in an IDC survey cited in the same Global Knowledge report, roughly 60% of organizations described a lack of skills as a cause for lost revenue. In today’s fast-paced environment, businesses with cloud knowledge are in a stronger position to achieve more. So what more could you be doing to develop and showcase cloud expertise in your organization?
Google Cloud certification helps validate your teams’ technical capabilities, while demonstrating your organization’s commitment to the fast pace of the cloud.
What certification offers that experience doesn’t is peace of mind. I’m not only talking about self-confidence, but also for our customers. Having us certified, working on their projects, really gives them peace of mind that they’re working with a partner who knows what they’re doing.
Niels Buekers, managing director at Fourcast BVBA
Why get your team Google Cloud certified?
When you invest in cloud, you also want to invest in your people. Google Cloud certification equips your teams with the skills they need to fulfill your growing business.
Speed up technology implementation
Organizations want to speed up transformation and make the most of their cloud investment.
Nearly 70% of partner organizations recognize that certifications speed up technology implementation and lead to greater staff productivity, according to a May 2021 IDC Software Partner Survey. The same report also found that 85% of partner IT consultants agree that “certification represents validation of extensive product and process knowledge.”
Improve client satisfaction and success
Getting your teams certified can be the first step to improving client satisfaction and success. Research of more than 600 IT consultants and resellers in a September 2021 IDC study found that “fully certified teams met 95% of their clients’ objectives, compared to a 36% lower average net promoter score for partially certified teams.”
Motivate your team and retain talent
In today’s age of the ongoing Great Resignation, IT leaders are rightly concerned about employee attrition, which can result in stalled projects, unmet business objectives, and new or overextended team members needing time to ramp up. In other words, attrition hurts.
But when IT leaders invest in skills development for their teams, talent tends to stick around.
According to a business value paper from IDC, comprehensive training leads to 133% greater employee retention compared to untrained teams.
When organizations help people develop skills, people stay longer, morale improves, and productivity increases. Organizations wind up with a classic win-win situation as business value accelerates.
Finish your projects ahead of schedule
With your employees feeling supported and well equipped to handle workloads, they can also stay engaged and innovate faster with Google Cloud certifications. “Fully certified teams are 35% more likely than partially certified teams to finish projects ahead of schedule, typically reaching their targets more than two weeks early,” according to research in an IDC InfoBrief.
Certify your teams
Google Cloud certification is more than a seal of approval – it can be your framework to increase staff tenure, improve productivity, satisfy your customers, and obtain other key advantages to launch your organization into the future.
Once you get your teams certified, they’ll join a trusted network of IT professionals in the Google Cloud certified community, with access to resources and continuous learning opportunities.
To discover more about the value of certification for your team, download the IDC paper today and invite your teams to join our upcoming webinar and get started on their certification journey.
![To discover more about the value of certification for your team, download the IDC paper today.](https://services.google.com/fh/files/blogs/why_certify_your_team.png)
![To discover more about the value of certification for your team, download the IDC paper today.](https://services.google.com/fh/files/blogs/why_certify_your_team.png)