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Threat Intelligence

DOSfuscation: Exploring the Depths of Cmd.exe Obfuscation and Detection Techniques

March 22, 2018

Written by: Daniel Bohannon

Skilled attackers continually seek out new attack vectors, while employing evasion techniques to maintain the effectiveness of old vectors, in an ever-changing defensive landscape. Many of these threat actors employ obfuscation frameworks for common scripting languages such as JavaScript and PowerShell to thwart signature-based detections of common offensive tradecraft written in these languages.

However, as defenders' visibility into these popular scripting languages increases through better logging and defensive tooling, some stealthy attackers have shifted their tradecraft to languages that do not support this additional visibility. At a minimum, determined attackers are adding dashes of simple obfuscation to previously detected payloads and commands to break rigid detection rules.

In this DOSfuscation white paper, first presented at Black Hat Asia 2018, I showcase nine months of research into several facets of command line argument obfuscation that affect static and dynamic detection approaches. Beginning with cataloging a half-dozen characters with significant obfuscation capabilities (only two of which I have identified being used in the wild), I then highlight the static detection evasion capabilities of environment variable substring encoding. Combining these techniques, I unveil four never-before-seen payload obfuscation approaches that are fully compatible with any input command on cmd.exe's command line. These obfuscation capabilities de-obfuscate in the current cmd.exe session for both interactive and noninteractive sessions, and avoid all command line logging. Finally, I discuss the building blocks required for these new encoding and obfuscation capabilities and outline several approaches that defenders can take to begin detecting this genre of obfuscation.

As a Senior Applied Security Researcher with FireEye's Advanced Practices Team, I am tasked with researching, developing and deploying new detection capabilities to FireEye's detection platform to stay ahead of advanced threat actors and their ever-changing tactics, techniques and procedures. FireEye customers have been benefiting from multiple layers of innovative obfuscation detection capabilities developed and deployed over the past nine months as a direct result of this research.

Download the DOSfuscation white paper today.

Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon) is a Senior Applied Security Researcher on FireEye's Advanced Practices Team.

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