Expanding the Google Cloud Ready - Sustainability initiative with 12 new partners

Denise Pearl
Sustainability and New Energy Partnerships
We introduced the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability designation earlier this year to showcase those partners committed to help global businesses and governments accelerate their sustainability programs. These partners build solutions that enhance the capabilities and ease the adoption of powerful Google Cloud technologies, such as Google Earth Engine and BigQuery, allowing customers to leverage data-rich solutions that help reduce their carbon footprints.

Today, we’re pleased to announce growth of the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program, with 12 new partners joining the initiative and bringing their climate, ESG, and sustainability platforms to Google Cloud. These partners include:
Aclima is pioneering an entirely new way to diagnose the health of our air and track climate-changing pollution. Powered by its network of roving and stationary sensors, Aclima measures air pollution and greenhouse gasses at unprecedented scales and with block-by-block resolution.
Sustainability at Airbus means uniting and safeguarding the world in a safe, ethical, and socially and environmentally responsible way. Airbus has a comprehensive sustainability strategy built on four core commitments, which guide the company’s approach to the way it does business and how it designs its products and services: Lead the journey toward clean aerospace, respect human rights and foster inclusion, build the business on the foundation of safety and quality, and exemplify business integrity.
Atlas AI is a predictive analytics platform that analyzes, monitors, and forecasts regions of growth, vulnerability, and opportunity around the world to offer insight into where organizations can grow most successfully, and where investment can boost historically underserved communities. Atlas AI's platform has been used to expand water and sanitation infrastructure, promote new electrification, target community health services, and broaden internet access in countries across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
BlueSky Resources makes sense of sensors from both public and private sources by harmonizing inputs from ground, aerial and space based inputs. Expertise in atmospheric science and cloud technology allows BlueSky to provide understanding and insights related to the correlation of emissions insights to assets and activities. This powerful combination of data, climate science and delivery of insights is enabling focused sustainability impact across clients in various industries including energy, waste management, industry and natural resource management.
Electricity Maps provides companies with actionable data quantifying the carbon intensity and origin of electricity. This data is available on an hourly basis across 50+ countries and more than 160 regions. Electricity Maps' mission is to organize the world's electricity data to drive the transition toward a truly decarbonized electricity system.
FlexiDAO is a global climate tech company based in the Netherlands and Spain. The company works closely with other critical stakeholders to co-create the international standard around energy-related emissions compliance. Thanks to FlexiDAO’s end-to-end 24/7 Carbon-free Energy platform, companies can quantify and confidently showcase their contribution to society's decarbonization.
LevelTen Energy helps organizations achieve carbon-free energy usage targets (on an annual and 24/7 basis) by delivering access to the world’s largest clean energy marketplace, and the software, data, analytics, and expertise required for efficient transactions. The LevelTen Platform connects energy buyers and over 40 sustainability advisors with more than 1,800 carbon-free energy projects in 24 countries across North America and Europe.
Ren is a SaaS platform built on Google Cloud that enables companies with global supply chains to source the cleanest energy possible. Despite using country-sized amounts of energy, most companies have no idea how to transition to renewables due to complex financial, technical, and logistical challenges. Ren unlocks cost savings, provides the cleanest energy possible, and ensures companies meet their carbon commitments on time.
Sidewalk Labs, an urban innovation unit in Google, builds products to radically improve quality of life in cities for all. Delve is a product that helps real estate teams design more sustainable buildings and neighborhood blocks, faster. Mesa automates building controls to deliver savings and comfort to commercial building owners and tenants. With these products and others, Sidewalk Labs helps commercial real estate developers, building owners and city planners make more sustainable choices for the built environment that are better for communities and the planet.
Tomorrow.io is The World’s Weather and Climate Security Platform, helping countries, businesses, and individuals manage their weather and climate security challenges. The platform is fully customizable to any industry impacted by the weather. Customers around the world use Tomorrow.io to dramatically improve operational efficiency. Tomorrow.io was built from the ground up to help teams prepare for the business impact of weather by automating decision-making and enabling climate adaptation at scale.
UP42 is a geospatial developer platform and marketplace bringing together industry-leading data and ready-to-use processing algorithms. The platform enables organizations to build, run, and scale geospatial products. With the ability to choose from a wide range of high-resolution commercial and open satellite data, aerial, weather, and others, solution providers can apply best-in-class machine learning and/or processing modules to gain valuable geospatial insights and streamline their processes.
Woza is a sustainable innovation platform that leverages deep geospatial knowledge and existing best-in-class technologies to develop a new generation of streamlined analytics workflows focused on sustainability. Companies in agri-food, energy, and public sector are partnering with Woza to accelerate their journey to Industry 4.0.
Adding expertise to accelerate sustainability use cases
New partners in the initiative join our existing Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability partners like Carto, Climate Engine, Geotab, NGIS, and Planet Labs PBC bringing a wealth of industry knowledge, offering solutions for sustainability challenges ranging from first-mile sustainable sourcing and spatial finance to fleet electrification and rich geospatial visualizations.
CARTO is the world’s leading Location Intelligence platform, enabling organizations to use spatial data and analysis for more efficient delivery routes, better behavioral marketing, strategic store placements, and much more. The company’s solutions extend the geospatial capabilities available in BigQuery, while leveraging the near limitless scalability that Google Cloud provides. When it comes to sustainability, CARTO’s platform is trusted by a wide range of organizations, including Greenpeace, Vizzuality, Litterati, Indigo, WWF, the Marine Conservation Institute, The World Bank, and the Institute for Sustainable Cities.
Climate Engine leverages data from Google Earth Engine and other ecosystem partners to help organizations improve their climate change-related risk planning in areas such as water use, agriculture, storm risk, and wildfire spread. By linking the economy and the environment, organizations can understand how environmental risks are affecting their markets and discover opportunities to reduce their emissions and potential supply chain or operational disruptions from climate-related events.
Geotab is advancing security, connecting commercial vehicles to the cloud, and providing data-driven analytics to help customers better manage their fleets. Processing billions of data points daily, Geotab helps businesses improve and optimize fleet productivity, enhance safety, and achieve sustainability goals and stronger compliance.
Geospatial solutions provider NGIS built a SaaS-based first-mile sustainable sourcing solution called TraceMark using Google Cloud’s geospatial platform and technologies from other ecosystem partners. Several global CPG firms have already used TraceMark to modernize their geospatial workflows and help facilitate the use of space-based data for supply chain sustainability transformation.
Planet Labs PBC operates the largest fleet of Earth imaging satellites in history, with approximately 200 satellites in orbit. Planet’s mission is to image the whole earth’s landmass every day to make global change visible, accessible, and actionable. As a Public Benefit Corporation, Planet’s Public Benefit Purpose is to accelerate humanity toward a more sustainable, secure, and prosperous world by illuminating environmental and social change.
How the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program works
If you are a Google Cloud partner with sustainability solutions and expertise to share, the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program is open for applications. Entry into the program requires that the partner solution delivers quantifiable results for climate mitigation, adaptation, or reporting needs. To apply for the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability designation, the solution must:
Be available on Google Cloud
Address ESG risk, and assist customers in achieving ESG targets and/or support typical ESG goal frameworks, such as the United Nations’ SDGs
Demonstrate repeatability
Meet minimum Google Cloud application development best practices, including security, performance, scalability, availability, and carbon footprint reporting for available services
Have Google Cloud Carbon Footprint Reporting enabled
Have at least one public customer case study available.
The selection process begins with an evaluation of the solution. If a partner meets the above criteria, Google Cloud provides a suggested roadmap for tier progression within the program and then issues a formal acknowledgement of participation in the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program. Together, Google Cloud sustainability partners can deliver platforms that are helping businesses and governments accelerate progress aligned to their environmental goals.
Google Cloud will showcase the validated solutions on the Google Cloud Partner Directory Listing, Google Cloud Ready Sustainability Partner Advantage page, and — if applicable — via the Google Cloud Marketplace. We hope to help customers better understand how these technologies can help them meet their ESG goals, find the right solution for their particular challenge, and implement a solution faster.
Prospective partners can visit the Partner Portal to learn more about the Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program or complete an application.