Earth Week at Google: Helping researchers, startups and developers build more sustainably

Chris Talbott
Cloud Sustainability
Today’s Google Doodle reminds us of the enormous changes our planet is experiencing due to climate change. Everyone, from businesses to governments to technologists, has the opportunity to meet this challenge — transforming themselves and their organizations to be more sustainable. For this Earth Day 2022, and indeed Earth Week, Google Cloud celebrates the organizations and individuals who are fighting climate change with innovative technology. We don’t want you to miss a thing, so here’s a recap of all our news in one handy location.
We asked global CEOs: what is it going to take to make progress on sustainability in your org?
In a survey of 1,500 CXOs across 16 countries, many executives say they are willing to do what it takes to have more sustainable practices. But despite their ambition, real measures of impact are lacking. To see what will change that, check out the blog.
We announced a new innovation challenge supporting climate science and research…
Our blog on Monday announced the Climate Innovation Challenge Research Credits program, to support researchers as they work to better understand climate change, increase climate resilience and develop new, promising solutions to urgent climate challenges. You can apply for research credits here.
…and shared stories of researchers making a difference
We interviewed Dr. Richard Fernandes from Natural Resources Canada, who built the LEAF toolbox that maps and assesses vegetation with satellite data from Google Earth Engine. You can read our Q&A here.
Canada has approximately 10 million square kilometers of land and the annual data volume of these maps is equivalent to streaming HD movies for over 750 hours non-stop. Cloud computing allows us to manage all this data in a useful and accessible way.
Dr. Fernandes, Research Scientist
We also published a story about the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, and how they use Google Cloud processing and analysis tools to help sustainably manage 193 million acres of land.
We turned the lights on at new clean energy projects in four countries…
We shared details of our battery project in Belgium, solar projects in Denmark, and wind projects in Chile and Finland. Our battery project in Belgium is the first of its kind, enabling us to switch from diesel generators to a cleaner backup solution that will keep the internet up and running in the event of a power disruption. These will all help us continue to operate the cleanest cloud in the industry.

…and made it easier to learn how to build applications more sustainably
We launched a new lab that walks users through our Carbon Sense suite of products. From using our region picker app to make low-carbon architecture decisions, to analyzing the carbon footprint of your Google Cloud app with Carbon Footprint, we’re building sustainability into the tools you use every day. You can also find Carbon Footprint training in the new Data Warehouse Cloud On-Board.

We formed an ecosystem of partners to help accelerate sustainability projects…
The Google Cloud partner ecosystem is critical to helping our customers act sustainably today. A new whitepaper produced in partnership with Enterprise Strategy Group shares real-world solutions that could make an immediate impact — not in the next decade, but right now.
…and shared stories of innovative startups changing the game with Google Cloud.
Take Enexor and its partners, who are producing clean and sustainable energy from discarded plastics and agro-waste. The blog from Lee Jestings, Enexor Founder & CEO, shares how Google for Startups got them started, and which Google Cloud tools help them build predictive models. Check out their story.
Or Nuuly, the rental and resale business created by the URBN portfolio, which also includes Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Free People. In the blog you can read how Nuuly is using technology to provide a sustainable experience to employees and customers — from upcycling clothing, to recyclable and reusable packaging.
Whether you’re a startup, scientist, executive or developer, at Google Cloud we’ll continue to work hard to help make your digital transformation a sustainable one.
Learn more about our sustainability work here, and don’t miss the inaugural Cloud Sustainability Summit this June. Register now.