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Introducing #AskGoogleCloud: A community driven YouTube live series

March 11, 2021
Samirah Javed

Social Program Manager

Reto Meier

Google Developer Advocate

We’re excited to introduce a new series on the Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel connecting the cloud community directly with our Google Cloud product experts. We'll be selecting questions that use #AskGoogleCloud on Twitter and YouTube and answer them in a featured premiere each quarter by experts in that area. Each premiere will be paired with a live chat so you can ask your questions live and get them answered with the speakers featured.

Our first segment will be aired on March 12th, 2021 on the topic of serverless architectures featuring Developer Advocates Stephanie Wong, Martin Omander and James Ward. They’ll be addressing questions on the best workloads for serverless, the differences between “serverless” and “cloud native”, how to accurately estimate costs for using Cloud Run and much more. 

Serverless content on demand

Serverless Expeditions

We have tons of serverless content on demand on the Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel. Be sure to check out Serverless Expeditions, a series that covers all things serverless from using Python on Google Cloud with Cloud Run, to Cloud Functions vs. Cloud Run to Securing a REST API with JWT, concepts.

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Serverless containers with Cloud Run

Check out this video to learn how to deploy serverless containers in 3 environments using Cloud Run and Knative. In this demo, we deploy a serverless microservice that transforms word documents to PDFs.

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Building APIs for serverless workloads with Google Cloud

This video demonstrates Google Cloud’s API Gateway—a tool that helps you create, secure, and monitor APIs for many of Google Cloud serverless backends such as Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and more. Learn how you can provide secure access to your backend services through a well-defined REST API, providing consistency across all of your services, regardless of the service implementation.

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6 strategies for scaling your serverless applications

This video walks you through a few tips that can help you scale serverless workloads while protecting underlying resources. Learn how to configure instance scaling limits, use Cloud Tasks to limit the rate of work done, utilize stateful storage, and more. This is a great episode to understand how to improve performance and scalability for your serverless applications.

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Stay updated with the latest videos

The Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel has new daily videos to help you build what's next with secure infrastructure, developer tools, APIs, data analytics and machine learning. Subscribe to get notified of our newest content!

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