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Explain and customize cloud networking with Duet AI

December 21, 2023
Max Saltonstall

Developer Relations Engineer, Google

Ammett Williams

Developer Relations Engineer

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Try it

Cloud Networking gets tricky fast, especially if you have to interconnect cloud networks with on-prem network structures, and find creative ways to link them up just so. Duet AI can help network engineers with such tasks. Let's take a look at how it can help with setting up a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and related private connectivity.


Help inside console

If you've not used Google's Cloud Shell to create networks before, Duet AI's integrated chat assistance can guide you through the basics, and provide you with helpful commands. You can ask questions about how the tech works, how to use it, and what you need to get started. It can also provide implementation advice and commands to get you started.

For example, you might ask:

How can I use gcloud to create my first VPC network in Google Cloud?

Duet AI's response should be similar to the following:


And of course you can continue the conversation, using follow-up queries or prompts. Since Duet AI is specially trained on Google Cloud architecture, documentation and best practices, it's a great source of advice for learning about VPCs, DNS, IP address spaces and more.

Speed up your work

I often get confused about subnets, masking, IP spaces and v4 versus v6, so having an always available expert at hand speeds up my ability to get things done, without pausing to look up reference material so often.

Try it out, learn more about how it can help, and check out more tips on how Duet AI helps you get your job done more quickly, so you have time for the fun stuff.

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