Running distributed services on GKE private clusters using Cloud Service Mesh

This document shows you how to run distributed services on multiple Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters in Google Cloud using Cloud Service Mesh. This document also shows you how to expose a distributed service using Multi Cluster Ingress and Cloud Service Mesh. You can use this document to configure non-private GKE clusters; the document highlights the configuration that is intended strictly for private clusters.

This document is for platform administrators and service operators who have basic knowledge of Kubernetes. Some knowledge of service mesh is beneficial, although not required. Cloud Service Mesh is based on the open source Istio technology. For more information about service mesh and Istio, see

A distributed service is a Kubernetes Service that acts as a single logical service. Distributed services are more resilient than Kubernetes services because they run on multiple Kubernetes clusters in the same namespace. A distributed service remains up even if one or more GKE clusters are down, as long as the healthy clusters are able to serve the desired load.

Kubernetes Services are known only to the Kubernetes API server of the cluster they run on. If the Kubernetes cluster is down (for example during a scheduled maintenance), all Kubernetes Services running on that cluster are also down. Running distributed services makes cluster lifecycle management easier because you can bring clusters down for maintenance or upgrades while other clusters service traffic. In order to create a distributed service, service mesh functionality provided by Cloud Service Mesh is used to link services running on multiple clusters together to act as a single logical service.

GKE private clusters let you configure the nodes and API server as private resources available only on the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. Running distributed services in GKE private clusters gives enterprises both secure and reliable services.


This tutorial uses the architecture shown in the following diagram:

Architecture of distributed services on GKE private clusters using Cloud Service Mesh

In the preceding diagram, the architecture includes the following clusters:

  • Two clusters (gke-central-priv and gke-west-priv) act as identical GKE private clusters in two different regions.
  • A separate cluster (ingress-config) acts as the control plane cluster that configures Multi Cluster Ingress.

In this tutorial, you deploy the Bank of Anthos sample application on two GKE private clusters (gke-central-priv and gke-west-priv). Bank of Anthos is a sample microservices application that consists of multiple microservices and SQL databases that simulate an online banking app. The application consists of a web frontend that clients can access, and several backend services such as balance, ledger, and account services that simulate a bank.

The application includes two PostgreSQL databases that are installed in Kubernetes as StatefulSets. One database is used for transactions, while the other database is used for user accounts. All services except the two databases run as distributed services. This means that Pods for all services run in both application clusters (in the same namespace), and Cloud Service Mesh is configured so that each service appears as a single logical service.


  • Create three GKE clusters.
  • Configure two of the GKE clusters as private clusters (gke-central-priv and gke-west-priv).
  • Configure one GKE cluster (ingress-config) as the central configuration cluster. This cluster acts as a config cluster for Multi Cluster Ingress.
  • Configure networking (NAT Gateways, Cloud Router, and firewall rules) to allow inter-cluster and egress traffic from the two private GKE clusters.
  • Configure authorized networks to allow API service access from Cloud Shell to the two private GKE clusters.
  • Deploy and configure multi-cluster Cloud Service Mesh to the two private clusters in multi-primary mode. Multi-primary mode deploys an Cloud Service Mesh control plane in both clusters.
  • Deploy the Bank of Anthos application on the two private clusters. All services except the databases are deployed as distributed services (Pods running on both private clusters).
  • Monitor services using Cloud Service Mesh.
  • Configure Multi Cluster Ingress on the Bank of Anthos frontend services. This allows external clients (for example, your web browser) to access a distributed service running on a fleet of private GKE clusters.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

Before you begin

  1. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

    You run all commands in this tutorial from Cloud Shell.

  4. Define environment variables that are used throughout this tutorial. The variables define cluster names, regions, zones, IP addressing, and Cloud Service Mesh versions that are used in this tutorial.

    1. Replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID with your project ID:

      gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}
    2. Set the remaining environment variables:

      export CLUSTER_1=gke-west-priv
      export CLUSTER_2=gke-central-priv
      export CLUSTER_1_ZONE=us-west2-a
      export CLUSTER_1_REGION=us-west2
      export CLUSTER_1_MASTER_IPV4_CIDR=
      export CLUSTER_2_ZONE=us-central1-a
      export CLUSTER_2_REGION=us-central1
      export CLUSTER_2_MASTER_IPV4_CIDR=
      export CLUSTER_INGRESS=gke-ingress
      export CLUSTER_INGRESS_ZONE=us-west1-a
      export CLUSTER_INGRESS_REGION=us-west1
      export ASM_VERSION=1.10
      export CLOUDSHELL_IP=$(dig +short

Prepare your environment

  1. In Cloud Shell, enable the APIs:

    gcloud services enable \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \ \ \
  2. Enable the Cloud Service Mesh Fleet for your project:

    gcloud container fleet mesh enable --project=${PROJECT_ID}

Prepare networking for private GKE clusters

In this section, you prepare networking for the private GKE clusters that you use to run distributed services.

Private GKE cluster nodes aren't assigned a public IP address. All nodes in a private GKE cluster are assigned a private VPC IP address (in the RFC 1918 address space). This means that Pods that need to access external resources (outside the VPC network) require a Cloud NAT gateway. Cloud NAT gateways are regional NAT gateways that allow Pods with internal IP addresses to communicate to the internet. In this tutorial, you configure a Cloud NAT gateway in each of two regions. Multiple clusters within a region can use the same NAT gateway.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create and reserve two external IP addresses for the two NAT gateways:

    gcloud compute addresses create ${CLUSTER_1_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
    gcloud compute addresses create ${CLUSTER_2_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
  2. Store the IP address and name of the IP addresses in variables:

    export NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR=$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${CLUSTER_1_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
      --region=${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
    export NAT_REGION_1_IP_NAME=$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${CLUSTER_1_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
      --region=${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
    export NAT_REGION_2_IP_ADDR=$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${CLUSTER_2_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
      --region=${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
    export NAT_REGION_2_IP_NAME=$(gcloud compute addresses describe ${CLUSTER_2_REGION}-nat-ip \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
      --region=${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
  3. Create Cloud NAT gateways in the two regions of the private GKE clusters:

    gcloud compute routers create rtr-${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
      --network=default \
      --region ${CLUSTER_1_REGION}
    gcloud compute routers nats create nat-gw-${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
      --router=rtr-${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
      --region ${CLUSTER_1_REGION} \
      --nat-external-ip-pool=${NAT_REGION_1_IP_NAME} \
      --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \
    gcloud compute routers create rtr-${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
      --network=default \
      --region ${CLUSTER_2_REGION}
    gcloud compute routers nats create nat-gw-${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
      --router=rtr-${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
      --region ${CLUSTER_2_REGION} \
      --nat-external-ip-pool=${NAT_REGION_2_IP_NAME} \
      --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \
  4. Create a firewall rule that allows Pod-to-Pod communication and Pod-to-API server communication. Pod-to-Pod communication lets the distributed services communicate with each other across GKE clusters. Pod-to-API server communication lets the Cloud Service Mesh control plane query GKE clusters for service discovery.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create all-pods-and-master-ipv4-cidrs \
      --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --network default \
      --allow all \
      --direction INGRESS \

The networking is now prepared. In this tutorial, you use the entire IP address range, which includes all Pod ranges. We recommend that you create a stricter firewall rule in production, based on your conditions and requirements.

Create private GKE clusters

In this section, you create the two private GKE clusters where the sample app is deployed. In this tutorial, the private GKE cluster nodes have private IP addresses, and the API server has a public endpoint. However, access to the API server is restricted using authorized networks.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create two private clusters that have authorized networks. Configure the clusters to allow access from the Pod IP CIDR range (for the Cloud Service Mesh control plane) and from Cloud Shell so that you can access the clusters from your terminal.

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_1} \
      --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --zone=${CLUSTER_1_ZONE} \
      --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \
      --num-nodes "3" --min-nodes "3" --max-nodes "5" \
      --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling \
      --workload-pool=${WORKLOAD_POOL} \
      --enable-private-nodes \
      --master-ipv4-cidr=${CLUSTER_1_MASTER_IPV4_CIDR} \
      --enable-master-authorized-networks \
      --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$NAT_REGION_2_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32
    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_2} \
      --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --zone=${CLUSTER_2_ZONE} \
      --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \
      --num-nodes "3" --min-nodes "3" --max-nodes "5" \
      --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling \
      --workload-pool=${WORKLOAD_POOL} \
      --enable-private-nodes \
      --master-ipv4-cidr=${CLUSTER_2_MASTER_IPV4_CIDR} \
      --enable-master-authorized-networks \
      --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$NAT_REGION_2_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32

    The authorized networks contain the public IP addresses on the Cloud NAT gateways. Because the API server endpoint for a private cluster is a public endpoint, Pods that run in a private cluster must use a Cloud NAT gateway to access the public API server endpoints.

    The Cloud Shell IP address is also part of the authorized networks, which lets you access and manage clusters from your Cloud Shell terminal. Cloud Shell public-facing IP addresses are dynamic, so every time you start Cloud Shell, you might get a different public IP address. When you get a new IP address, you lose access to the clusters because the new IP address isn't part of the authorized networks for the two clusters.

    If you lose access to the clusters, update the clusters' authorized networks to include the new Cloud Shell IP address:

    1. Get the updated Cloud Shell public IP address:

      export CLOUDSHELL_IP=$(dig +short
    2. Update the authorized networks for the two clusters:

      gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_1} \
        --zone=${CLUSTER_1_ZONE} \
        --enable-master-authorized-networks \
        --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$NAT_REGION_2_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32
      gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_2} \
        --zone=${CLUSTER_2_ZONE} \
        --enable-master-authorized-networks \
        --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$NAT_REGION_2_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32
  2. Verify that all clusters are running:

    gcloud container clusters list

    The output looks like the following:

    gke-central-priv  us-central1-a  1.16.15-gke.6000  e2-standard-4  1.16.15-gke.6000  3          RUNNING
    gke-west-priv     us-west2-a     1.16.15-gke.6000  e2-standard-4  1.16.15-gke.6000  3          RUNNING
  3. Connect to both clusters to generate entries in the kubeconfig file:

    touch ~/asm-kubeconfig && export KUBECONFIG=~/asm-kubeconfig
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_1} --zone ${CLUSTER_1_ZONE}
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_2} --zone ${CLUSTER_2_ZONE}

    You use the kubeconfig file to authenticate to clusters by creating a user and context for each cluster. After you generate entries in the kubeconfig file, you can quickly switch context between clusters.

  4. Rename the cluster contexts for convenience:

    kubectl config rename-context \
    kubectl config rename-context \
  5. Confirm that both cluster contexts are properly renamed and configured:

    kubectl config get-contexts --output="name"

    The output looks like the following:

  6. Register your clusters to a fleet:

    gcloud container fleet memberships register ${CLUSTER_1} --gke-cluster=${CLUSTER_1_ZONE}/${CLUSTER_1} --enable-workload-identity
    gcloud container fleet memberships register ${CLUSTER_2} --gke-cluster=${CLUSTER_2_ZONE}/${CLUSTER_2} --enable-workload-identity

You have now created and renamed your private GKE clusters.

Install Cloud Service Mesh

In this section, you install Cloud Service Mesh on the two GKE clusters and configure the clusters for cross-cluster service discovery.

  1. In Cloud Shell, install Cloud Service Mesh on both clusters using the fleet API:

    gcloud container fleet mesh update --management automatic --memberships ${CLUSTER_1},${CLUSTER_2}
  2. After the managed Cloud Service Mesh is enabled on the clusters, set a watch for the mesh to be installed:

    watch -g "gcloud container fleet mesh describe | grep 'code: REVISION_READY'"
  3. Install Cloud Service Mesh ingress gateways for both clusters:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} create namespace asm-ingress
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} label namespace asm-ingress istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} create namespace asm-ingress
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} label namespace asm-ingress istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
    cat <<'EOF' > asm-ingress.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      namespace: asm-ingress
      type: LoadBalancer
        asm: ingressgateway
      - port: 80
        name: http
      - port: 443
        name: https
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      namespace: asm-ingress
          asm: ingressgateway
            # This is required to tell Anthos Service Mesh to inject the gateway with the
            # required configuration.
            asm: ingressgateway
          - name: istio-proxy
            image: auto # The image will automatically update each time the pod starts.
    kind: Role
      name: asm-ingressgateway-sds
      namespace: asm-ingress
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["secrets"]
      verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: asm-ingressgateway-sds
      namespace: asm-ingress
      kind: Role
      name: asm-ingressgateway-sds
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} apply -f asm-ingress.yaml
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} apply -f asm-ingress.yaml
  4. Verify that the Cloud Service Mesh ingress gateways are deployed:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} get pod,service -n asm-ingress
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} get pod,service -n asm-ingress

    The output for both clusters looks like the following:

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/asm-ingressgateway-5894744dbd-zxlgc   1/1     Running   0          84s
    NAME                           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
    service/asm-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   80:30432/TCP,443:30537/TCP   92s

    After the Cloud Service Mesh control plane and ingress gateways are installed for both clusters, cross-cluster service discovery is enabled with the fleet API. Cross-cluster service discovery lets the two clusters discover service endpoints from the remote cluster. Distributed services run on multiple clusters in the same namespace.

    For both Cloud Service Mesh control planes to discover all endpoints of a distributed service, Cloud Service Mesh must have access to all clusters that are running the distributed service. This example uses two clusters, so both clusters must be able to query the remote cluster for service endpoints. With managed Cloud Service Mesh enabled with the fleet API, endpoint discovery is automatically configured.

The clusters and Cloud Service Mesh are now configured.

Deploy the Bank of Anthos application

  1. In Cloud Shell, clone the Bank of Anthos GitHub repository:

    git clone ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos
  2. Create and label a bank-of-anthos namespace in both clusters. The label allows automatic injection of the sidecar Envoy proxies in every Pod within the labeled namespace.

    # cluster_1
    kubectl create --context=${CLUSTER_1} namespace bank-of-anthos
    kubectl label --context=${CLUSTER_1} namespace bank-of-anthos istio-injection=enabled
    # cluster_2
    kubectl create --context=${CLUSTER_2} namespace bank-of-anthos
    kubectl label --context=${CLUSTER_2} namespace bank-of-anthos istio-injection=enabled
  3. Deploy the Bank of Anthos application to both clusters in the bank-of-anthos namespace.

    # The following secret is used for user account creation and authentication
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_1 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/extras/jwt/jwt-secret.yaml
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_2 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/extras/jwt/jwt-secret.yaml
    # Deploy all manifests to both clusters
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_1 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/kubernetes-manifests
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_2 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/kubernetes-manifests

    The Kubernetes services need to be in both clusters for service discovery. When a service in one of the clusters tries to make a request, it first performs a DNS lookup for the hostname to get the IP address. In GKE, the kube-dns server running in the cluster handles this lookup, so a configured Service definition is required.

  4. Delete the StatefulSets from one cluster so that the two PostgreSQL databases exist in only one of the clusters:

    # Delete the two DB statefulSets from Cluster2
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_2 -n bank-of-anthos delete statefulset accounts-db
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_2 -n bank-of-anthos delete statefulset ledger-db
  5. Make sure that all Pods are running in both clusters:

    1. Get Pods from cluster_1:

      kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} -n bank-of-anthos get pod

      The output looks like the following:

      NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      accounts-db-0                         2/2     Running   0          9m54s
      balancereader-c5d664b4c-xmkrr         2/2     Running   0          9m54s
      contacts-7fd8c5fb6-wg9xn              2/2     Running   1          9m53s
      frontend-7b7fb9b665-m7cw7             2/2     Running   1          9m53s
      ledger-db-0                           2/2     Running   0          9m53s
      ledgerwriter-7b5b6db66f-xhbp4         2/2     Running   0          9m53s
      loadgenerator-7fb54d57f8-g5lz5        2/2     Running   0          9m52s
      transactionhistory-7fdb998c5f-vqh5w   2/2     Running   1          9m52s
      userservice-76996974f5-4wlpf          2/2     Running   1          9m52s
    2. Get Pods from cluster_2:

      kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} -n bank-of-anthos get pod

      The output looks like the following:

      NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      balancereader-c5d664b4c-bn2pl         2/2     Running   0          9m54s
      contacts-7fd8c5fb6-kv8cp              2/2     Running   0          9m53s
      frontend-7b7fb9b665-bdpp4             2/2     Running   0          9m53s
      ledgerwriter-7b5b6db66f-297c2         2/2     Running   0          9m52s
      loadgenerator-7fb54d57f8-tj44v        2/2     Running   0          9m52s
      transactionhistory-7fdb998c5f-xvmtn   2/2     Running   0          9m52s
      userservice-76996974f5-mg7t6          2/2     Running   0          9m51s
  6. Deploy the Cloud Service Mesh configs to both clusters. This creates a Gateway in the asm-ingress namespace and VirtualService in the bank-of-anthos namespaces for the frontend service, which lets you ingress traffic to the frontend service.

    Gateways are generally owned by the platform admins or the network admins team. Therefore, the Gateway resource is created in the Ingress Gateway namespace owned by the platform admin and could be used in other namespaces via their own VirtualService entries. This is a 'Shared Gateway' model.

    cat <<'EOF' > asm-vs-gateway.yaml
    kind: Gateway
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      namespace: asm-ingress
        asm: ingressgateway
        - port:
            number: 80
            name: http
            protocol: HTTP
            - "*"
    kind: VirtualService
      name: frontend
      namespace: bank-of-anthos
      - "*"
      - asm-ingress/asm-ingressgateway
      - route:
        - destination:
            host: frontend
              number: 80
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_1 apply -f asm-vs-gateway.yaml
    kubectl --context=$CLUSTER_2 apply -f asm-vs-gateway.yaml

You have now deployed the Bank of Anthos application on two private GKE clusters. All services run as distributed services, except for the database.

Inspect distributed services

In this section, you use the istioctl tool to inspect the proxy-config of any of the proxies. Doing this lets you see that the sidecar proxies see two Pods for every service, with one Pod running in each cluster.

  1. In Cloud Shell, , inspect the proxy-config Endpoints list on the frontend Pod in cluster_1:

    export FRONTEND1=$(kubectl get pod -n bank-of-anthos -l app=frontend \
      --context=${CLUSTER_1} -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
    istioctl proxy-config endpoints \
    --context $CLUSTER_1 -n bank-of-anthos $FRONTEND1 | grep bank-of-anthos

    The output looks like the following:                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|5432||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|5432||                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|80||                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|80||                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||                   HEALTHY     OK                outbound|8080||

    In the preceding output, each distributed service has two Endpoint IP addresses. These are the Pod IP addresses, one for each cluster.

Access Bank of Anthos

To access the Bank of Anthos application, you can use the asm-ingressgateway Service public IP address from either cluster.

  1. Get asm-ingressgateway IP addresses from both clusters:

    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_1} \
    --namespace asm-ingress get svc asm-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer}' | grep "ingress"
    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_2} \
    --namespace asm-ingress get svc asm-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer}' | grep "ingress"

    The output looks like the following.


    Copy one of the IP addresses to use in the next step.

  2. Open a new tab in a web browser and go to either IP address from the preceding output. The Bank of Anthos frontend should be displayed, which lets you log in, deposit funds to your account, and transfer funds to other accounts. The application should be fully functional.

Visualize distributed services

You can visualize distributed services in Cloud Service Mesh.

  1. To view your services, go to the Anthos > Service Mesh page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Service Mesh

    You can view services in Table view or in a Topology view. The default view is the table view, which shows all of your distributed services running in a tabular format. To change views, click the view that you want to display.

  2. In the Tables view, click the frontend distributed service. When you click an individual service, you see a detailed view of the service along with connected services.

    In the service details view, you can create SLOs and view a historical timeline of the service by clicking Show Timeline.

  3. To view golden signals, on the side panel, click Metrics.

  4. In the Requests per seconds chart, click Breakdown By and then select Location.

    The results display the requests per second from both clusters in the two regions. The distributed service is healthy and both endpoints are serving traffic.

  5. To view the topology of your service mesh, on the side panel, click Anthos Service Mesh, and then click Topology View.

  6. To view additional data, hold your mouse pointer over the frontend service. This displays information like requests per second to and from the frontend to other services.

  7. To view more details, click Expand on the frontend service. A Service and a Workload are displayed. You can further expand workload into two Deployments, expand the deployments into ReplicaSets, and expand the ReplicaSets into Pods. When you expand all elements, you can see the distributed frontend service which is essentially a Service and two Pods.

Configure Multi Cluster Ingress

In this section, you create a Multi Cluster Ingress that sends traffic to the Bank of GKE Enterprise frontend services running in both clusters. You use Cloud Load Balancing to create a load balancer that uses the asm-ingressgateway Services in both clusters as backends. An ingress-config cluster is used to orchestrate Multi Cluster Ingress configuration.

To create the load balancer, you use a MultiClusterIngress and one or more MultiClusterServices. MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService objects are multi-cluster analogs for the existing Kubernetes Ingress and Service resources that are used in the single cluster context.

  1. Enable the required GKE Enterprise, GKE Fleet, and Multi Cluster Ingress APIs:

    gcloud services enable \ \ \
  2. Create the ingress-config cluster. You can use any cluster, but we recommend that you create a separate cluster for this purpose.

    gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      --zone ${CLUSTER_INGRESS_ZONE} \
      --num-nodes=1 \
      --enable-ip-alias \
  3. Get cluster credentials and rename the context for convenience:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      --zone ${CLUSTER_INGRESS_ZONE} --project ${PROJECT_ID}
    kubectl config rename-context \
  4. To use Multi Cluster Ingress, register all participating clusters to GKE Enterprise Fleet, including the config cluster:

  5. Register the config cluster:

    gcloud container fleet memberships register ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
      --gke-cluster=${CLUSTER_INGRESS_ZONE}/${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
  6. Verify that all clusters are registered to GKE Enterprise Fleet:

    gcloud container fleet memberships list

    The output looks like the following:

    NAME            EXTERNAL_ID
    gke-west        7fe5b7ce-50d0-4e64-a9af-55d37b3dd3fa
    gke-central     6f1f6bb2-a3f6-4e9c-be52-6907d9d258cd
    gke-ingress     3574ee0f-b7e6-11ea-9787-42010a8a019c
  7. Enable Multi Cluster Ingress features on the ingress-config cluster. This creates the MulticlusterService and MulticlusterIngress CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) on the cluster.

    gcloud container fleet ingress enable \
  8. Verify that Multi Cluster Ingress is enabled on the ingress-config cluster:

    gcloud container fleet ingress describe

    The output looks like the following:

          code: OK
          updateTime: '2022-09-29T13:57:02.972748202Z'
          code: OK
          updateTime: '2022-09-29T13:57:02.972744692Z'
          code: OK
          updateTime: '2022-09-29T13:57:02.972746497Z'
  9. Verify that the two CRDs are deployed in the ingress-config cluster:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_INGRESS} get crd | grep multicluster

    The output looks like the following.     2020-10-29T17:32:50Z      2020-10-29T17:32:50Z
  10. Create the asm-ingress namespace in the ingress-config cluster:

    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} create namespace asm-ingress
  11. Create the MultiClusterIngress resource:

    cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/mci.yaml
    kind: MultiClusterIngress
      name: asm-ingressgateway-multicluster-ingress
           serviceName: asm-ingressgateway-multicluster-svc
           servicePort: 80
  12. Create the MultiClusterService resource:

    cat <<'EOF' > $HOME/mcs.yaml
    kind: MultiClusterService
      name: asm-ingressgateway-multicluster-svc
      annotations: '{"ports": {"80":"gke-ingress-config"}}'
            asm: ingressgateway
          - name: frontend
            protocol: TCP
            port: 80 # servicePort defined in Multi Cluster Ingress
      - link: "us-west2-a/gke-west-priv"
      - link: "us-central1-a/gke-central-priv"
  13. Create the BackendConfig resource for health checks:

    cat <<EOF > $HOME/backendconfig.yaml
    kind: BackendConfig
      name: gke-ingress-config
        type: HTTP
        port: 15021
        requestPath: /healthz/ready
  14. Apply the BackendConfig, MultiClusterService, and MultiClusterIngress manifests:

    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} -n asm-ingress apply -f ${HOME}/backendconfig.yaml
    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} -n asm-ingress apply -f ${HOME}/mci.yaml
    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} -n asm-ingress apply -f ${HOME}/mcs.yaml
  15. The MultiClusterService you deployed in the Ingress Cluster will create a "headless" Service in cluster 1 and cluster 2. Verify that the "headless" Services have been created:

    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_1} -n asm-ingress \
      get services | grep multicluster-svc
    kubectl --context=${CLUSTER_2} -n asm-ingress \
      get services | grep multicluster-svc

    The output is similar to:

    mci-frontend-multi-cluster-service-svc-f7rcyqry22iq8nmw   ClusterIP      None          <none>          80/TCP         77s
    mci-frontend-multi-cluster-service-svc-f7rcyqry22iq8nmw   ClusterIP      None          <none>          80/TCP         78s
  16. Run the following command and wait until you get a Cloud Load Balancing IP address:

    watch kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} -n asm-ingress get multiclusteringress \
      -o jsonpath="{.items[].status.VIP}"

    The output looks like the following:

    To exit the watch command, press Ctrl+C.

  17. Navigate to the Cloud Load Balancing IP address in a web browser to get to the Bank of Anthos frontend:

    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      -n asm-ingress get multiclusteringress \
      -o jsonpath="{.items[].status.VIP}"

    If you get a 404 error (or a 502 error), wait a few minutes and then refresh the page in your web browser.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your account, delete the project or delete the clusters.

Delete the project

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the project you created for the tutorial.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Delete the clusters

  1. In Cloud Shell, unregister and delete the blue and green clusters:

    gcloud container fleet memberships unregister ${CLUSTER_1} \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
    gcloud container clusters delete ${CLUSTER_1} \
      --zone ${CLUSTER_1_ZONE} \
    gcloud container fleet memberships unregister ${CLUSTER_2} \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
    gcloud container clusters delete ${CLUSTER_2} \
      --zone ${CLUSTER_2_ZONE} \
  2. Delete the MuticlusterIngress resource from the ingress-config cluster:

    kubectl --context ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} -n istio-system delete -f $HOME/mci.yaml

    This deletes the Cloud Load Balancing resources from the project.

  3. Unregister and delete the ingress-config cluster:

    gcloud container fleet memberships unregister ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
    gcloud container clusters delete ${CLUSTER_INGRESS} \
      --zone ${CLUSTER_INGRESS_ZONE} \
  4. Verify that all clusters are deleted:

    gcloud container clusters list

    The output is the following:

  5. Reset the kubeconfig file:

    unset KUBECONFIG

What's next