Query billing metrics

To query and visualize billing metrics, use the Billing Usage and Projected Cost dashboards.

These dashboards provide visualizations on the following billing related metrics:

  • server_org_count
  • kube_namespace_resource_usage
  • pod:kube_pod_container_resource_requests:sum
  • metering_storage_organization_allocated_capacity_bytes
  • metering_storage_allocated_capacity_bytes
  • metering_gdcbackup_protected_pods_count
  • metering_gdcbackup_protected_vms_count
  • ai_vision_usage
  • ai_speech_audio_length_sum
  • ai_translation_usage_codepoints

Through these dashboards, you can filter the metric values by namespace, Task Order (TO), or Contract Line Item Number (CLIN).

Filter namespace metric values

  • To filter metric values by labels on namespaces, perform the following query in the Explore page of the monitoring instance:
none sum by (label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME) (METRIC_NAME{} * on (cluster, namespace) \ group_left(label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME) \ kube_namespace_labels{label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME=LABEL_VALUE})

Replace the following variables:

  • CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME: the label key to filter metric values. Replace all non-alphabetic characters in this label with the underscore _. For example: app.kubernetes.io/component becomes app_kubernetes_io_component.
  • METRIC_NAME: the name of the billing-related metrics.
  • LABEL_VALUE: the label value to filter metrics.

Filter pod metric values

  • To filter metric values by labels on pods, perform the following query in the Explore page of the monitoring instance:
none sum by (label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME) (METRIC_NAME{} * on (cluster, namespace, pod) \ group_left(label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME) \ kube_pod_labels{label_CONVERTED_LABEL_NAME=LABEL_VALUE})