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코드 샘플


Video Intelligence에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

func shotChangeURI(w io.Writer, file string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := video.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer client.Close()

	op, err := client.AnnotateVideo(ctx, &videopb.AnnotateVideoRequest{
		Features: []videopb.Feature{
		InputUri: file,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	resp, err := op.Wait(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// A single video was processed. Get the first result.
	result := resp.AnnotationResults[0].ShotAnnotations

	for _, shot := range result {
		start, _ := ptypes.Duration(shot.StartTimeOffset)
		end, _ := ptypes.Duration(shot.EndTimeOffset)

		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Shot: %s to %s\n", start, end)

	return nil


Video Intelligence에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

// Instantiate a com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient
try (VideoIntelligenceServiceClient client = VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.create()) {
  // Provide path to file hosted on GCS as "gs://bucket-name/..."
  AnnotateVideoRequest request =

  // Create an operation that will contain the response when the operation completes.
  OperationFuture<AnnotateVideoResponse, AnnotateVideoProgress> response =

  System.out.println("Waiting for operation to complete...");
  // Print detected shot changes and their location ranges in the analyzed video.
  for (VideoAnnotationResults result : response.get().getAnnotationResultsList()) {
    if (result.getShotAnnotationsCount() > 0) {
      System.out.println("Shots: ");
      for (VideoSegment segment : result.getShotAnnotationsList()) {
        double startTime =
                + segment.getStartTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
        double endTime =
                + segment.getEndTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
        System.out.printf("Location: %.3f:%.3f\n", startTime, endTime);
    } else {
      System.out.println("No shot changes detected in " + gcsUri);


Video Intelligence에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

// Imports the Google Cloud Video Intelligence library
const video = require('@google-cloud/video-intelligence').v1;

// Creates a client
const client = new video.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient();

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line before running the sample.
// const gcsUri = 'GCS URI of file to analyze, e.g. gs://my-bucket/my-video.mp4';

const request = {
  inputUri: gcsUri,
  features: ['SHOT_CHANGE_DETECTION'],

// Detects camera shot changes
const [operation] = await client.annotateVideo(request);
console.log('Waiting for operation to complete...');
const [operationResult] = await operation.promise();
// Gets shot changes
const shotChanges = operationResult.annotationResults[0].shotAnnotations;
console.log('Shot changes:');

if (shotChanges.length === 1) {
  console.log('The entire video is one shot.');
} else {
  shotChanges.forEach((shot, shotIdx) => {
    console.log(`Scene ${shotIdx} occurs from:`);
    if (shot.startTimeOffset === undefined) {
      shot.startTimeOffset = {};
    if (shot.endTimeOffset === undefined) {
      shot.endTimeOffset = {};
    if (shot.startTimeOffset.seconds === undefined) {
      shot.startTimeOffset.seconds = 0;
    if (shot.startTimeOffset.nanos === undefined) {
      shot.startTimeOffset.nanos = 0;
    if (shot.endTimeOffset.seconds === undefined) {
      shot.endTimeOffset.seconds = 0;
    if (shot.endTimeOffset.nanos === undefined) {
      shot.endTimeOffset.nanos = 0;
      `\tStart: ${shot.startTimeOffset.seconds}` +
        `.${(shot.startTimeOffset.nanos / 1e6).toFixed(0)}s`
      `\tEnd: ${shot.endTimeOffset.seconds}.` +
        `${(shot.endTimeOffset.nanos / 1e6).toFixed(0)}s`


Video Intelligence에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

use Google\Cloud\VideoIntelligence\V1\AnnotateVideoRequest;
use Google\Cloud\VideoIntelligence\V1\Client\VideoIntelligenceServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\VideoIntelligence\V1\Feature;

 * @param string $uri The cloud storage object to analyze (gs://your-bucket-name/your-object-name)
 * @param int $pollingIntervalSeconds
function analyze_shots(string $uri, int $pollingIntervalSeconds = 0)
    # Instantiate a client.
    $video = new VideoIntelligenceServiceClient();

    # Execute a request.
    $features = [Feature::SHOT_CHANGE_DETECTION];
    $request = (new AnnotateVideoRequest())
    $operation = $video->annotateVideo($request);

    # Wait for the request to complete.
        'pollingIntervalSeconds' => $pollingIntervalSeconds

    # Print the result.
    if ($operation->operationSucceeded()) {
        $results = $operation->getResult()->getAnnotationResults()[0];
        foreach ($results->getShotAnnotations() as $shot) {
            $start = $shot->getStartTimeOffset();
            $end = $shot->getEndTimeOffset();
            printf('Shot: %ss to %ss' . PHP_EOL,
                $start->getSeconds() + $start->getNanos() / 1000000000.0,
                $end->getSeconds() + $end->getNanos() / 1000000000.0);
    } else {


Video Intelligence에 인증하려면 애플리케이션 기본 사용자 인증 정보를 설정합니다. 자세한 내용은 로컬 개발 환경의 인증 설정을 참조하세요.

"""Detects camera shot changes."""
video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient()
features = [videointelligence.Feature.SHOT_CHANGE_DETECTION]
operation = video_client.annotate_video(
    request={"features": features, "input_uri": path}
print("\nProcessing video for shot change annotations:")

result = operation.result(timeout=90)
print("\nFinished processing.")

# first result is retrieved because a single video was processed
for i, shot in enumerate(result.annotation_results[0].shot_annotations):
    start_time = (
        shot.start_time_offset.seconds + shot.start_time_offset.microseconds / 1e6
    end_time = (
        shot.end_time_offset.seconds + shot.end_time_offset.microseconds / 1e6
    print("\tShot {}: {} to {}".format(i, start_time, end_time))

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