Email alerts (v3)

Cloud Talent Solution also offers a search API, SearchJobsForAlert, that's tuned to the needs of "passive job seekers." These are individuals not necessarily actively looking for a job, but might be inclined to apply for one if the right circumstances arise. For example, a customer can leverage Cloud Talent Solution to populate the contents of an email campaign designed to offer periodic updates of jobs individuals might be interested in. The results of SearchJobsForAlert may be different to those from searchJobs and are intended for use in job alert emails and other campaigns that are targeted towards passive job seekers. Use the date posted filter when calling SearchJobsForAlert to restrict the set of jobs being searched to those posted since the last alert was generated. For additional information on using this feature, see the email alerts implementation guide.

Email alert searches are made in the same way as a regular search:


For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

/** Search jobs for alert. */
public static void searchForAlerts(String companyName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  // Make sure to set the requestMetadata the same as the associated search request
  RequestMetadata requestMetadata =
      new RequestMetadata()
          // Make sure to hash your userID
          // Make sure to hash the sessionID
          // Domain of the website where the search is conducted

  SearchJobsRequest request =
      new SearchJobsRequest()
          .setSearchMode("JOB_SEARCH"); // Set the search mode to a regular search
  if (companyName != null) {
    request.setJobQuery(new JobQuery().setCompanyNames(Arrays.asList(companyName)));

  SearchJobsResponse response =
          .searchForAlert(DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, request)
  System.out.printf("Search jobs for alert results: %s\n", response);


For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

def search_for_alerts(client_service, company_name):
    request_metadata = {
        "user_id": "HashedUserId",
        "session_id": "HashedSessionId",
        "domain": "",
    request = {
        "search_mode": "JOB_SEARCH",
        "request_metadata": request_metadata,
    if company_name is not None:
        request.update({"job_query": {"company_names": [company_name]}})
    response = (
        .searchForAlert(parent=parent, body=request)


For more on installing and creating a Cloud Talent Solution client, see Cloud Talent Solution Client Libraries.

// searchForAlerts searches for jobs with email alert set which could receive
// updates later if search result updates.
func searchForAlerts(w io.Writer, projectID, companyName string) (*talent.SearchJobsResponse, error) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	client, err := google.DefaultClient(ctx, talent.CloudPlatformScope)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("google.DefaultClient: %w", err)
	// Create the jobs service client.
	service, err := talent.New(client)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("talent.New: %w", err)

	parent := "projects/" + projectID
	req := &talent.SearchJobsRequest{
		// Make sure to set the RequestMetadata the same as the associated
		// search request.
		RequestMetadata: &talent.RequestMetadata{
			// Make sure to hash your userID.
			UserId: "HashedUsrId",
			// Make sure to hash the sessionID.
			SessionId: "HashedSessionId",
			// Domain of the website where the search is conducted.
			Domain: "",
		// Set the search mode to a regular search.
		SearchMode: "JOB_SEARCH",
	if companyName != "" {
		req.JobQuery = &talent.JobQuery{
			CompanyNames: []string{companyName},

	resp, err := service.Projects.Jobs.SearchForAlert(parent, req).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to search for jobs with alerts: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintln(w, "Jobs:")
	for _, j := range resp.MatchingJobs {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%q\n", j.Job.Name)

	return resp, nil

For information about searching, see Search Basics.