Using search filters

Optionally, a search can include one or more JobQuery filters that restrict the search according to different criteria such as location, companies, compensation, and more.

  • Location: Use locationFilter to search inside a geographic area.

  • Job category: Return jobs belonging to a specific category by using JobCategory. Categories are predefined and include, for example, ACCOUNTING_AND_FINANCE and EDUCATION. All categories are determined by the Cloud Talent Solution models and are recommended for use in terms of category-based sorting.

  • Employment type: Return jobs belonging to one or more employment type definitions, such as FULL_TIME or VOLUNTEER. See EmploymentType for details.

  • Date range: Restrict the search to jobs published within the specified date range by using publishTimeRange.

  • Language codes: Returns jobs that match the specified language code, as determined by the jobs' languageCodes field. This field specifies the language of the job posting, and has no relation to any posted language fluency requirements.

  • Company name: Returns jobs from companies with a companyDisplayName string matching the search query text string. Note that companyDisplayName is the human-readable name of the company (such as "Google") as opposed to name which is a generated ID (such as "companies/80df2034-176e-44a8-b763-b5370f2463a5").

  • Commute: Allows your users to specify a maximum commute time as well as traffic conditions, time of day, and commute method. Job are returned from within a calculated area based on these variables. See the Commute Search implementation guide for more information.

  • Compensation: Use compensationFilter to filter search results based on compensation amounts.

  • Query language code: Specifies the language of the query string in BCP-47 format, for example "en-US". If left blank, the default is US English. This field is not related to languageCode, which specifies the language of returned job listings. See the JobQuery documentation for details. Sample code:

    "jobQuery": {"query":"general", "query_language_code":"fr-FR"}}