HikariCP 사용 시 소켓 연결 만들기

HikariCP JDBC 연결 풀 라이브러리를 사용하여 MySQL용 Cloud SQL에 대한 Unix 소켓 연결을 엽니다.

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코드 샘플


// Note: For Java users, the Cloud SQL JDBC Socket Factory can provide authenticated connections
// which is preferred to using the Cloud SQL Proxy with Unix sockets.
// See https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-jdbc-socket-factory for details.

// The configuration object specifies behaviors for the connection pool.
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();

// The following URL is equivalent to setting the config options below:
// jdbc:mysql:///<DB_NAME>?cloudSqlInstance=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>&
// socketFactory=com.google.cloud.sql.mysql.SocketFactory&user=<DB_USER>&password=<DB_PASS>
// See the link below for more info on building a JDBC URL for the Cloud SQL JDBC Socket Factory
// https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-jdbc-socket-factory#creating-the-jdbc-url

// Configure which instance and what database user to connect with.
config.setJdbcUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:///%s", DB_NAME));
config.setUsername(DB_USER); // e.g. "root", "mysql"
config.setPassword(DB_PASS); // e.g. "my-password"

config.addDataSourceProperty("socketFactory", "com.google.cloud.sql.mysql.SocketFactory");
config.addDataSourceProperty("cloudSqlInstance", INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME);

// The ipTypes argument can be used to specify a comma delimited list of preferred IP types
// for connecting to a Cloud SQL instance. The argument ipTypes=PRIVATE will force the
// SocketFactory to connect with an instance's associated private IP.
config.addDataSourceProperty("ipTypes", "PUBLIC,PRIVATE");

// ... Specify additional connection properties here.
// ...

// Initialize the connection pool using the configuration object.
DataSource pool = new HikariDataSource(config);

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