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Creating translated subtitles with AI
Use the Speech-to-Text API and Translation API to transcribe dialog to SRT subtitles, and localize subtitles for different languages.
AI, ML, artificial intelligence, machine learning

Markku Lepisto | Solutions Architect | Google

Contributed by Google employees.

This tutorial shows you how to use the Google Cloud AI services Speech-to-Text API and Translation API to add subtitles to videos and to provide localized subtitles in other languages.

This tutorial shows how to do the following:

  • Transcribe audio files with spoken dialog into text and SRT subtitle files.
  • Get accurate timings of spoken sentences for subtitles.
  • Translate subtitles to other languages.

Architecture diagram

architecture diagram


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud, including the following:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Speech-to-Text
  • Cloud Translation

This tutorial should not generate any usage that would not be covered by the free tier, but you can use the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected production usage.

Watch the companion video

To see this tutorial in action, you can watch the Google Cloud Level Up episode first, and then follow the steps in this tutorial yourself.

Before you begin

This tutorial assumes that you already have a Google Cloud account set up.

Create a Google Cloud project

  1. Go to the Cloud Console.
  2. Click the project selector in the upper-left corner and select New Project.
  3. Give the project a name and click Create.
  4. Click the project selector again and select your new project.


  1. On your local development machine, install the following tools:

  2. Configure gcloud to use your new Google Cloud project:

    gcloud init
  3. Export an environment variable with your current Google Cloud project ID:

    PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
  4. Enable the services used in this tutorial:

    gcloud services enable
  5. Clone the GitHub repository associated with the community tutorials:

    git clone
  6. Change to the tutorial directory:

    cd community/tutorials/speech2srt
  7. Create a new Python 3 virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv venv
  8. Activate the virtual environment:

    source venv/bin/activate
  9. Install the required Python modules:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  10. Create two Cloud Storage buckets: one for input, one for output. Because bucket names are a global namespace, you must use unique bucket names.

    1. Export the two bucket names into environment variables. Replace [YOUR_FIRST_BUCKET] and [YOUR_SECOND_BUCKET] with your custom bucket names:

    2. Create the buckets:

      gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_IN
      gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_OUT

Create a Service Account and JSON key

In this section, you create a Service Account in your Google Cloud project and grant sufficient permissions to it so that it can use the AI services. You also download a JSON key for the Service Account. The JSON key is used by the Python utilities to authenticate with the Cloud services.

  1. Create a new Service Account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create ml-dev --description="ML APIs developer access" --display-name="ML Developer Service Account"
  2. Grant the ML Developer role to the Service Account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:ml-dev@$ --role roles/ml.developer
  3. Grant the Project Viewer role to the Service Account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:ml-dev@$ --role roles/viewer
  4. Grant the Storage Object Admin role to the Service Account, so that it can upload and download objects to and from Cloud Storage:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:ml-dev@$ --role roles/storage.objectAdmin
  5. Create a JSON key for the Service Account:

    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./ml-dev.json --iam-account ml-dev@$

    The key file will be downloaded to the current working directory.

  6. Export your service account JSON key to the shell environment variables, so that the utilities can authenticate with the Cloud AI services:


The SRT subtitle format

The goal of this tutorial is to generate SRT subtitle files that you can use in your video player, or upload to platforms such as YouTube.

Example SRT subtitle file with two subtitle entries:

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,800
This is an example text file.

00:00:01,800 --> 00:00:04,300
It can be used to test the artificial intelligence.

Each entry contains the following items:

  • incrementing index number, starting from 1
  • start and stop times for the subtitle, in the format hh:mm:ss,ms
  • subtitle body in one or more lines of text

Preparing the dialog audio

The input data for the solution is an audio file that contains spoken dialog. The first step is to transcribe the audio file's speech to text.

Extracting the dialog track and optimizing the audio for Speech-to-Text

Your starting point may be any of these or more:

  • a new video in post-production, being edited before publishing
  • an existing video encoded as a playback-optimized video file
  • an existing multichannel audio file in which one track contains the dialog
  • an audio recording of just the spoken dialog

Regardless of the source data type, you need to prepare an audio file for transcribing that contains only the spoken dialog. If possible, the file should not contain any other audio (such as music), or video tracks. The audio file should be in a format that can be used by the Cloud Speech-to-Text API. To prepare an optimized audio file, follow the steps in Optimizing audio files for Speech-to-Text. The quality of the audio input can greatly affect the quality of the transcribed output.

This tutorial includes a pre-created audio file example.wav, which the next steps use for demonstration.

About the utility used to transcribe audio files

To transcribe audio files, this tutorial uses the example utility

The utility performs the following steps:

  1. Configures the API request and sets the following parameters:

    • "enable_word_time_offsets": True

      This gives millisecond-accurate start and stop times of each spoken word.

    • "enable_automatic_punctuation": True

      This adds punctuation marks, such as commas or periods.

  2. Calls the Cloud Speech-to-Text API and passes input parameters to the service:

    • URI of the source audio file in Cloud Storage (example: gs://$BUCKET_IN/example.wav)
    • Sample rate of the audio in Hertz (default: 16000)
    • Language code of the spoken dialog (default: en-us)
    • Max characters per line, before breaking to the next line (default: 40)
  3. Receives the transcribed text from the service, including metadata (including the timing of each spoken word).

  4. Writes two output files:

    • a plain text file, with each sentence on a separate line (breaking to the next sentence with either a punctuation mark, or if the sentence exceeds the configured maximum characters per line limit)
    • an SRT subtitle file, with each sentence as a separate subtitle entry

Transcribe dialog to plain text and SRT subtitles

To transcribe the audio file, do the following:

  1. Upload your dialog audio file to the Cloud Storage bucket:

    gsutil cp example.wav gs://$BUCKET_IN/
  2. View the command-line options for the transcribing utility:

    python3 -h
  3. Transcribe the file example.wav:

    python3 --storage_uri gs://$BUCKET_IN/example.wav --sample_rate_hertz 24000

    If successful, the command should output the following:

    Transcribing gs://[YOUR_FIRST_BUCKET]/example.wav ...
    Transcribing finished
    Writing en-US subtitles to:
    Writing text to: en.txt

    Example plain text output en.txt:

    This is an example text file.
    It can be used to test the artificial intelligence
    solution the solution can transcribe spoken dialogue
    in to text.
    It can convert text into subtitles and it can translate
    subtitles to multiple Target languages.

    Example SRT subtitles output

    00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,800
    This is an example text file.
    00:00:01,800 --> 00:00:04,300
    It can be used to test the artificial intelligence
    00:00:04,300 --> 00:00:08,300
    solution the solution can transcribe spoken dialogue
    00:00:08,300 --> 00:00:08,900
    in to text.
    00:00:08,900 --> 00:00:12,100
    It can convert text into subtitles and it can translate
    00:00:12,100 --> 00:00:14,500
    subtitles to multiple Target languages.

    The file en.txt is used as the translation input file for translating into other languages in later steps. The file subtitles file for your video.

  4. Open both output files en.txt and in a text editor and fix any transcribing mistakes where necessary.

  5. Load the SRT subtitles file in your video player, enable subtitles, and verify that the subtitles are displayed correctly. Refer to the Level Up YouTube episode for an example on how to load the subtitles to YouTube Studio.

About the translation utilities

Now that you have created subtitles in the original language, you can use the Cloud Translation API to generate subtitles in other languages. To achieve this, you can use the included utilities and

The utilities perform the following steps:

  1. Queries and prints the list of languages that the Translation API can translate to and from.
  2. Calls the API with the batch_translate method.
  3. Uses the source text file in Cloud Storage as the input.
  4. Specifies the source text file's original language.
  5. Specifies the target languages for the translation operation.
  6. Specifies the output bucket for the translation text files and descriptive index.csv file.

  1. Reads the translation output file index.csv to identify the translated output text files.
  2. Opens the original language SRT subtitle file to read the timings for each subtitle entry.
  3. For each translated text file, does the following:
    1. Replaces the original language subtitle's body text with the translated text.
    2. Writes the translated subtitles as SRT output files.

The tools match the sentences in the plain text files, and SRT subtitle files, by their line and index number. For example, line 1 in the plain text file has the same content as the SRT subtitle at index 1. For this reason, the current versions of the utilities only support 1 line of text per subtitle entry.

Translate subtitles into other languages

To generate subtitles for multiple target languages, do the following:

  1. Upload the transcribed original language text to Cloud Storage:

    gsutil cp en.txt gs://$BUCKET_IN/
  2. View the command-line options for the utility

    python3 -h
  3. The output bucket must be empty before executing the translation step. To empty the bucket, use the following command:

    (venv) $ gsutil rm gs://$BUCKET_OUT/*
  4. Call the Translation API service and specify the list of target languages:

    python3 --project_id $PROJECT_ID --source_lang en --target_lang ko,hi --input_uri gs://$BUCKET_IN/en.txt --output_uri gs://$BUCKET_OUT/

    This example command specifies that you want to translate the plain text file gs://$BUCKET_IN/en.txt to Korean and Finnish, and store the output files in the Cloud Storage bucket gs://$BUCKET_OUT.

    If everything went well, the output should look like the following:

    Supported Languages: af am ar az be bg bn bs ca ceb co cs cy da de el en eo es et eu fa fi fr fy ga gd gl gu ha haw hi hmn hr ht hu hy id ig is it iw ja jw ka kk km kn ko ku ky la lb lo lt lv mg mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my ne nl no ny or pa pl ps pt ro ru rw sd si sk sl sm sn so sq sr st su sv sw ta te tg th tk tl tr tt ug uk ur uz vi xh yi yo zh-CN zh-TW zu
    Waiting for operation to complete...
    Total Characters: 484
    Translated Characters: 484
  5. Copy the output files to your local machine:

     gsutil cp gs://$BUCKET_OUT/* .
  6. View the index.csv file, which contains information about the translation operation output files:

    cat index.csv

    The output should be the following:


    Here you can see that the service translated the source file en.txt and wrote two output files, in Finnish and Korean, respectively.

  7. Create SRT subtitles from the Finnish and Korean plain text files:

    python3 --srt --index index.csv

    You should see the following command output:

    Updating subtitles for each translated language
    Wrote SRT file
    Wrote SRT file

    The utility generated the translated subtitles by loading the original English subtitles for the timing information, and replaced each subtitle entry's body text with the corresponding line of text, from the Finnish and Korean translated files.

  8. Check the translated subtitles:

    head -8

    The output should look like the following:

    00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,800
    Tämä on esimerkki tekstitiedostosta.
    00:00:01,800 --> 00:00:04,300
    Sitä voidaan käyttää tekoälyn testaamiseen
  9. As with the original language speech-to-text transcribing result, check the output files and fix any mistakes using a text editor.

Now you have subtitles for your video in multiple languages.

Cleaning up

Delete the Google Cloud project

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, you can delete the project.

Caution: Deleting a project has the following consequences:

  • If you used an existing project, you'll also delete any other work you've done in the project.
  • You can't reuse the project ID of a deleted project. If you created a custom project ID that you plan to use in the future, delete the resources inside the project instead. This ensures that URLs that use the project ID, such as an URL, remain available.

To delete a project, do the following:

  1. In the Cloud Console, go to the Projects page.
  2. In the project list, select the project you want to delete and click Delete project.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

deleting the project

What's next