Enabling and disabling the Canonical Service controller

Note: Canonical Services are supported automatically in Anthos Service Mesh version 1.6.8 and higher.

When you install or upgrade Anthos Service Mesh using the install_asm script, it deploys the Canonical Service controller to your cluster. The Canonical Service controller groups workloads belonging to the same logical service, and it is required for the full functionality of the Services dashboard in the Google Cloud console. Deploying the controller creates the canonical-service-controller-manager Deployment in your cluster in the asm-system namespace, and does not affect your services or workloads.

If you didn't use the install_asm script to install Anthos Service Mesh, you might not have the Canonical Service controller enabled on your cluster. To determine if the Canonical Service controller is enabled on your cluster:

kubectl get services -n asm-system

If the Canonical Service controller isn't enabled, you can enable it with the following steps:

  1. Download the kpt package that contains the controller to the current working directory:

    kpt pkg get https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-packages.git/asm@release-1.8-asm asm
  2. Apply the controller configuration:

        kubectl apply -f asm/canonical-service/controller.yaml

If you want to disable the Canonical Service controller:

  1. Download the kpt package that contains the controller to the current working directory:

    kpt pkg get https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/anthos-service-mesh-packages.git/asm@release-1.8-asm asm
  2. Delete the controller from your cluster:

        kubectl delete -f asm/canonical-service/controller.yaml

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