
This page explains how to uninstall Anthos Service Mesh and open source Istio.

Uninstalling Anthos Service Mesh

Run one of the following commands to uninstall the Anthos Service Mesh components that were installed with the ASM configuration profile. These commands delete the istio-system namespace and all custom resource definitions (CRDs), including any CRDs that you applied. If you created CRDs, make sure you have copies of them.

  • If you installed Anthos Service Mesh on GKE on VMware:

    istioctl manifest generate --set profile=asm-onprem | kubectl delete -f -
  • If you installed Anthos Service Mesh on Google Kubernetes Engine:

    istioctl manifest generate --set profile=asm | kubectl delete -f -

Rollback or disable pod security policies

If your system had a pod security policy defined before you enabled the pod security policies for Mesh CA, remove the existing pod security policies and apply your original pod security policies. Otherwise, disable the pod security policy on your cluster:

gcloud beta container clusters update ${CLUSTER_NAME} \

Uninstalling open source Istio

How you uninstall open source Istio depends on how you installed it.

  • If you installed Istio using Helm, see Uninstall.

  • If you did a customized installation using istioctl, see Uninstall Istio.

  • If you did the standalone Operator installation, see Uninstall.