Configure CPU limits

This page describes how to specify the number of CPUs to use for each Cloud Run instance. By default, Cloud Run container instances are limited to 1 CPU. You can increase or decrease this value as described in this page.

This page also describes how to enable or disable startup CPU boost, a feature that temporarily increases CPU allocation during instance startup in order to reduce startup latency.

Set and update CPU limits

By default, each instance is limited to 1 CPU. You can increase this using any integer value up to a maximum of 8 CPUs.

CPU and memory

The following are minimum memory requirements for CPUs:

CPUs Minimum memory
4 2 GiB
6 4 GiB
8 4 GiB

Alternatively, if you want to use less than 1 CPU, you can select any value between 0.08 and 1, in increments of 0.01. Any value above 1 must be an integer value. If you use less than 1 CPU, the following requirements are enforced:

Setting Requirement
Memory A minimum of 0.5 CPU is needed to set a memory limit greater than 512MiB.
A minimum of 1 CPU is needed to set a memory limit greater than 1GiB.
Concurrency Maximum concurrency must be set to 1.
CPU allocated CPU allocation must be set to CPU allocated only during request processing.
Execution environment You must use the first generation execution environment.

Configure CPU limits

Any configuration change leads to the creation of a new revision. Subsequent revisions will also automatically get this configuration setting unless you make explicit updates to change it.

You can set CPU limits using the Google Cloud console, the gcloud command line, or a YAML file when you create a new service or deploy a new revision:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Run:

    Go to Cloud Run

  2. Click Create Service if you are configuring a new service you are deploying to. If you are configuring an existing service, click the service, then click Edit and deploy new revision.

  3. If you are configuring a new service, fill out the initial service settings page as desired, then click Container(s), volumes, networking, security to expand the service configuration page.

  4. Click the Container tab.


    • Select the desired CPU limit from the dropdown list, using Custom if you want to use less than 1 CPU. Select a value of 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 CPUs, or for less than 1 CPU, specify a value from 0.08 to less than 1.00, in increments of 0.01. (See the table under Setting and updating CPU limits for required settings.)
  5. Click Create or Deploy.

Command line

You can update the CPU limits for a given service by using the following command:

gcloud run services update SERVICE --cpu CPU


  • SERVICE with the name of your service
  • CPU with the desired CPU limit. Specify the value 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 CPUs, or for less than 1 CPU, specify a value from 0.08 to less than 1.00, in increments of 0.01. (See the table under Setting and updating CPU limits for required settings.)

You can also set CPU during deployment using the command:

gcloud run deploy --image IMAGE_URL --cpu CPU


  • IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape .
  • CPU with the value 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 CPUs, or for less than 1 CPU, specify a value from 0.08 to less than 1.00, in increments of 0.01. (See the table under Setting and updating CPU limits for required settings.)


You can download and view existing service configurations using the gcloud run services describe --format export command, which yields cleaned results in YAML format. You can then modify the fields described below and upload the modified YAML using the gcloud run services replace command. Make sure you only modify fields as documented.

  1. To view and download the configuration:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format export > service.yaml
  2. Update the cpu attribute:

    kind: Service
      name: SERVICE
          name: REVISION
          - image: IMAGE
                cpu: CPU


    • SERVICE with the name of your Cloud Run service
    • IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape
    • CPU with the desired CPU limit value. Specify the value 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8 CPUs, or for less than 1 CPU, specify a value from 0.08 to less than 1.00, in increments of 0.01. (See the table under Setting and updating CPU limits for required settings.)
    • REVISION with a new revision name or delete it (if present). If you supply a new revision name, it must meet the following criteria:
      • Starts with SERVICE-
      • Contains only lowercase letters, numbers and -
      • Does not end with a -
      • Does not exceed 63 characters
  3. Replace the service with its new configuration using the following command:

    gcloud run services replace service.yaml


To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.

The following google_cloud_run_v2_service resource specifies a CPU limit under template.containers.resources.limits. Replace 1 with your desired CPU count.

resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "default" {
  name     = "cloudrun-service-cpu"
  location = "us-central1"

  template {
    containers {
      image = ""
      resources {
        limits = {
          # CPU usage limit
          cpu = "1"

Set startup CPU boost

The startup CPU boost feature for revisions provides additional CPU during instance startup time and for 10 seconds after the instance has started.

The actual CPU boost varies depending on your CPU limit settings:

CPU limit Boosted CPU
0-1 2
2 4
4 8
6 8
8 8

You are charged for the allocated boosted CPU for the duration of the container startup time. For example, if your container startup time is 15 seconds, and you allocate 2 CPU, with startup CPU boost, you'll be charged for 4 CPU during the (possibly shorter) instance startup time, including the 10 seconds after your container finished starting, and for 2 CPU during the rest of the container lifecycle.

You can enable or disable startup CPU boost using Google Cloud console or Google Cloud CLI.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Run:

    Go to Cloud Run

  2. Click Create Service if you are configuring a new service you are deploying to. If you are configuring an existing service, click the service, then click Edit and deploy new revision.

  3. If you are configuring a new service, fill out the initial service settings page as desired, then click Container(s), volumes, networking, security to expand the service configuration page.

  4. Click the Container tab.


    • To enable startup CPU boost select the check box Startup CPU boost. To disable this feature, deselect the checkbox.
  5. Click Create or Deploy.

Command line

  1. You can enable startup CPU boost for a given service by using the following command:

    gcloud run services update SERVICE --cpu-boost

    Replace SERVICE with the name of your service

    You can enable startup CPU boost during deployment using the command:

    gcloud run deploy --image IMAGE_URL --cpu-boost

    Replace IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape .

  2. You can disable startup CPU boost for a given service by using the following command:

    gcloud run services update SERVICE --no-cpu-boost

    Replace SERVICE with the name of your service

    You can disable startup CPU boost during deployment using the command:

    gcloud run deploy --image IMAGE_URL --no-cpu-boost


You can download and view existing service configurations using the gcloud run services describe --format export command, which yields cleaned results in YAML format. You can then modify the fields described below and upload the modified YAML using the gcloud run services replace command. Make sure you only modify fields as documented.

  1. To view and download the configuration:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE --format export > service.yaml
  2. Update the attribute by specifying 'true' to enable startup CPU boost or 'false' to disable:

    kind: Service
      name: SERVICE


    • SERVICE with the name of your Cloud Run service
  3. Replace the service with its new configuration using the following command:

    gcloud run services replace service.yaml

View CPU settings

To view the current CPU settings for your Cloud Run service:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Cloud Run:

    Go to Cloud Run

  2. Click the service you are interested in to open the Service details page.

  3. Click the Revisions tab.

  4. In the details panel at the right, the CPU setting is listed under the Container tab.

Command line

  1. Use the following command:

    gcloud run services describe SERVICE
  2. Locate the CPU setting in the returned configuration.