Acessar métricas principais do site reCAPTCHA

Confira métricas específicas para uma chave de site reCAPTCHA.

Exemplo de código


Para autenticar no reCAPTCHA Enterprise, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.


public class GetMetrics {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String projectId = "project-id";
    String recaptchaSiteKey = "recaptcha-site-key";

    getMetrics(projectId, recaptchaSiteKey);

   * Get metrics specific to a recaptcha site key. E.g: score bucket count for a key or number of
   * times the checkbox key failed/ passed etc.,
   * @param projectId: Google Cloud Project Id.
   * @param recaptchaSiteKey: Specify the site key to get metrics.
  public static void getMetrics(String projectId, String recaptchaSiteKey) throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your requests, call
    // the `client.close()` method on the client to safely
    // clean up any remaining background resources.
    try (RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.create()) {

      GetMetricsRequest getMetricsRequest =
              .setName(MetricsName.of(projectId, recaptchaSiteKey).toString())

      Metrics response = client.getMetrics(getMetricsRequest);

      // Retrieve the metrics you want from the key.
      // If the site key is checkbox type: then use response.getChallengeMetricsList() instead of
      // response.getScoreMetricsList()
      for (ScoreMetrics scoreMetrics : response.getScoreMetricsList()) {
        // Each ScoreMetrics is in the granularity of one day.
        int scoreBucketCount = scoreMetrics.getOverallMetrics().getScoreBucketsCount();
      System.out.printf("Retrieved the bucket count for score based key: %s", recaptchaSiteKey);


Para autenticar no reCAPTCHA Enterprise, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

from import recaptchaenterprise_v1

def get_metrics(project_id: str, recaptcha_site_key: str) -> None:
    """Get metrics specific to a recaptcha site key.
        E.g: score bucket count for a key or number of
        times the checkbox key failed/ passed etc.,
    project_id: Google Cloud Project ID.
    recaptcha_site_key: Specify the site key to get metrics.

    client = recaptchaenterprise_v1.RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient()

    metrics_name = f"projects/{project_id}/keys/{recaptcha_site_key}/metrics"
    request = recaptchaenterprise_v1.GetMetricsRequest() = metrics_name

    response = client.get_metrics(request)

    # Retrieve the metrics you want from the key.
    # If the site key is checkbox type: then use response.challenge_metrics
    # instead of response.score_metrics
    for day_metric in response.score_metrics:
        # Each 'day_metric' is in the granularity of one day.
        score_bucket_count = day_metric.overall_metrics.score_buckets

    print(f"Retrieved the bucket count for score based key: {recaptcha_site_key}")


Para autenticar no reCAPTCHA Enterprise, configure o Application Default Credentials. Para mais informações, consulte Configurar a autenticação para um ambiente de desenvolvimento local.

require "google/cloud/recaptcha_enterprise"

#  Get metrics specific to a recaptcha site key.
#  E.g: score bucket count for a key or number of
#  times the checkbox key failed/ passed etc.,
# @param project_id [String] GCloud Project ID.
# @param site_key [String] Site key to be updated.
# @return [void]
def get_metrics_site_key project_id:, site_key:
  # Create the reCAPTCHA client.
  client = ::Google::Cloud::RecaptchaEnterprise.recaptcha_enterprise_service

  response = client.get_metrics name: "projects/#{project_id}/keys/#{site_key}/metrics"

  # Retrieve the metrics you want from the key.
  # If the site key is checkbox type: then use response.challenge_metrics
  # instead of response.score_metrics
  puts "Retrieved the bucket count for score based key: #{site_key}"
  response.score_metrics.each do |day_metric|
    # Each 'day_metric' is in the granularity of one day.
    score_bucket_count = day_metric.overall_metrics.score_buckets
    puts score_bucket_count.inspect

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